Previous Candles

Od FabioMagalhaes
This is an indicator based on the average of the maximum and minimum of the past candle, and there is another strategy that makes the filter, it is very good for binary options, if you combine our indicator CCI and All4 it gets even better!

Currency: Any pair.
TimeFrame: 5m
Execute order: You can enter 1 minute or 5 minutes.

In the graph below the ICC, you can see the green and red squares, it works as follows.
Before giving any input you have to enter the change of a color.
Example: It was red and now it's green, so you could give the entry, but you must have at least 3 squares of red before, if only 1 squared has appeared, the hit percentage will be low!
The CCI indicator is for confirmation.
Any doubt I am available!
Note: This indicator does not make magic nor is it a holy grall, it is only an indicator to aid in binary operations!
binarybinaryoptionbinaryoption-signals-tradingbinaryoptionstrategiesTrend AnalysisVolatilityVolume

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