AGNC Investment Corp. - Depositary Shares Each Representing a 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 7.00% Series C Fixed-To-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable PrefeAGNC Investment Corp. - Depositary Shares Each Representing a 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 7.00% Series C Fixed-To-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable PrefeAGNC Investment Corp. - Depositary Shares Each Representing a 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 7.00% Series C Fixed-To-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Prefe

AGNC Investment Corp. - Depositary Shares Each Representing a 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 7.00% Series C Fixed-To-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Prefe

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Dane fundamentalne AGNCN

AGNC Investment Corp. - Depositary Shares Each Representing a 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 7.00% Series C Fixed-To-Floating Rate Cumulative Redeemable Prefe przegląd dywidend

Dywidendy AGNCN są wypłacane kwartalnie. Ostatnia dywidenda na akcję wyniosła 0.64 USD. Na dzień dzisiejszy stopa dywidendy (TTM)% wynosi 13.87%.