Dexie Indicator v1.0

Od Benny444
The Dexie Indicator is a Forex indicator system built for the 5 min chart. It is suitable for Forex traders and Nadex users and provides BUY/SELL signals with alerts and comes with a series of 8 custom built Moving Averages designed to reduce the need for chart drawing.

This indicator can be used by beginners out of the box and requires very little trading experience to be successful.

The more advanced trader can work with this tool to greatly increase their success rate and make for a much more enjoyable trading experience.

Please contact for more details.

Dexie Indicator with BUY/SELL signals displayed only:

Dexie Indicator with BUY/SELL signals, Bollinger Bands and custom Moving Averages:

Dexie Indicator with all custom Moving Averages displayed:

Dexie Indicator slower Moving average bull cross example:

Dexie Indicator slower Moving average bear cross example:
Informacje o Wersji
Added new BUY/SELL signals
Informacje o Wersji
Minor code update
Informacje o Wersji
Improved signal accuracy
Informacje o Wersji
Increased signal accuracy
Informacje o Wersji
Improved signal accuracy
Informacje o Wersji
Major signals update - greater accuracy and earlier direction change capability
Informacje o Wersji
Bug fix
Informacje o Wersji
Signals update
Bollinger Bands (BB)buysignalForexforexsignalsHistorical VolatilityIchimoku Cloudnadexnadexalertsnadexessentialsnadexsignalssellsignal
Email -

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