DominantCycleCollection of Dominant Cycle estimators. Length adaptation used in the Adaptive Moving Averages and the Adaptive Oscillators try to follow price movements and accelerate/decelerate accordingly (usually quite rapidly with a huge range). Cycle estimators, on the other hand, try to measure the cycle period of the current market, which does not reflect price movement or the rate of change (the rate of change may also differ depending on the cycle phase, but the cycle period itself usually changes slowly). This collection may become encyclopaedic, so if you have any working cycle estimator, drop me a line in the comments below. Suggestions are welcome. Currently included estimators are based on the work of John F. Ehlers
mamaPeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh) MESA Adaptation - MAMA Cycle
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
Returns: Calculated period
Based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers
Performs Hilbert Transform Homodyne Discriminator cycle measurement
Unlike MAMA Alpha function (in LengthAdaptation library), this does not compute phase rate of change
Introduced in the September 2001 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Inspired by the @everget implementation:
Inspired by the @anoojpatel implementation:
paPeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Pearson Autocorrelation
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Pearson Autocorrelation Periodogram by John F. Ehlers
Introduced in the September 2016 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Inspired by the @blackcat1402 implementation:
Inspired by the @rumpypumpydumpy implementation:
Corrected many errors, and made small speed optimizations, so this could be the best implementation to date (still slow, though, so may revisit in future)
High Pass and Super Smoother prefilters are used in the original implementation
dftPeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Discrete Fourier Transform
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Spectrum from Discrete Fourier Transform by John F. Ehlers
Inspired by the @blackcat1402 implementation:
High Pass, Super Smoother and Hann Windowing prefilters are used in the original implementation
phasePeriod(src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Phase Accumulation
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter (default)
preHP : Use Hamm Windowing prefilter
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Dominant Cycle from Phase Accumulation by John F. Ehlers
High Pass and Super Smoother prefilters are used in the original implementation
doAdapt(type, src, len, dynLow, dynHigh, chandeSDLen, chandeSmooth, chandePower, preHP, preSS, preHP) Execute a particular Length Adaptation or Dominant Cycle Estimator from the list
type : Length Adaptation or Dominant Cycle Estimator type to use
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
chandeSDLen : Lookback length of Standard deviation for Chande's Dynamic Length
chandeSmooth : Smoothing length of Standard deviation for Chande's Dynamic Length
chandePower : Exponent of the length adaptation for Chande's Dynamic Length (lower is smaller variation)
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter for the Estimators that support it
Returns: Calculated period (float, not limited)
doEstimate(type, src, dynLow, dynHigh, preHP, preSS, preHP) Execute a particular Dominant Cycle Estimator from the list
type : Dominant Cycle Estimator type to use
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
preHP : Use High Pass prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preSS : Use Super Smoother prefilter for the Estimators that support it (default)
preHP : Use Hann Windowing prefilter for the Estimators that support it
Returns: Calculated period (float, not limited)
LengthAdaptationCollection of dynamic length adaptation algorithms. Mostly from various Adaptive Moving Averages (they are usually just EMA otherwise). Now you can combine Adaptations with any other Moving Averages or Oscillators (see my other libraries), to get something like Deviation Scaled RSI or Fractal Adaptive VWMA. This collection is not encyclopaedic. Suggestions are welcome.
chande(src, len, sdlen, smooth, power) Chande's Dynamic Length
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
sdlen : Lookback length of Standard deviation
smooth : Smoothing length of Standard deviation
power : Exponent of the length adaptation (lower is smaller variation)
Returns: Calculated period
Taken from Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index (CDMI or DYMOI), which is dynamic RSI with this length
Original default power value is 1, but I use 0.5
A variant of this algorithm is also included, where volume is used instead of price
vidya(src, len, dynLow) Variable Index Dynamic Average Indicator (VIDYA)
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
Returns: Calculated period
Standard VIDYA algorithm. The period oscillates from the Lower Bound up (slow)
I took the adaptation part, as it is just an EMA otherwise
vidyaRS(src, len, dynHigh) Relative Strength Dynamic Length - VIDYA RS
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Vitali Apirine's modification (Stocks and Commodities, January 2022) of VIDYA algorithm. The period oscillates from the Upper Bound down (fast)
I took the adaptation part, as it is just an EMA otherwise
kaufman(src, len, dynLow, dynHigh) Kaufman Efficiency Scaling
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Efficiency Ratio calculation orifinally used in Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average developed by Perry J. Kaufman
I took the adaptation part, as it is just an EMA otherwise
ds(src, len) Deviation Scaling
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Derivation Scaled Super Smoother (DSSS) by John F. Ehlers
Originally used with Super Smoother
RMS originally has 50 bar lookback. Changed to 4x length for better flexibility. Could be wrong.
maa(src, len, threshold) Median Average Adaptation
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
threshold : Adjustment threshold (lower is smaller length, default: 0.002, min: 0.0001)
Returns: Calculated period
Based on Median Average Adaptive Filter by John F. Ehlers
Discovered and implemented by @cheatcountry:
I took the adaptation part, as it is just an EMA otherwise
fra(len, fc, sc) Fractal Adaptation
len : Reference lookback length
fc : Fast constant (default: 1)
sc : Slow constant (default: 200)
Returns: Calculated period
Based on FRAMA by John F. Ehlers
Modified to allow lower and upper bounds by an unknown author
I took the adaptation part, as it is just an EMA otherwise
mama(src, dynLow, dynHigh) MESA Adaptation - MAMA Alpha
src : Series to use
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
Returns: Calculated period
Based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers
Introduced in the September 2001 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Inspired by the @everget implementation:
I took the adaptation part, as it is just an EMA otherwise
doAdapt(type, src, len, dynLow, dynHigh, chandeSDLen, chandeSmooth, chandePower) Execute a particular Length Adaptation from the list
type : Length Adaptation type to use
src : Series to use
len : Reference lookback length
dynLow : Lower bound for the dynamic length
dynHigh : Upper bound for the dynamic length
chandeSDLen : Lookback length of Standard deviation for Chande's Dynamic Length
chandeSmooth : Smoothing length of Standard deviation for Chande's Dynamic Length
chandePower : Exponent of the length adaptation for Chande's Dynamic Length (lower is smaller variation)
Returns: Calculated period (float, not limited)
doMA(type, src, len) MA wrapper on wrapper: if DSSS is selected, calculate it here
type : MA type to use
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
Demonstration of a combined indicator: Deviation Scaled Super Smoother
divergenceLibrary "divergence"
divergence: divergence algorithm with top and bottom kline tolerance
regular_bull(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) regular_bull: regular bull divergence, lower low src but higher low osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
hidden_bull(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) hidden_bull: hidden bull divergence, higher low src but lower low osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
regular_bear(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) regular_bear: regular bear divergence, higher high src but lower high osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
hidden_bear(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) hidden_bear: hidden bear divergence, lower high src but higher high osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
least_squares_regressionLibrary "least_squares_regression"
least_squares_regression: Least squares regression algorithm to find the optimal price interval for a given time period
basic_lsr(series, series, series) basic_lsr: Basic least squares regression algorithm
series : int t: time scale value array corresponding to price
series : float p: price scale value array corresponding to time
series : int array_size: the length of regression array
Returns: reg_slop, reg_intercept, reg_level, reg_stdev
trend_line_lsr(series, series, series, string, series, series) top_trend_line_lsr: Trend line fitting based on least square algorithm
series : int t: time scale value array corresponding to price
series : float p: price scale value array corresponding to time
series : int array_size: the length of regression array
string : reg_type: regression type in 'top' and 'bottom'
series : int max_iter: maximum fitting iterations
series : int min_points: the threshold of regression point numbers
Returns: reg_slop, reg_intercept, reg_level, reg_stdev, reg_point_num
simple_squares_regressionLibrary "simple_squares_regression"
simple_squares_regression: simple squares regression algorithm to find the optimal price interval for a given time period
basic_ssr(series, series, series) basic_ssr: Basic simple squares regression algorithm
series : float src: the regression source such as close
series : int region_forward: number of candle lines at the right end of the regression region from the current candle line
series : int region_len: the length of regression region
Returns: left_loc, right_loc, reg_val, reg_std, reg_max_offset
search_ssr(series, series, series, series) search_ssr: simple squares regression region search algorithm
series : float src: the regression source such as close
series : int max_forward: max number of candle lines at the right end of the regression region from the current candle line
series : int region_lower: the lower length of regression region
series : int region_upper: the upper length of regression region
Returns: left_loc, right_loc, reg_val, reg_level, reg_std_err, reg_max_offset
on_balance_volumeLibrary "on_balance_volume"
on_balance_volume: custom on balance volume
obv_diff(string, simple) obv_diff: custom on balance volume diff version
string : type: the moving average type of on balance volume
simple : int len: the moving average length of on balance volume
Returns: obv_diff: custom on balance volume diff value
obv_diff_norm(string, simple) obv_diff_norm: custom normalized on balance volume diff version
string : type: the moving average type of on balance volume
simple : int len: the moving average length of on balance volume
Returns: obv_diff: custom normalized on balance volume diff value
moving_averageLibrary "moving_average"
moving_average: moving average variants
variant(string, series, simple) variant: moving average variants
string : type: type in
series : float src: the source series of moving average
simple : int len: the length of moving average
Returns: float: the moving average variant value
NormalizedOscillatorsLibrary "NormalizedOscillators"
Collection of some common Oscillators. All are zero-mean and normalized to fit in the -1..1 range. Some are modified, so that the internal smoothing function could be configurable (for example, to enable Hann Windowing, that John F. Ehlers uses frequently). Some are modified for other reasons (see comments in the code), but never without a reason. This collection is neither encyclopaedic, nor reference, however I try to find the most correct implementation. Suggestions are welcome.
rsi2(upper, lower) RSI - second step
upper : Upwards momentum
lower : Downwards momentum
Returns: Oscillator value
Modified by Ehlers from Wilder's implementation to have a zero mean (oscillator from -1 to +1)
Originally: 100.0 - (100.0 / (1.0 + upper / lower))
Ignoring the 100 scale factor, we get: upper / (upper + lower)
Multiplying by two and subtracting 1, we get: (2 * upper) / (upper + lower) - 1 = (upper - lower) / (upper + lower)
rms(src, len) Root mean square (RMS)
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Based on by John F. Ehlers implementation
ift(src) Inverse Fisher Transform
src : Source series
Returns: Normalized series
Based on by John F. Ehlers implementation
The input values have been multiplied by 2 (was "2*src", now "4*src") to force expansion - not compression
The inputs may be further modified, if needed
stoch(src, len) Stochastic
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
ssstoch(src, len) Super Smooth Stochastic (part of MESA Stochastic) by John F. Ehlers
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
Introduced in the January 2014 issue of Stocks and Commodities
This is not an implementation of MESA Stochastic, as it is based on Highpass filter not present in the function (but you can construct it)
This implementation is scaled by 0.95, so that Super Smoother does not exceed 1/-1
I do not know, if this the right way to fix this issue, but it works for now
netKendall(src, len) Noise Elimination Technology by John F. Ehlers
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
Introduced in the December 2020 issue of Stocks and Commodities
Uses simplified Kendall correlation algorithm
Implementation by @QuantTherapy:
rsi(src, len, smooth) RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
vrsi(src, len, smooth) Volume-scaled RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
This is my own version of RSI. It scales price movements by the proportion of RMS of volume
mrsi(src, len, smooth) Momentum RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Inspired by RocketRSI by John F. Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities, May 2018)
rrsi(src, len, smooth) Rocket RSI
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Inspired by RocketRSI by John F. Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities, May 2018)
Does not include Fisher Transform of the original implementation, as the output must be normalized
Does not include momentum smoothing length configuration, so always assumes half the lookback length
mfi(src, len, smooth) Money Flow Index
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
lrsi(src, in_gamma, len) Laguerre RSI by John F. Ehlers
src : Source series
in_gamma : Damping factor (default is -1 to generate from len)
len : Lookback period (alternatively, if gamma is not set)
Returns: Oscillator series
The original implementation is with gamma. As it is impossible to collect gamma in my system, where the only user input is length,
an alternative calculation is included, where gamma is set by dividing len by 30. Maybe different calculation would be better?
fe(len) Choppiness Index or Fractal Energy
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
The Choppiness Index (CHOP) was created by E. W. Dreiss
This indicator is sometimes called Fractal Energy
er(src, len) Efficiency ratio
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
Based on Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average calculation
This is the correct Efficiency ratio calculation, and most other implementations are wrong:
the number of bar differences is 1 less than the length, otherwise we are adding the change outside of the measured range!
For reference, see Stocks and Commodities June 1995
dmi(len, smooth) Directional Movement Index
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Based on the original Tradingview algorithm
Modified with inspiration from John F. Ehlers DMH (but not implementing the DMH algorithm!)
Only ADX is returned
Rescaled to fit -1 to +1
Unlike most oscillators, there is no src parameter as DMI works directly with high and low values
fdmi(len, smooth) Fast Directional Movement Index
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Same as DMI, but without secondary smoothing. Can be smoothed later. Instead, +DM and -DM smoothing can be configured
doOsc(type, src, len, smooth) Execute a particular Oscillator from the list
type : Oscillator type to use
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
smooth : Internal smoothing algorithm
Returns: Oscillator series
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) is RSI without smoothing. No idea, why some authors use different calculations
LRSI with Fractal Energy is a combo oscillator that uses Fractal Energy to tune LRSI gamma, as seen here:
doPostfilter(type, src, len) Execute a particular Oscillator Postfilter from the list
type : Oscillator type to use
src : Source series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Oscillator series
CommonFiltersLibrary "CommonFilters"
Collection of some common Filters and Moving Averages. This collection is not encyclopaedic, but to declutter my other scripts. Suggestions are welcome, though. Many filters here are based on the work of John F. Ehlers
sma(src, len) Simple Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
ema(src, len) Exponential Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
rma(src, len) Wilder's Smoothing (Running Moving Average)
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hma(src, len) Hull Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
vwma(src, len) Volume Weighted Moving Average
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hp2(src) Simple denoiser
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir2(src) Zero at 2 bar cycle period by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir3(src) Zero at 3 bar cycle period by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir23(src) Zero at 2 bar and 3 bar cycle periods by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
fir234(src) Zero at 2, 3 and 4 bar cycle periods by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
hp(src, len) High Pass Filter for cyclic components shorter than langth. Part of Roofing Filter by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
supers2(src, len) 2-pole Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
filt11(src, len) Filt11 is a variant of 2-pole Super Smoother with error averaging for zero-lag response by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
supers3(src, len) 3-pole Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hannFIR(src, len) Hann Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
hammingFIR(src, len) Hamming Window Filter (inspired by John F. Ehlers). Simplified implementation as Pedestal input parameter cannot be supplied, so I calculate it from the supplied length
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
triangleFIR(src, len) Triangle Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
doPrefilter(type, src) Execute a particular Prefilter from the list
type : Prefilter type to use
src : Series to use
Returns: Filtered series
doMA(type, src, len) Execute a particular MA from the list
type : MA type to use
src : Series to use
len : Filtering length
Returns: Filtered series
WaddahAttarExplosionLibrary "WaddahAttarExplosion"
wae(sensitivity, macdFastEMALength, macdSlowEMALength, bbChannelLength, bbStdevMultiplier, refHigh, refLow, refClose) Returns the Waddah Attar Uptrend, Downtrend, Explosion Line and Dead zone
sensitivity : simple float multiplicator for trend line calculation from macd
macdFastEMALength : simple int length for macd fast line
macdSlowEMALength : simple int length for macd slow line
bbChannelLength : simple int length for calculating the bb channel (for std deviation)
bbStdevMultiplier : simple float multiplier to increace bb std deviation
refHigh : series float optional if you want to use another timeframe or symbol, pass it's 'high' series here
refLow : series float optional if you want to use another timeframe or symbol, pass it's 'low' series here
refClose : series float optional if you want to use another timeframe or symbol, pass it's 'close' series here
ATRStopLossFinderLibrary "ATRStopLossFinder"
Average True Range Stop Loss Finder
credits to for the initial version
stopLossFinder(length, smoothing, multiplier, refHigh, refLow, refClose) Returns the stop losses for an entry on this candle, depending on the ATR
length : simple int optional to select the lookback amount of candles
smoothing : string optional to select the averaging method, options=
multiplier : simple float optional if you want to tweak the speed the trend changes.
refHigh : series float optional if you want to use another timeframe or symbol, pass it's 'high' series here
refLow : series float optional if you want to use another timeframe or symbol, pass it's 'low' series here
refClose : series float optional if you want to use another timeframe or symbol, pass it's 'close' series here
Returns: series float stopLossLong, series float stopLossShort, series float atr
AbdulLibraryLibrary "AbdulLibrary"
The library consists of three sections:
Technical Analysis Functions - A collection of tools commonly used by day traders
Trading Setup Filters Functions - A number of filters that help day traders to screen trading signals
Candlestick Pattern Detection Functions - To detect different candlestick patterns that are used in day trading setups
Note that this would have been possible without the help of @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading as I build-up this library after completing his pine script mastery course so big thanks to him
The content of the library are:-
fibLevels(preDayClose, preDayHigh, preDayLow) Calculates Daily Pivot Point and Fibonacci Key Levels
preDayClose : The previous day candle close
preDayHigh : The previous day candle high
preDayLow : The previous day candle low
Returns: Returns Daily Pivot Point and Fibonacci Key Levels as a tuple
bullishFib(canHigh, canLow, fibLevel) Calculates Fibonacci Levels in Bullish move
canHigh : The high of the move
canLow : The low of the move
fibLevel : The Fib level as % you want to calculate
Returns: Returns The Fib level for the Bullish move
bearishFib(canHigh, canLow, fibLevel) Calculates Fibonacci Levels in Bearish move
canHigh : The high of the move
canLow : The low of the move
fibLevel : The Fib level as % you want to calculate
Returns: Returns The Fib level for the Bearish move
getCandleSize() Calculates the size of candle (high - low) in points
Returns: Returns candle size in points
getCandleBodySize() Calculates the size of candle (close - open) in points
Returns: Returns candle body size in points
getHighWickSize() Calculates the high wick size of candle in points
Returns: Returns The high wick size of candle in points
getLowWickSize() Calculates the low wick size of candle in points
Returns: Returns The low wick size of candle in points
getBodyPercentage() Calculates the candle body size as % of overall candle size
Returns: Returns The candle body size as % of overall candle size
isSwingHigh(period) Checks if the price has created new swing high over a period of time
period : The lookback time we want to check for swing high
Returns: Returns True if the current candle or the previous candle is a swing high
isSwingLow(period) Checks if the price has created new swing low over a period of time
period : The lookback time we want to check for swing low
Returns: Returns True if the current candle or the previous candle is a swing low
isDojiSwingHigh(period) Checks if a doji is a swing high over a period of time
period : The lookback time we want to check for swing high
Returns: Returns True if the doji is a swing high
isDojiSwingLow(period) Checks if a doji is a swing low over a period of time
period : The lookback time we want to check for swing low
Returns: Returns True if the doji is a swing low
isBigBody(atrFilter, atr, candleBodySize, multiplier) Checks if a candle has big body compared to ATR
atrFilter : Check if user wants to use ATR to filter candle-setup signals
atr : The ATR value to be used to compare candle body size
candleBodySize : The candle body size
multiplier : The multiplier to be used to compare candle body size
Returns: Returns Boolean true if the candle setup is big
isSmallBody(atrFilter, atr, candleBodySize, multiplier) Checks if a candle has small body compared to ATR
atrFilter : Check if user wants to use ATR to filter candle-setup signals
atr : The ATR value to be used to compare candle body size
candleBodySize : The candle body size
multiplier : The multiplier to be used to compare candle body size
Returns: Returns Boolean true if the candle setup is small
isHammer(fibLevel, colorMatch) Checks if a candle is a hammer based on user input parameters and candle conditions
fibLevel : Fib level to base candle body on
colorMatch : Checks if user needs for the candel to be green
Returns: Returns Boolean - True if the candle setup is hammer
isShootingStar(fibLevel, colorMatch) Checks if a candle is a shooting star based on user input parameters and candle conditions
fibLevel : Fib level to base candle body on
colorMatch : Checks if user needs for the candel to be red
Returns: Returns Boolean - True if the candle setup is star
isBullEngCan(allowance, period) Check if a candle is a bullish engulfing candle
allowance : How many points the candle open is allowed to be off (To allow for gaps)
period : The lookback period for swing low check
Returns: Boolean - True only if the candle is a bullish engulfing candle
isBearEngCan(allowance, period) Check if a candle is a bearish engulfing candle
allowance : How many points the candle open is allowed to be off (To allow for gaps)
period : The lookback period for swing high check
Returns: Boolean - True only if the candle is a bearish engulfing candle
isBullDoji(maxSize, wickLimit, colorFilter) Check if a candle is a bullish doji candle
maxSize : Maximum candle body size as % of total candle size to be considered as doji
wickLimit : Maximum wick size of one wick compared to the other wick
colorFilter : Checks if the doji is green
Returns: Boolean - True if the candle is a bullish doji
isBearDoji(maxSize, wickLimit, colorFilter) Check if a candle is a bearish doji candle
maxSize : Maximum candle body size as % of total candle size to be considered as doji
wickLimit : Maximum wick size of one wick compared to the other wick
colorFilter : Checks if the doji is red
Returns: Boolean - True if the candle is a bearish doji
isBullOutBar() Check if a candle is a bullish outside bar
Returns: Boolean - True if the candle is a bullish outside bar
isInsideBar() Check if a candle is an inside bar
Returns: Returns Boolean - True if a candle is an inside bar
PivotsLibrary "Pivots"
This Library focuses in functions related to pivot highs and lows and some of their applications (i.e. divergences, zigzag, harmonics, support and resistance...)
pivots(srcH, srcL, length) Delivers series of pivot highs, lows and zigzag.
srcH : Source series to look for pivot highs. Stricter applications might source from 'close' prices. Oscillators are also another possible source to look for pivot highs and lows. By default 'high'
srcL : Source series to look for pivot lows. By default 'low'
length : This value represents the minimum number of candles between pivots. The lower the number, the more detailed the pivot profile. The higher the number, the more relevant the pivots. By default 10
zigzagArray(pivotHigh, pivotLow) Delivers a Zigzag series based on alternating pivots. Ocasionally this line could paint a few consecutive lows or highs without alternating. That happens because it's finding a few consecutive Higher Highs or Lower Lows. If to use lines entities instead of series, that could be easily avoided. But in this one, I'm more interested outputting series rather than painting/deleting line entities.
pivotHigh : Pivot high series
pivotLow : Pivot low series
zigzagLine(srcH, srcL, colorLine, widthLine) Delivers a Zigzag based on line entities.
srcH : Source series to look for pivot highs. Stricter applications might source from 'close' prices. Oscillators are also another possible source to look for pivot highs and lows. By default 'high'
srcL : Source series to look for pivot lows. By default 'low'
colorLine : Color of the Zigzag Line. By default Fuchsia
widthLine : Width of the Zigzag Line. By default 4
Returns: Zigzag printed on screen
divergence(h2, l2, h1, l1, length) Calculates divergences between 2 series
h2 : Series in which to locate divs: Highs
l2 : Series in which to locate divs: Lows
h1 : Series in which to locate pivots: Highs. By default high
l1 : Series in which to locate pivots: Lows. By default low
length : Length used to calculate Pivots: By default 10
Common FunctionsLibrary "CommonFunctions"
This Library provides some handy functions commonly used in Pine Script.
crosses(source1, offset1, source2, offset2) Checks the existance of crosses between the series
source1 : First series
offset1 : (Optional) Offset of First series. By default 0
source2 : (Optional) Second series. By default 'close' price
offset2 : (Optional) Offset of Second series. By default 0
marketState(source1, offset1, source2, offset2) Determines Bullish/Bearish state according to the relative position between the series.
source1 : Active series used to determine bullish/bearish states.
offset1 : (Optional) Offset of First series. By default 0.
source2 : (Optional) Second series. By default 'close' price.
offset2 : (Optional) Offset of Second series. By default 0.
histProfile(source) Histogram profiling
source : Histogram series
srcSelect(showSrc1, src1, showSrc2, src2) Selects the appropiate source. If multiple sources are activated simultaneously, the order within the switch clause prevails. The first one activated is the one being output.
showSrc1 : Boolean controlling the activation of Source #1.
src1 : Source #1.
showSrc2 : Boolean controlling the activation of Sources #2-10. By default 'false'.
src2 : Sources #2-10. By default 'number'.
Returns: Selected source.
MovingAveragesLibraryLibrary "MovingAveragesLibrary"
This is a library allowing one to select between many different Moving Average formulas to smooth out any float variable.
You can use this library to apply a Moving Average function to any series of data as long as your source is a float.
The default application would be for applying Moving Averages onto your chart. However, the scope of this library is beyond that. Any indicator or strategy you are building can benefit from this library.
You can apply different types of smoothing and moving average functions to your indicators, momentum oscillators, average true range calculations, support and resistance zones, envelope bands, channels, and anything you can think of to attempt to smooth out noise while finding a delicate balance against lag.
If you are developing an indicator, you can use the 'ave_func' to allow your users to select any Moving Average for any function or variable by creating an input string with the following structure:
var_name = input.string(, , )
Where the types of Moving Average you would like to be provided would be included in options.
i_ma_type = input.string(title = "Moving Average Type", defval = "Hull Moving Average", options = )
Where you would add after options the strings I have included for you at the top of the PineScript for your convenience.
Then for the output you desire, simply call 'ave_func' like so:
ma = ave_func(source, length, i_ma_type)
Now the plotted Moving Average will be the same as what you or your users select from the Input.
ema(src, len) Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Float value.
sma(src, len) Simple Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Float value.
rma(src, len) Relative Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Float value.
wma(src, len) Weighted Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Float value.
dv2(len) Donchian V2 function.
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Open + Close / 2 for the selected length.
ModFilt(src, len) Modular Filter smoothing function.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Float value.
EDSMA(src, len) Ehlers Dynamic Smoothed Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: EDSMA smoothing.
dema(x, t) Double Exponential Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: DEMA smoothing.
tema(src, len) Triple Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: TEMA smoothing.
smma(x, t) Smoothed Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: SMMA smoothing.
vwma(x, t) Volume Weighted Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: VWMA smoothing.
hullma(x, t) Hull Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Hull smoothing.
covwma(x, t) Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: COVWMA smoothing.
frama(x, t) Fractal Reactive Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: FRAMA smoothing.
kama(x, t) Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: KAMA smoothing.
donchian(len) Donchian Calculation.
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Average of the highest price and the lowest price for the specified look-back period.
tma(src, len) Triangular Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: TMA smoothing.
VAMA(src, len) Volatility Adjusted Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: VAMA smoothing.
Jurik(src, len) Jurik Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: JMA smoothing.
MCG(src, len) McGinley smoothing.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: McGinley smoothing.
zlema(series, length) Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average.
series : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
length : Lookback length to use.
Returns: ZLEMA smoothing.
xema(src, len) Optimized Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: XEMA smoothing.
EhlersSuperSmoother(src, lower) Ehlers Super Smoother.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
lower : Smoothing value to use.
Returns: Ehlers Super smoothing.
EhlersEmaSmoother(sig, smoothK, smoothP) Ehlers EMA Smoother.
sig : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
smoothK : Lookback length to use.
smoothP : Smothing value to use.
Returns: Ehlers EMA smoothing.
ave_func(in_src, in_len, in_type) Returns the source after running it through a Moving Average function.
in_src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
in_len : Lookback period to be used for the Moving Average function.
in_type : Type of Moving Average function to use. Must have a string input to select the options from that MUST match the type-casing in the function below.
Returns: The source as a float after running it through the Moving Average function.
adx: Configurable ADX (library) Library "adx"
Calculate ADX (and its constituent parts +DI, -DI, ATR),
using different moving averages and periods.
adx(atrMA, diMA, adxMA, atrLen, diLen, adxLen, h, l, c)
atrMA : Moving Average used for calculating the Average True Range.
Traditionally RMA, but using SMA here and in adxMA gives good results too.
diMA : Moving Average used for calculating the Directional Index.
Traditionally, RMA.
adxMA : Moving Average used for calculating the Average Directional
Index. Traditionally RMA, but using SMA here and in atrMA gives good results
atrLen : Length of the Average True Range.
diLen : Length of the Directional Index.
adxLen : Length (smoothing) of the Average Directional Index.
h : Candle's high.
l : Candle's low.
c : Candle's close.
eHarmonicpatternsExtendedLibrary "eHarmonicpatternsExtended"
Library provides an alternative method to scan harmonic patterns. This is helpful in reducing iterations. Republishing as new library instead of existing eHarmonicpatterns because I need that copy for existing scripts.
scan_xab(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if bcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
bcdRatio : AB/XA ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_abc_axc(abcRatio, axcRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if abc or axc ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
abcRatio : BC/AB ratio
axcRatio : XC/AX ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_bcd(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if bcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
bcdRatio : CD/BC ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_xad_xcd(xadRatio, xcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if xad or xcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
xadRatio : AD/XA ratio
xcdRatio : CD/XC ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
isHarmonicPattern(x, a, b, c, d, flags, errorPercent) Checks for harmonic patterns
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
d : D coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
isHarmonicProjection(x, a, b, c, flags, errorPercent) Checks for harmonic pattern projection
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names.
get_prz_range(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj) Provides PRZ range based on BCD and XAD ranges
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
get_prz_range_xad(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj) Provides PRZ range based on XAD range only
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
Adaptive_LengthLibrary "Adaptive_Length"
This library contains functions to calculate Adaptive dynamic length which can be used in Moving Averages and other indicators.
Two Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) are plotted. Coloring in plot is derived from Chikou filter and Dynamic length of MA1 is adapted using Signal output from Chikou library.
dynamic(para, adapt_Pct, minLength, maxLength) Adaptive dynamic length based on boolean parameter
para : Boolean parameter; if true then length would decrease and would increase if its false
adapt_Pct : Percentage adaption based on parameter
minLength : Minimum allowable length
maxLength : Maximum allowable length
Returns: Adaptive Dynamic Length based on Boolean Parameter
auto_alpha(src, a) Adaptive length based on automatic alpha calculations from source input
src : Price source for alpha calculations
a : Input Alpha value
Returns: Adaptive Length calculated from input price Source and Alpha
HA_CandlesLibrary "HA_Candles"
Heikin Ashi Candles
HA_Close() Heikin Ashi Modified Close
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Close
HA_Open() Heikin Ashi Modified Open
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Open
HA_High() Heikin Ashi Modified High
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified High
HA_Low() Heikin Ashi Modified Low
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Low
HA_Delta(Heikin) Heikin Ashi Delta
Heikin : Ashi Close, Heikin Ashi Open
Returns: Heikin Ashi Delta
RVSILibrary "RVSI"
This Library contains functions that calculate all types of " Relative Volume Strength Index (MZ RVSI ) " depending upon unique volume oscillator. Achieved RVSI value can be used for divergence detection in volume or to adapt dynamic length in Moving Averages or other functions.
rvsi_tfs(vol_src, vol_Len, rvsiLen, _open, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on TFS Volume Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
vol_Len : Volume Legth for TFS Volume Oscillato
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_open : Ticker Open Value
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on TFS Volume Oscillator
rvsi_obv(vol_src, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on On Balance Volume
vol_src : Volume Source to Calculate On Balance Volume
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on On Balance Volume
rvsi_kvo(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Klinger Volume Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : Volume Fast Length
SlowX : Volume Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Klinger Volume Oscillator
rvsi_vzo(vol_src, zLen, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Volume Zone Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
zLen : Volume Legth for Volume Zone Oscillator
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Volume Zone Oscillator
rvsi_cvo_obv(vol_src, ema1len, ema2len, rvsiLen) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with On Balance Volume as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
ema1len : EMA Fast Length
ema2len : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with On Balance Volume as Calculations Source
rvsi_cvo_pvt(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Price Volume Trend as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : EMA Fast Length
SlowX : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Price Volume Trend as Calculations Source
rvsi_cvo_cvd(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen, _open, _close, _high, _low) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Cumulative Volume Delta as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : EMA Fast Length
SlowX : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_open : Ticker Open Value
_close : Ticker Close Value
_high : Ticker High Value
_low : Ticker Low Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Cumulative Volume Delta as Calculations Source
JohnEhlersFourierTransformLibrary "JohnEhlersFourierTransform"
Fourier Transform for Traders By John Ehlers, slightly modified to allow to inspect other than the 8-50 frequency spectrum.
high_pass_filter(source) Detrended version of the data by High Pass Filtering with a 40 Period cutoff
source : float, data source.
Returns: float.
transformed_dft(source, start_frequency, end_frequency) DFT by John Elhers.
source : float, data source.
start_frequency : int, lower bound of the frequency window, must be a positive number >= 0, window must be less than or 30.
end_frequency : int, upper bound of the frequency window, must be a positive number >= 0, window must be less than or 30.
Returns: tuple with float, float array.
db_to_rgb(db, transparency) converts the frequency decibels to rgb.
db : float, decibels value.
transparency : float, transparency value.
Returns: color.
windowing_taAll Signals Are the Sum of Sines. When looking at real-world signals, you usually view them as a price changing over time. This is referred to as the time domain. Fourier’s theorem states that any waveform in the time domain can be represented by the weighted sum of sines and cosines. For example, take two sine waves, where one is three times as fast as the other–or the frequency is 1/3 the first signal. When you add them, you can see you get a different signal.
Although performing an FFT on a signal can provide great insight, it is important to know the limitations of the FFT and how to improve the signal clarity using windowing. When you use the FFT to measure the frequency component of a signal, you are basing the analysis on a finite set of data. The actual FFT transform assumes that it is a finite data set, a continuous spectrum that is one period of a periodic signal. For the FFT, both the time domain and the frequency domain are circular topologies, so the two endpoints of the time waveform are interpreted as though they were connected together. When the measured signal is periodic and an integer number of periods fill the acquisition time interval, the FFT turns out fine as it matches this assumption. However, many times, the measured signal isn’t an integer number of periods. Therefore, the finiteness of the measured signal may result in a truncated waveform with different characteristics from the original continuous-time signal, and the finiteness can introduce sharp transition changes into the measured signal. The sharp transitions are discontinuities.
When the number of periods in the acquisition is not an integer, the endpoints are discontinuous. These artificial discontinuities show up in the FFT as high-frequency components not present in the original signal. These frequencies can be much higher than the Nyquist frequency and are aliased between 0 and half of your sampling rate. The spectrum you get by using a FFT, therefore, is not the actual spectrum of the original signal, but a smeared version. It appears as if energy at one frequency leaks into other frequencies. This phenomenon is known as spectral leakage, which causes the fine spectral lines to spread into wider signals.
You can minimize the effects of performing an FFT over a noninteger number of cycles by using a technique called windowing. Windowing reduces the amplitude of the discontinuities at the boundaries of each finite sequence acquired by the digitizer. Windowing consists of multiplying the time record by a finite-length window with an amplitude that varies smoothly and gradually toward zero at the edges. This makes the endpoints of the waveform meet and, therefore, results in a continuous waveform without sharp transitions. This technique is also referred to as applying a window.
Here is a windowing_ta library with J.F Ehlers Windowing functions proposed on Sep, 2021.
Library "windowing_ta"
TAExtLibrary "TAExt"
Indicator functions can be used in other indicators and strategies. This will be extended by time with indicators I use in my strategies and studies.
atrwo(length, stdev_length, stdev_mult) ATR without outliers
length : The length of the ATR
stdev_length : The length of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
stdev_mult : The multiplier of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
Returns: The ATR value
atrwma(src, period, type, atr_length, stdev_length, stdev_mult) ATR without outlier weighted moving average
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average
type : The type of the moving average, possible values: SMA, EMA, RMA
atr_length : The length of the ATR
stdev_length : The length of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
stdev_mult : The multiplier of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
Returns: The moving average value
jma(src, period, phase, power) Jurik Moving Average
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average calculation
phase : The phase of jurik MA calculation (-100..100)
power : The power of jurik MA calculation
Returns: The Jurik MA series
anyma(src, period, type, offset, sigma, phase, power) Moving Average by type
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average calculation
type : The type of the moving average
offset : Used only by ALMA, it is the ALMA offset
sigma : Used only by ALMA, it is the ALMA sigma
phase : The phase of jurik MA calculation (-100..100)
power : The power of jurik MA calculation
Returns: The moving average series
wae(macd_src, macd_fast_length, macd_slow_length, macd_sensitivity, bb_base_src, bb_upper_src, bb_lower_src, bb_length, bb_mult, dead_zone_length, dead_zone_mult) Waddah Attar Explosion (WAE)
macd_src : The source series used by MACD
macd_fast_length : The fast MA length of the MACD
macd_slow_length : The slow MA length of the MACD
macd_sensitivity : The MACD diff multiplier
bb_base_src : The source used by stdev
bb_upper_src : The source used by the upper Bollinger Band
bb_lower_src : The source used by the lower Bollinger Band
bb_length : The lenth for Bollinger Bands
bb_mult : The multiplier for Bollinger Bands
dead_zone_length : The ATR length for dead zone calculation
dead_zone_mult : The ATR multiplier for dead zone
ssl(length, high_src, low_src) Semaphore Signal Level channel (SSL)
length : The length of the moving average
high_src : Source of the high moving average
low_src : Source of the low moving average
adx(atr_length, di_length, adx_length, high_src, low_src, atr_ma_type, di_ma_type, adx_ma_type) Average Directional Index + Direction Movement Index (ADX + DMI)
atr_length : The length of ATR
di_length : DI plus and minus smoothing length
adx_length : ADX smoothing length
high_src : Source of the high moving average
low_src : Source of the low moving average
atr_ma_type : MA type of the ATR calculation
di_ma_type : MA type of the DI calculation
adx_ma_type : MA type of the ADX calculation