Volatility Cycle IndicatorThis Volatility Cycle Indicator measures market volatility using Bollinger Band Width (BBW). It highlights periods of high volatility (expansion) and low volatility (contraction) to help traders spot potential breakouts or calm periods before big moves.
Wskaźniki i strategie
Pivot Points Standardcamarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
camarilla pivots
EMA 26/55/100/200The script does 26/55/100/200 EMA. This is useful specifically to take swing trading opportunities at 26 and 55 EMA.
Pivot Points Standardexpanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
expanded floor pivots with cpr
Multi-Timeframe RSI Levelsdraws 45, 55 , 65 rsi levels with a thin blue line . plots rsi 14 of daily timeframe with a black line , rsi 14 of weekly timeframe with green line , rsi 14 of monthly timeframe with blue line
Custom RSI with Dynamic SMA(50) draws 45, 55 , 65 rsi levels with a thin blue line , plot rsi(14) with a black line , plot sma(9) of rsi(14) with a blur line , plot sma(50) of rsi(14) with a line which turns green when sma(50) of rsi 14 starts increasing and turns red when it starts decreasing
aivance_Multi-Index Performance Comparison# Multi-Index Performance Comparison
This indicator allows traders and investors to easily compare the performance of multiple global market and sector indexes from a user-defined start date. All indexes are normalized to 100% at the specified start date, making relative performance comparisons straightforward.
## Features:
- Customizable start date for performance comparison
- Toggleable global market indexes (S&P 500, MSCI World, DAX, Nasdaq 100, EURO STOXX 50, Japan, Hong Kong)
- Toggleable sector indexes (Materials, Health Care, Financial, Technology, AI & Robotics)
- Clear visualization with distinct colors for each index
- Reference line at 100% for easy benchmark comparison
## How to Use:
1. Set your desired start date for normalizing performance
2. Toggle indexes on/off under the "Inputs" tab
3. Compare relative performance across different markets and sectors
Perfect for identifying relative strength, sector rotation, or global market correlations over your specific timeframe of interest.
Bux Butler IndykejtorThe indicator highlights moments when two SMMA averages intersect. A red sphere usually signals a shift in market sentiment, sometimes leading to a cyclical bear market, while in other cases indicating sideways movement and periods of low volatility. Conversely, a buy signal frequently anticipates a resurgence of optimism in the crypto market. The indicator can be utilized for building long-term BTC trading strategies based on sentiment.
VWAP - Bearish MomentumConditions in the Current Code:
Weekly Chart Conditions:
MACD Downtick → MACD line is lower than the previous bar.
RSI Below 60 → RSI on the weekly chart is below 60.
(Both conditions must be met for the hourly conditions to be checked.)
Hourly Chart Conditions for Red Signal (Bearish Signal):
Price Below VWAP → Price is closing below the VWAP.
Price Below 50 EMA → Price is closing below the 50 EMA.
-DI above +DI → Ensures a negative trend.
RSI Below 60 → RSI must be below 60.
Price Crossing Below 50 EMA & VWAP from Above → Ensures red signal when price moves below these levels.
✔ A new red signal appears when all conditions are met, but only once per trend.
✔ No intermediate red signals between a red-green signal pair.
Green Signal (Trend Reversal) on Hourly Chart:
HA Candle is Green → Heikin-Ashi candle must be green.
HA Candle Closes Above VWAP → The green Heikin-Ashi candle must close above VWAP.
✔ Green signal appears only after a red signal has been triggered.
✔ No new red signals appear between a red-green signal pair.
VWAP - Bearish MomentumConditions in the Current Code:
Weekly Chart Conditions:
MACD Downtick → MACD line is lower than the previous bar.
RSI Below 60 → RSI on the weekly chart is below 60.
(Both conditions must be met for the hourly conditions to be checked.)
Hourly Chart Conditions for Red Signal (Bearish Signal):
Price Below VWAP → Price is closing below the VWAP.
Price Below 50 EMA → Price is closing below the 50 EMA.
-DI above +DI → Ensures a negative trend.
RSI Below 60 → RSI must be below 60.
Price Crossing Below 50 EMA & VWAP from Above → Ensures red signal when price moves below these levels.
✔ A new red signal appears when all conditions are met, but only once per trend.
✔ No intermediate red signals between a red-green signal pair.
Green Signal (Trend Reversal) on Hourly Chart:
HA Candle is Green → Heikin-Ashi candle must be green.
HA Candle Closes Above VWAP → The green Heikin-Ashi candle must close above VWAP.
✔ Green signal appears only after a red signal has been triggered.
✔ No new red signals appear between a red-green signal pair.
TMA Centered Bands IndicatorTMA Centered Bands est un indicateur qui consiste en un calcul de bandes basées sur une moyenne mobile centrée (TMA) et l'Average True Range (ATR) pour déterminer les niveaux de volatilité et les zones potentielles de support et de résistance. Ce genre d'indicateur est généralement utilisé dans l'analyse technique pour évaluer les tendances du marché en fonction des variations de prix.
Description des composants :
Moyenne mobile centrée (TMA) :
La TMA est une version lissée d'une moyenne mobile classique, centrée sur les prix d'une période donnée. Elle est utilisée pour filtrer les fluctuations à court terme et donner une idée plus claire de la tendance générale du marché.
Le code calcule deux TMAs centrées, une avec une période HalfLength1 et l'autre avec une période HalfLength2.
ATR (Average True Range) :
L'ATR mesure la volatilité du marché en prenant la moyenne des différences entre les prix les plus hauts et les plus bas d'une période donnée.
L'ATR est utilisé dans le code pour déterminer les plages d'écart autour de la TMA, afin de mieux comprendre l'ampleur de la volatilité et potentiellement identifier des zones d'achat et de vente.
Bandes TMA :
Les bandes TMA sont tracées autour de la TMA centrale, avec la ligne centrale représentant la tendance générale et les lignes supérieures et inférieures formant des zones où les prix pourraient potentiellement réagir.
La distance entre la TMA et les bandes supérieures et inférieures est déterminée par l'ATR multiplié par un facteur spécifique (défini dans les paramètres AtrMultiplier1 et AtrMultiplier2).
Description des bandes :
Ligne du centre (tmac1, tmac2) : C'est la valeur de la moyenne mobile centrée, qui représente la tendance globale.
Bandes supérieures et inférieures (tmau1, tmad1 et tmau2, tmad2) : Ces lignes représentent des niveaux au-dessus et en dessous de la TMA centrale, ajustés par l'ATR et les multiplicateurs spécifiés dans le code. Elles indiquent les zones où le prix pourrait réagir (zones de support ou de résistance potentielles).
Résumé de l'indicateur :
L'indicateur calcule deux ensembles de bandes (basées sur deux périodes différentes), une pour chaque jeu de paramètres. Chaque paire de bandes est dérivée d'une moyenne mobile centrée et ajustée en fonction de la volatilité mesurée par l'ATR. L'indicateur est conçu pour être utilisé dans l'analyse technique des graphiques boursiers afin d'aider à identifier les tendances, les zones de surachat/survente, et les niveaux potentiels d'entrée et de sortie sur le marché.
Utilisation typique :
Support/Résistance : Les traders utilisent ces bandes pour identifier les niveaux de support (bande inférieure) et de résistance (bande supérieure).
Analyse de la volatilité : L'ATR ajusté permet de suivre les changements de volatilité et les retournements potentiels du marché.
WLI Swing High/Low advnc indicatorfor Class members
label.set_xy(lowMsg, bar_index, close)
label.set_text(lowMsg, "making New Low")
label.set_color(lowMsg, newSwingLowColor)
label.set_textcolor(lowMsg, color.white)
if not na(lowMsg)
lowMsg := na
Hourly Cycle High/Low by Brijqug [ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocbocqug[ubuocboc
Fshariar_Enhanced Pattern Indicator with RSIThe Fshariar Enhanced Pattern Indicator with RSI is a versatile tool designed to identify key candlestick patterns combined with RSI-based filters and optional trend filtering using moving averages. This indicator is ideal for traders looking to enhance their technical analysis and improve signal accuracy.
Candlestick Pattern Detection:
Supports multiple candlestick patterns:
Bullish/Bearish Engulfing
Morning Star/Evening Star
Piercing/Dark Cloud Cover
Bullish Hammer
Bearish Shooting Star
Each pattern can be toggled on or off based on your trading preferences.
RSI-Based Filtering:
Includes an RSI filter to improve the reliability of signals:
Buy signals are validated when RSI is in oversold territory.
Sell signals are validated when RSI is in overbought territory.
Customizable settings for RSI length, overbought, and oversold levels.
Optional Trend Filter:
Integrates a moving average (SMA or EMA) as a trend filter:
Buy signals are only generated when the price is above the moving average.
Sell signals are only generated when the price is below the moving average.
Fully customizable moving average type and length.
Signal Alerts:
Built-in alerts for Buy and Sell signals to notify you in real-time.
Visual Output:
Buy signals are displayed as green triangles below candles.
Sell signals are displayed as red triangles above candles.
Optional moving average is plotted on the chart for trend filtering.
How It Works:
The indicator scans for specific candlestick patterns based on price action.
Signals are filtered using RSI conditions to ensure they align with momentum shifts.
If enabled, a trend filter ensures that signals align with the broader market direction.
Example Use Case:
Enable your desired candlestick patterns (e.g., Engulfing, Morning Star).
Configure RSI settings (e.g., length = 14, overbought = 70, oversold = 30).
Optionally enable the trend filter (e.g., SMA with a length of 50).
Add the indicator to your chart and monitor Buy/Sell signals along with alerts.
Inputs & Customization Options:
RSI Settings:
Source: Default = Close
Length: Default = 14
Overbought Level: Default = 70
Oversold Level: Default = 30
Pattern Toggles:
Enable/Disable specific candlestick patterns based on your strategy.
Trend Filter Settings:
Moving Average Type: SMA or EMA
Moving Average Length: Default = 50
Alerts for Buy and Sell signals can be activated through TradingView's alert system.
Why Use This Indicator?
The Fshariar Enhanced Pattern Indicator with RSI combines price action analysis with momentum and trend filtering to provide high-quality trading signals. It simplifies decision-making by visually highlighting key opportunities while reducing noise from false signals.
Important Notes:
The indicator is designed for educational purposes and should be used as part of a broader trading strategy.
Always backtest and validate the indicator's performance before applying it to live trading.
This script does not guarantee profitability; it is intended to assist in technical analysis.
Heiken Ashi Reversal ExitShows when their is a reversal signal, using Heiken Ashi and Orb this signals when the first candle is reversing.
Polynomial Multiplication using CRTMultiplies two polynomials under different moduli
Uses modular arithmetic to store intermediate results
Applies the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to reconstruct the final polynomial product
Displays the computed value on the TradingView chart
Support & Resistance Breakout AlertLooks at prev 15 min high and low and identifies breakouts or breakdowns
TRH Backtest SMA ATR Variable RRThis strategy is a trend-following strategy that uses three Simple Moving Averages (SMAs) and the RSI indicator to identify entry and exit points. It also incorporates a dynamic risk-reward ratio based on specific conditions.
Here's a breakdown of the strategy's components and logic:
SMAs: The strategy uses three SMAs with periods of 7, 25, and 99. These SMAs help to identify the overall trend of the market.
RSI: The RSI is a momentum indicator that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset.2 In this strategy, it's used to determine stop-loss levels
Short-Only MTF EMA Cloud StrategyOverview:
The Short-Only EMA Cloud Strategy is a robust trend-following strategy designed to help traders identify and capitalize on bearish market conditions. By utilizing an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Cloud, this strategy provides clear and reliable signals for entering short positions when the market trend is unfavorable. The EMA cloud acts as a visual representation of the trend, making it easier for traders to make informed decisions. This strategy is ideal for traders who prefer to trade in the direction of the trend and focus exclusively on short positions.
Key Features:
EMA Cloud:
The strategy uses two EMAs (short and long) to create a dynamic cloud.
The cloud is bearish when the short EMA is below the long EMA, indicating a strong downward trend.
The cloud is bullish when the short EMA is above the long EMA, indicating an upward trend or consolidation.
Short Entry Signals:
A short position is opened when the EMA cloud turns bearish, which occurs when the short EMA crosses below the long EMA.
This crossover signals a potential shift in market sentiment from bullish to bearish, providing an opportunity to enter a short trade.
Adjustable Timeframe:
The EMA cloud can be calculated on the same timeframe as the chart or on a higher/lower timeframe for multi-timeframe analysis.
This flexibility allows traders to adapt the strategy to their preferred trading style and time horizon.
Risk Management:
The strategy includes adjustable stop loss and take profit levels to help traders manage risk and lock in profits.
Stop loss and take profit levels are calculated as a percentage of the entry price, ensuring consistency across different assets and market conditions.
Built-in alerts notify you when a short entry signal is generated, ensuring you never miss a trading opportunity.
Alerts can be customized to suit your preferences, providing real-time notifications for potential trades.
The EMA cloud is plotted on the chart, providing a clear visual representation of the trend.
Sell signals are marked with a red label above the price bar, making it easy to identify entry points.
How to Use:
Add the Script:
Add the script to your chart in TradingView.
Set EMA Lengths:
Adjust the Short EMA Length and Long EMA Length in the settings to suit your trading style.
For example, you might use a shorter EMA (e.g., 21) for more responsive signals or a longer EMA (e.g., 50) for smoother signals.
Choose EMA Cloud Resolution:
Select the EMA Cloud Resolution (timeframe) for the cloud calculation.
You can choose the same timeframe as the chart or a different timeframe (higher or lower) for multi-timeframe analysis.
Adjust Risk Management:
Set the Stop Loss (%) and Take Profit (%) levels according to your risk tolerance and trading goals.
For example, you might use a 1% stop loss and a 2% take profit for a 1:2 risk-reward ratio.
Enable Alerts:
Enable alerts to receive notifications for short entry signals.
Alerts can be configured to send notifications via email, SMS, or other preferred methods.
Monitor and Trade:
Monitor the chart for sell signals and execute trades accordingly.
Use the EMA cloud as a visual guide to confirm the trend direction before entering a trade.
Ideal For:
Trend-Following Traders: This strategy is perfect for traders who prefer to trade in the direction of the trend and capitalize on sustained price movements.
Short-Only Traders: If you prefer to focus exclusively on short positions, this strategy provides a clear and systematic approach to identifying bearish opportunities.
Multi-Timeframe Analysts: The adjustable EMA cloud resolution allows you to analyze trends across different timeframes, making it suitable for both short-term and long-term traders.
Risk-Averse Traders: The inclusion of stop loss and take profit levels helps manage risk and protect your capital.
Mk Thick Bars# MK Thick Bars
A clean, professional bar chart indicator with customizable moving averages inspired by professional charting platforms.
## Features
### Custom Bars
• Full-body bars for clear price action visualization
• Left tick marks to indicate closing prices
• Customizable colors for bullish and bearish bars
• Adjustable transparency
• Option to color based on close vs. open or close vs. previous close
### Moving Averages
• 10 EMA (Exponential Moving Average)
• 21 EMA (Exponential Moving Average)
• 50 SMA (Simple Moving Average)
• 200 SMA (Simple Moving Average)
• Individual toggle and color customization for each MA
## How to Use
1. Add the indicator to your chart
2. Customize appearance in settings:
- Toggle custom bars and left tick
- Adjust transparency
- Customize colors
- Enable/disable specific moving averages
## Benefits
• Reduced visual noise compared to traditional candlesticks
• Clear trend identification with customizable moving averages
• Professional appearance similar to institutional trading platforms
• Works on all timeframes and instruments