Profit Loss Fund Template ( PLFT / MCDX )

Profit Loss Fund Template indicator shows Buyer / Seller activity by calculating series of daily Price & Volume data, over a certain period of time.
It helps to analyse Institution fund's possible behavior with pool of data derived from price volume movement.

RED bar represents percentage of stock holders are currently in profit.
Purple line is RED bar's moving average.
BLUE bar represents percentage of stock holders are currently in loss.
Green line is BLUE bar's moving average.

RED bar > 50% shows institution fund has in control, uptrend is likely easier to continue.
BLUE bar > 50% shows retailer fund is stucked inside, downtrend is likely easier to continue.

Crossing of moving average lines indicates changing of trend (reversal sign):
1) Purple line up-crossed Green line - UPTREND
2) Green line up-crossed Purple line - DOWNTREND

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