NVME Market Scanner

Od Crypto_Samm
NVME Market Scanner is a dashboard that scans our preset market pairs to identify the previous signal call made by the Vanquisher X algorithm. It will also tell you whether or not it is a good time to enter based on the buy or sell call being the previous bar of the next candle rather than multiple bars. Furthermore you can choose to remove each section of the dashboard so that it is smaller and you can also create your own market scanner with settings panel. The dashboard is fully customisable and editable.

Note: Due to the retrieval of data from multiple pairs, expect the load time of this indicator to be much slower compared to others!
Informacje o Wersji
Fixed issues with the previous bar close detection for the safe/unsafe entries.
Optimised the code therefore it should be upto 10% faster.
Two modes to display the information: Panel and Label
Updated the algorithm settings and added re-entries detector.
Re-Entries is currently on the crossover method as we can't use mutable functions this will explored in the future.
Added a rainbow text and background mode that changes colour every price update.
Informacje o Wersji
Changed Pair Scanners from 20 Assets to 10 Assets - This will help increase load times by 30%
Added two algorithm modes - Blackfire X and Vanquisher X to the scanner.
Fixed bugs with customisation
New style is now small screen friendly
More customisation to the layout
New code layout overall - Better
Added alerts for every pair on the scanner
Informacje o Wersji
Added 10 extra slots (-5% load times due to extra data fetching) - community request
Informacje o Wersji
Updated Blackfire X Algorithm to V1.1
Candlestick AnalysiscustomisablemarketnvmenvmetradingOscillatorsscannerTrend Analysis
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