Gemscode Spike Pro

Od GemsCode
Predicting the tops and bottoms of the markets can be extremely risky, like trying to catch a falling knife as it has been described.

Momentum is one of the key elements that traders look for when opening a trade.
This is because momentum is a telltale sign that price is about to move strongly in a certain direction.
However, not all traders have the skill to correctly identify momentum on a price chart.
The Gemscode Spike Price Values Indicator is a tool which can help traders objectively observe momentum on a price chart.

The Gemscode Spike Indicator is a custom technical indicator which is a momentum-based indicator.
It detects momentum direction, reversals, as well as momentum spikes.

How to use it:

The big red spike warns of weakening customer pressure to push the price down. After passing second line ,
we can expect a change of trend in the opposite direction.

When a big green spike appears and passing second line we can expect a weakening sales trend and as we can see
in the graph the price changes in the opposite direction.

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Informacje o Wersji
Predicting the tops and bottoms of the markets can be extremely risky, like trying to catch a falling knife as it has been described.

Momentum is one of the key elements that traders look for when opening a trade.
This is because momentum is a telltale sign that price is about to move strongly in a certain direction.
However, not all traders have the skill to correctly identify momentum on a price chart.
The Gemscode Spike Price Values Indicator is a tool which can help traders objectively observe momentum on a price chart.

The Gemscode Spike Indicator is a custom technical indicator which is a momentum-based indicator.
It detects momentum direction, reversals, as well as momentum spikes.

How to use it:

The big red spike warns of weakening customer pressure to push the price down. After passing second line ,
we can expect a change of trend in the opposite direction.

When a big green spike appears and passing second line we can expect a weakening sales trend and as we can see
in the graph the price changes in the opposite direction.

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Informacje o Wersji
Predicting the tops and bottoms of the markets can be extremely risky, like trying to catch a falling knife as it has been described.

Momentum is one of the key elements that traders look for when opening a trade.
This is because momentum is a telltale sign that price is about to move strongly in a certain direction.
However, not all traders have the skill to correctly identify momentum on a price chart.
The Gemscode Spike Price Values Indicator is a tool which can help traders objectively observe momentum on a price chart.

The Gemscode Spike Indicator is a custom technical indicator which is a momentum-based indicator.
It detects momentum direction, reversals, as well as momentum spikes.

How to use it:

The big red spike warns of weakening customer pressure to push the price down. After passing second line ,
we can expect a change of trend in the opposite direction.

When a big green spike appears and passing second line we can expect a weakening sales trend and as we can see
in the graph the price changes in the opposite direction.

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Informacje o Wersji
Predicting the tops and bottoms of the markets can be extremely risky, like trying to catch a falling knife as it has been described.

Momentum is one of the key elements that traders look for when opening a trade.
This is because momentum is a telltale sign that price is about to move strongly in a certain direction.
However, not all traders have the skill to correctly identify momentum on a price chart.
The Gemscode Spike Price Values Indicator is a tool which can help traders objectively observe momentum on a price chart.

The Gemscode Spike Indicator is a custom technical indicator which is a momentum-based indicator.
It detects momentum direction, reversals, as well as momentum spikes.

How to use it:

The big red spike warns of weakening customer pressure to push the price down. After passing second line ,
we can expect a change of trend in the opposite direction.

When a big green spike appears and passing second line we can expect a weakening sales trend and as we can see
in the graph the price changes in the opposite direction.

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Informacje o Wersji
Predicting the tops and bottoms of the markets can be extremely risky, like trying to catch a falling knife as it has been described.

Momentum is one of the key elements that traders look for when opening a trade.
This is because momentum is a telltale sign that price is about to move strongly in a certain direction.
However, not all traders have the skill to correctly identify momentum on a price chart.
The Gemscode Spike Price Values Indicator is a tool which can help traders objectively observe momentum on a price chart.

The Gemscode Spike Indicator is a custom technical indicator which is a momentum-based indicator.
It detects momentum direction, reversals, as well as momentum spikes.

How to use it:

The big red spike warns of weakening customer pressure to push the price down. After passing second line ,
we can expect a change of trend in the opposite direction.

When a big green spike appears and passing second line we can expect a weakening sales trend and as we can see
in the graph the price changes in the opposite direction.

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Breadth IndicatorsgemsMoving AveragestrendTrend Analysis

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Należy pamiętać, że jest to skrypt prywatny, dostępny tylko na zaproszenie, który nie był analizowany przez moderatorów skryptu. Jego zgodność z Regulaminem jest nieokreślona. TradingView nie sugeruje płacenia za skrypt i korzystania z niego, chyba że w 100% ufasz jego autorowi i rozumiesz, jak działa skrypt. W wielu przypadkach dobrą alternatywę typu open source można znaleźć bezpłatnie w naszych skryptach społeczności.

Instrukcje autora

To use this indicator, contact GemsCode or use

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