Trader Set - Volatility Momentum

This another one of the tools I missed publishing till today, this is a momentum indicator of volatility index (original formula), it will work hand in hand with volatility index oscillator (will publish right after this one) to easily identify divergences just before the market's direction change !
Informacje o Wersji
Code cleanup, Final Version.
Informacje o Wersji
There is a big change in every oscillator related to my methodology, Added all sort of averaging types : HMA, RMA, EMA, WMA, SMA, KAMA, FAMA, MAMA. Also, where ever we are calculating momentum in any sort or shape, now user has the ability to switch the type between TSI and MACD, and not only that, but the selected momentum type will also use the selected averaging type !!!!
Informacje o Wersji
Code clean up, This is the final version.
Informacje o Wersji
Added neutral zone horizontal lines
indexleadingMomentum Indicator (MOM)OscillatorsrenkouniformityVolatility

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