Volume Spike Indicator

Hello dear traders,

Today we're discussing an indicator I've coded: the Volume Spike Indicator (VSI).

The indicator isn't a groundbreaking invention and certainly not a novelty. Nevertheless, I haven't seen this version of the indicator on TradingView before, so I'd like to introduce it.

1. The Origin of the Idea:

We're all familiar with volume charts: A volume chart visually represents the trading activity for a specific asset over a certain period, indicating the total number of shares or contracts traded.

We also know that volume spikes can significantly impact the market. A volume spike represents an extreme anomaly, a day, week, or month with an extraordinary amount of trading. However, recognizing these spikes in practice isn't always straightforward. What constitutes high volume? How do we define and identify it? The answers to these questions aren't easy.

It's commonly said that a volume spike could be identified if the volume is 25% more than the average of the two weeks prior, but how do you measure this 25%? It's not always easy to calculate, especially in real-time.

This challenge led me to develop the concept into an indicator.

How Does It Work?

Imagine being able to "feel" the market's energy like a surfer feels the ocean. The VSI does something similar by examining trading volume and comparing it to what has been typical over the past few weeks. Here's a quick look at the magic behind it:

Step 1: Establishing the Baseline: We start by establishing a baseline, i.e., the average trading volume over a given period. Let's use the last 10 days as the default setting. We choose 10 days because, in the traditional stock market, 10 days represent two weeks if you subtract weekends. This gives us a fixed line to compare against.

Step 2: Recognizing Peaks: Next, we look for days when the trading volume significantly exceeds this average. The size of the jump is where you have a say. You can set a threshold, such as 25%, to define what you consider a volume spike.

Step 3: The Calculation: This is where the math comes into play. We calculate the percentage change in today's volume compared to the average volume of the last 10 days. For example, if today's volume is 30% above the average and you've set your threshold at 25%, the VSI will recognize this as a spike.

Step 4: Visual Cue: These spikes are then plotted on a graph, with each spike represented as a bar. The height of the bar indicates the spike's percentage size, so you can see at a glance how significant a spike is.

Step 5: Intuitive Color Coding: For quick analysis, the VSI employs a color-coding system. Exceptionally high peaks, such as those exceeding a 100% increase, are highlighted in blue to emphasize their importance. Other peaks are shown in red, creating a visual hierarchy for quick volume data interpretation.

Why This Matters:

Identifying these spikes can help pinpoint the beginning or end of a trend. The idea is that when trading peaks at a certain level, there might be no more buyers or sellers willing to engage at that price level. Volume peaks, and a reversal is likely imminent. It's a simple yet effective concept. Therefore, it's crucial to use this indicator in the context of the trend, as not every spike carries the same significance.


The beauty of the VSI lies in its flexibility. Trading futures? You might want to adjust the averaging period to 14 days to better suit your market. You have full control over the settings to tailor them to your trading style.

Interpreting the Figures:

A positive percentage indicates a volume spike above the average – the higher the percentage, the more significant the spike.

If the percentage exceeds a certain threshold (which you can set, e.g., 25%), it signals a volume spike, indicating increased market activity that could precede significant price movement.

What makes the VSI genuinely adaptable is your ability to tweak the parameters to suit your needs.

Are you trading in a volatile market? Extend the SMA period to smooth out the noise. Trading in a 24-hour market? Adjust the length of your SMA. Seeking finer details? Shorten it. The VSI is yours to adapt to your trading strategy.


As we wrap up this introduction to the Volume Spike Indicator, I hope you're as excited about its potential as I am. This tool, born out of curiosity and a desire for clarity in the vast ocean of market data, is designed to be your ally in navigating the waves of trading activity.

Remember, the true power of the VSI lies not just in its ability to highlight significant volume spikes, but in its adaptability to your unique trading style and needs. Whether you're charting courses through the tumultuous seas of day trading or navigating the broader currents of long-term investments, the VSI is here to offer insights and guidance.

I encourage you to experiment with it, customize it, and see how it can enhance your trading strategy. And as you do, remember that every tool, no matter how powerful, is just one piece of the puzzle. Combine the VSI with your knowledge, experience, and intuition to make informed and strategic trading decisions.

Thank you for taking the time to explore the Volume Spike Indicator with me.

Best Regards,

Karim Subhieh
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