Depositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-RateDepositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-RateDepositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-Rate

Depositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-Rate

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Dane fundamentalne PNFPP

Depositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-Rate przegląd dywidend

Dywidendy PNFPP są wypłacane kwartalnie. Ostatnia dywidenda na akcję wyniosła 0.42 USD. Na dzień dzisiejszy stopa dywidendy (TTM)% wynosi 0.91%.