lib_pivotLibrary "lib_pivot"
Object oriented implementation of Pivot methods.
method tostring(this)
Converts HLData to a json string representation
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData) : HLData
Returns: string representation of Pivot
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
date_format (simple string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
date_format (simple string)
method get_color(this, mode)
Namespace types: PivotColors
this (PivotColors)
mode (int)
method get_label_text(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method direction(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method same_direction_as(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeds(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeds(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeded_by(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeded_by(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method retracement_ratio(this, lastPivot, sec_lastPivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
ratio_target(sec_lastPivot, lastPivot, target_ratio)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
target_ratio (float)
method update(this, ref_highest, ref_lowest)
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData)
ref_highest (float)
ref_lowest (float)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price, prev)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
prev (Pivot)
method create_next(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
HLData wraps the data received from ta.highest, ta.highestbars, ta.lowest, ta.lowestbars, as well as the reference sources
length (series int) : lookback length for pivot points
highest_offset (series int) : offset to highest value bar
lowest_offset (series int) : offset to lowest value bar
highest (series float) : highest value within lookback bars
lowest (series float) : lowest value within lookback bars
new_highest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new highest high at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_lowest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new lowest low at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_highest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal high at the center of set period (length)
new_lowest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal low at the center of set period (length)
Pivot colors for different modes
hh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 2 (HH)
lh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 1 (LH)
hl (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -1 (HL)
ll (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -2 (LL)
Pivot additional pivot data around basic Point
point (Point type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/5)
mode (series int) : can be -2/-1/1/2 for LL/HL/LH/HH
price_movement (series float) : The price difference between this and the previous pivot point in the opposite direction
retracement_ratio (series float) : The ratio between this price_movement and the previous
prev (Pivot)
Geometria rynku
lib_plot_objectsLibrary "lib_plot_objects"
library wrapping basic builtin object constructors, to be able to do calculations with points/lines/boxes/triangles/polygons via libraries and on securities. inspired by Trendoscope's ( and ) with added update mechanism to not have to recreate objects on every iteration for continously drawn items, automated xloc selection for coordinates, compatibility check for Points, added Triangle and Polygon types, object reflection via tostring to valid json (logging via webhook)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two points for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Point
a (Point)
b (Point)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two lines for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Line
a (Line)
b (Line)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LineArgs
args (LineArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LabelArgs
args (LabelArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxArgs
args (BoxArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
args (BoxTextArgs)
method x(point, xloc)
automatically returns the correct x coordinate, based on the point's set xloc
Namespace types: Point
point (Point)
xloc (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: LineArgs
this (LineArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: LabelArgs
this (LabelArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxArgs
this (BoxArgs)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
this (BoxTextArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
date_format (string)
method create_center(points)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
method create_center(this, other)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
method create_center(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method create_line(this, other, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, b, c, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, c)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
c (Point)
method create_box(this, other, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_box(this, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_polygon(points, args)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_polygon(start, others, args)
Namespace types: Point
start (Point)
others (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_fill(this, other, fill_color)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
other (Line)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
fill_color (color)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
method update(this, update)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
update (Point)
method update(this, point)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
point (Point)
method update(this, start, end)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
start (Point)
end (Point)
method update(this, left_top, right_bottom)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
left_top (Point)
right_bottom (Point)
method update(this, a, b, c)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
a (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
method update(this, points)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
points (Point )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
bar_time (series int) : time based x coordinate
bar_idx (series int) : bar index based x coordinate
price (series float) : price based y coordinate
xloc (series string) : To select if x coordinate is represented by bar_idx or bar_time. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
text_color (series color) : Text color.
bg_color (series color) : Color of the label border and arrow.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
yloc (series string) : Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. If yloc=yloc.price, y argument specifies the price of the label position. If yloc=yloc.abovebar, label is located above bar. If yloc=yloc.belowbar, label is located below bar. Default is yloc.price.
style (series string) : Label style. Possible values: label.style_none, label.style_xcross, label.style_cross, label.style_triangleup, label.style_triangledown, label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown, label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right, label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left, label.style_label_upper_right, label.style_label_center, label.style_square, label.style_diamond, label.style_text_outline. Default is label.style_label_down.
size (series string) : Label size. Possible values:, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Default value is size.normal.
text_align (series string) : Label text alignment. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right. Default value is text.align_center.
point (Point) : The Label coordinates
txt (series string) : Label text. Default is empty string.
args (LabelArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
tooltip (series string) : Hover to see tooltip label.
plot (series label) : The label object to be added and plotted via draw()
line_color (series color) : Line color.
style (series string) : Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width (series int) : Line width in pixels.
extend (series string) : f extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
start (Point) : starting point of the line
end (Point)
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Line) : The first Line object
b (Line) : The second Line object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
border_color (series color) : Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is
border_width (series int) : Width of the four borders, in pixels. Optional. The default is 1 pixel.
border_style (series string) : Style of the four borders. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed. Optional. The default value is line.style_solid.
bg_color (series color) : Background color of the box. Optional. The default is
extend (series string) : When extend.none is used, the horizontal borders start at the left border and end at the right border. With extend.left or extend.right, the horizontal borders are extended indefinitely to the left or right of the box, respectively. With extend.both, the horizontal borders are extended on both sides. Optional. The default value is extend.none.
text_color (series color) : The color of the text. Optional. The default is
text_size (series string) : The size of the text. An optional parameter, the default value is Possible values:, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge.
text_halign (series string) : The horizontal alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right.
text_valign (series string) : The vertical alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_top, text.align_center, text.align_bottom.
text_wrap (series string) : Defines whether the text is presented in a single line, extending past the width of the box if necessary, or wrapped so every line is no wider than the box itself (and clipped by the bottom border of the box if the height of the resulting wrapped text is higher than the height of the box). Optional. The default value is text.wrap_none. Possible values: text.wrap_none, text.wrap_auto.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
left_top (Point) : top-left corner of the box
right_bottom (Point) : bottom-right corner of the box
txt (series string) : The text to be displayed inside the box. Optional. The default is empty string.
args (BoxArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
plot (series box) : The box object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Point) : first Corner
b (Point) : second Corner
c (Point) : third Corner
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot_ab (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_ac (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_bc (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
triangle (Triangle) : The Triangle object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
points (Point ) : array of points that make up the Polygon
center (Point) : Center point of the Polygon, can be used for a label and will be center for PolygonFill
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot (line ) : An array of Lines that form Polygon Border
poly (Polygon) : the Polygon
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot_segments (line ) : An array of helper lines to create linefills
plot_fills (linefill ) : An array of linefills that cover the Polygon surface
lib_drawing_compositesLibrary "lib_drawing_composites"
methods to draw and manage composite obejects. Based on Trendoscope's added Triangle and Polygon composite objects, fixed tostring method output to be actual json
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/LineProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/LineProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/LineProperties
method tostring(this, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.LineProperties
this (LineProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties object
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Line
this (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties
method tostring(this, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/BoxText object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.LabelProperties
this (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/BoxText object
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/BoxText
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Label
this (Label type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: D.Linefill
this (Linefill type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: D.BoxProperties
this (BoxProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: D.BoxText
this (BoxText type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: D.Box
this (Box type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.TriangleProperties
this (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this, is_polygon_section)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
is_polygon_section (bool)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this, is_polygon)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
is_polygon (bool)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method createCenter(this, other)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createCenter(this)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createCenter(this, other1, other2)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createLabel(this, labeltext, tooltip, properties)
Namespace types: D.Line
this (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
labeltext (string)
tooltip (string)
properties (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createLabel(this, labeltext, tooltip, properties)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
labeltext (string)
tooltip (string)
properties (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createTriangle(this, p2, p3, properties)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
properties (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method createTrianglefill(this, fill_color, transparency)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
fill_color (color)
transparency (int)
method createPolygonfill(this, fill_color, transparency)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
fill_color (color)
transparency (int)
method createPolygon(points, properties)
Namespace types: D.Point
points (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
properties (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
lib_drawing_composite_typesLibrary "lib_drawing_composite_types"
User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these. (added type Triangle and Polygon to )
TriangleProperties object
border_color (series color) : Box border color. Default is
fill_color (series color) : Fill color
fill_transparency (series int)
border_width (series int) : Box border width. Default is 1
border_style (series string) : Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
xloc (series string) : defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
Triangle object
p1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point one
p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point two
p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point three
properties (TriangleProperties) : Triangle properties
l12 (series line) : line object created
l23 (series line) : line object created
l31 (series line) : line object created
Trianglefill object
triangle (Triangle) : to create a linefill for
fill_color (series color) : Fill color
transparency (series int) : Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
object (series linefill) : linefill object created
Polygon object
center (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : Point that triangles are using as common center
triangles (Triangle ) : an array of triangles that form the Polygon
Polygonfill object
_polygon (Polygon) : to create a fill for
_fills (Trianglefill ) : an array of Trianglefill objects that match the array of triangles in _polygon
cphelperLibrary "cphelper"
ACPU helper library - for private use. Not so meaningful for others.
calculate_rr(targetArray, rrArray, breakevenOnTarget1)
calculates risk reward for given targets
targetArray (float ) : array of targets
rrArray (float ) : array of risk reward
breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : option to breakeven
Returns: array rrArray
trendPairs(l1StartX, l1StartY, l1EndX, l1EndY, l2StartX, l2StartY, l2EndX, l2EndY, zgColor)
creates trendline pairs
l1StartX (int) : startX of first line
l1StartY (float) : startY of first line
l1EndX (int) : endX of first line
l1EndY (float) : endY of first line
l2StartX (int) : startX of second line
l2StartY (float) : startY of second line
l2EndX (int) : endX of second line
l2EndY (float) : endY of second line
zgColor (color) : line color
find_type(l1t, l2t, channelThreshold)
Finds type based on trendline pairs
l1t (line) : line1
l2t (line) : line2
channelThreshold (simple float) : theshold for channel identification
Returns: pattern type and flags
Flatten flags
flags (bool ) : array of flags
Returns: - flattened flags isChannel, isTriangle, isWedge, isExpanding, isContracting, isFlat, isRising, isFalling
Get type based on type number
typeNum (int) : number representing type
Returns: String value of type
getStatus(status, maxStatus)
Get status based on integer value representations
status (int) : integer representing current status
maxStatus (int) : integer representing max status
Returns: String status value
calculate_simple_targets(trendLines, settingsMatrix, patternTypeMapping, patternType)
Calculate targets based on trend lines
trendLines (line ) : trendline pair array
settingsMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing settings
patternTypeMapping (string ) : array containing pattern type mapping
patternType (int) : pattern type
Returns: arrays containing long and short calculated targets
recalculate_position(patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, targetMatrix, index, pIndex, status, maxStatus, targetValue, stopValue, dir, breakevenOnTarget1)
Recalculate position values
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing pattern type and status
targetMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing targets
index (int) : current index
pIndex (int) : pattern index
status (int) : current status
maxStatus (int) : max status reached
targetValue (float) : current target value
stopValue (float) : current stop value
dir (int) : direction
breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : flag to breakeven upon target1
Returns: new status and maxStatus values
draw_targets(longTargets, shortTargets, index, labelColor, patternName, positionIndex, longMaxStatus, longStatus, shortMaxStatus, shortStatus, tempBoxes, tempLines, tempLabels)
Draw targets on chart
longTargets (matrix) : matrix containing long targets
shortTargets (matrix) : matrix containing short targets
index (int) : current index
labelColor (color) : color of lines and labels
patternName (string) : Pattern name
positionIndex (int) : position on the chart
longMaxStatus (int) : max status for long
longStatus (int) : long status value
shortMaxStatus (int) : max status for short
shortStatus (int) : short status value
tempBoxes (box ) : temporary box array
tempLines (line ) : temporary lines array
tempLabels (label ) : temporary labels array
Returns: void
populate_open_stats(patternIdArray, barMatrix, patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, patternColorArray, longTargets, shortTargets, patternRRMatrix, OpenStatPosition, lblSizeOpenTrades)
Populate open stats table
patternIdArray (int ) : pattern Ids
barMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing bars
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing pattern type and status
patternColorArray (color ) : array containing current patter colors
longTargets (matrix) : matrix of long targets
shortTargets (matrix) : matrix of short targets
patternRRMatrix (matrix) : pattern risk reward matrix
OpenStatPosition (simple string) : table position
lblSizeOpenTrades (simple string) : text size
Returns: void
draw_pattern_label(trendLines, patternFlagMatrix, patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, patternColorArray, patternFlags, patternLabelArray, zgColor, patternType, drawLabel, clearOldPatterns, safeRepaint, maxPatternsReference)
trendLines (line )
patternFlagMatrix (matrix)
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix)
patternColorArray (color )
patternFlags (bool )
patternLabelArray (label )
zgColor (color)
patternType (int)
drawLabel (simple bool)
clearOldPatterns (simple bool)
safeRepaint (simple bool)
maxPatternsReference (simple int)
populate_closed_stats(patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, bullishCounts, bearishCounts, bullishRetouchCounts, bearishRetouchCounts, bullishSizeMatrix, bearishSizeMatrix, bullishRR, bearishRR, ClosedStatsPosition, lblSizeClosedTrades, showSelectivePatternStats, showPatternStats, showStatsInPercentage)
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix)
bullishCounts (matrix)
bearishCounts (matrix)
bullishRetouchCounts (matrix)
bearishRetouchCounts (matrix)
bullishSizeMatrix (matrix)
bearishSizeMatrix (matrix)
bullishRR (matrix)
bearishRR (matrix)
ClosedStatsPosition (simple string)
lblSizeClosedTrades (simple string)
showSelectivePatternStats (simple bool)
showPatternStats (simple bool)
showStatsInPercentage (simple bool)
Vector3Library "Vector3"
Representation of 3D vectors and points.
This structure is used to pass 3D positions and directions around. It also contains functions for doing common vector operations.
Besides the functions listed below, other classes can be used to manipulate vectors and points as well.
For example the Quaternion and the Matrix4x4 classes are useful for rotating or transforming vectors and points.
new(x, y, z)
Create a new `Vector3`.
x (float) : `float` Property `x` value, (optional, default=na).
y (float) : `float` Property `y` value, (optional, default=na).
z (float) : `float` Property `z` value, (optional, default=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.new(1.1, 1, 1)
Create a new `Vector3` from a single value.
value (float) : `float` Properties positional value, (optional, default=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
from_Array(values, fill_na)
Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values, only reads up to the third item.
values (float ) : `array` Vector property values.
fill_na (float) : `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
- Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`.
.from_Array(array.from(1.1, fill_na=33))
.from_Array(array.from(1.1, 2, 3))
Create a new `Vector3` from a `Vector2`.
values (Vector2 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector2` Vector property values.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.from:Vector2(, 2.0))
- Type `Vector2` from CommonTypesMath library.
Create a new `Vector3` from a `Quaternion`'s `x, y, z` properties.
values (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Quaternion` Vector property values.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.from_Quaternion(, 2, 3, 4))
- Type `Quaternion` from CommonTypesMath library.
from_String(expression, separator, fill_na)
Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values in a formated string.
expression (string) : `array` String with the list of vector properties.
separator (string) : `string` Separator between entries, (optional, default=`","`).
fill_na (float) : `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
- Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`.
- `",,"` Empty fields will be ignored.
.from_String("1.1", fill_na=33))
.from_String("(1.1,, 3)") // 1.1 , 3.0, NaN // empty field will be ignored!!
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, -1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, -1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 1, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, -1, -1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(na, na, na)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
random(max, min)
Generate a vector with random properties.
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties.
min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Minimum defined range of the vector properties.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.random(.from(math.pi), .from(-math.pi))
Generate a vector with random properties (min set to 0.0).
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
method copy(this)
Copy a existing `Vector3`
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .one().copy()
method i_add(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_add(.up())
method i_add(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_add(3.2)
method i_subtract(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(.down())
method i_subtract(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(3)
method i_multiply(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(.left())
method i_multiply(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(3)
method i_divide(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(.forward())
method i_divide(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(3)
method i_mod(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(.back())
method i_mod(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(3)
method i_pow(this, exponent)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Exponent Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(.up())
method i_pow(this, exponent)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (float) : `float` Exponent Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(2)
method length_squared(this)
Squared length of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1)
Returns: `float` The squared length of this vector.
a = .one().length_squared()
method magnitude_squared(this)
Squared magnitude of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The length squared of this vector.
a = .one().magnitude_squared()
method length(this)
Length of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The length of this vector.
a = .one().length()
method magnitude(this)
Magnitude of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The Length of this vector.
a = .one().magnitude()
method normalize(this, magnitude, eps)
Normalize a vector with a magnitude of 1(optional).
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
magnitude (float) : `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization, (optional, default=1.0).
eps (float)
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize() // (x=0.283, y=0.429, z=0.858)
a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize(2) // (x=0.142, y=0.214, z=0.429)
method to_String(this, precision)
Converts source vector to a string format, in the form `"(x, y, z)"`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
precision (string) : `string` Precision format to apply to values (optional, default='').
Returns: `string` Formated string in a `"(x, y, z)"` format.
a = .one().to_String("#.###")
method to_Array(this)
Converts source vector to a array format.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `array` List of the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).to_Array()
method to_Vector2(this)
Converts source vector to a Vector2 in the form `x, y`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).to_Vector2()
method to_Quaternion(this, w)
Converts source vector to a Quaternion in the form `x, y, z, w`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Sorce vector.
w (float) : `float` Property of `w` new value.
Returns: `Quaternion` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).to_Quaternion(w=1)
method add(this, other)
Add a vector to source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).add(.unit_z())
method add(this, value)
Add a value to each property of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).add(2.0)
add(value, other)
Add each property of a vector to a base value as a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(2) , b = .add(1.0, a)
method subtract(this, other)
Subtract vector from source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).subtract(.left())
method subtract(this, value)
Subtract a value from each property in source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).subtract(2.0)
subtract(value, other)
Subtract each property in a vector from a base value and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .subtract(1.0, .right())
method multiply(this, other)
Multiply a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).multiply(.up())
method multiply(this, value)
Multiply each element in source vector with a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).multiply(2.0)
multiply(value, other)
Multiply a value with each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .multiply(1.0, .new(1, 2, 1))
method divide(this, other)
Divide a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).divide(.from(2))
method divide(this, value)
Divide each property in a vector by a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).divide(2.0)
divide(value, other)
Divide a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .divide(1.0, .from(2))
method mod(this, other)
Modulo a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).mod(.from(2))
method mod(this, value)
Modulo each property in a vector by a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).mod(2.0)
mod(value, other)
Modulo a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .mod(1.0, .from(2))
method negate(this)
Negate a vector in the form `(zero - this)`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .one().negate()
method pow(this, other)
Modulo a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(2).pow(.from(3))
method pow(this, exponent)
Raise the vector elements by a exponent.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (float) : `float` The exponent to raise the vector by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).pow(2.0)
pow(value, exponent)
Raise value into a vector raised by the elements in exponent vector.
value (float) : `float` Base value.
exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The exponent to raise the vector of base value by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .pow(1.0, .from(2))
method sqrt(this)
Square root of the elements in a vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).sqrt()
method abs(this)
Absolute properties of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).abs()
method max(this)
Highest property of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` Highest value amongst the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).max()
method min(this)
Lowest element of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` Lowest values amongst the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).min()
method floor(this)
Floor of vector a.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).floor()
method ceil(this)
Ceil of vector a.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).ceil()
method round(this)
Round of vector elements.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round()
method round(this, precision)
Round of vector elements to n digits.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
precision (int) : `int` Number of digits to round the vector elements.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round(1) // 1.3, 1.7, 2
method fractional(this)
Fractional parts of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1.337).fractional() // 0.337
method dot_product(this, other)
Dot product of two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `float` Dot product.
a = .from(2).dot_product(.left())
method cross_product(this, other)
Cross product of two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).cross_produc(.right())
method scale(this, scalar)
Scale vector by a scalar value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
scalar (float) : `float` Value to scale the the vector by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).scale(2)
method rescale(this, magnitude)
Rescale a vector to a new magnitude.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
magnitude (float) : `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(20).rescale(1)
method equals(this, other)
Compares two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).equals(.one())
method sin(this)
Sine of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).sin()
method cos(this)
Cosine of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).cos()
method tan(this)
Tangent of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).tan()
vmax(a, b)
Highest elements of the properties from two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmax(.one(), .from(2))
vmax(a, b, c)
Highest elements of the properties from three vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmax(.new(0.1, 2.5, 3.4), .from(2), .from(3))
vmin(a, b)
Lowest elements of the properties from two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2))
vmin(a, b, c)
Lowest elements of the properties from three vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2), .new(3.3, 2.2, 0.5))
distance(a, b)
Distance between vector `a` and `b`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = distance(.from(3), .unit_z())
clamp(a, min, max)
Restrict a vector between a min and max vector.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Minimum boundary vector.
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum boundary vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .clamp(, 1.5, 3.9), min=.from(2),, 3.0, 3.5))
clamp_magnitude(a, radius)
Vector with its magnitude clamped to a radius.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.object, vector with properties that should be restricted to a radius.
radius (float) : `float` Maximum radius to restrict magnitude of vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .clamp_magnitude(.from(21), 7)
lerp_unclamped(a, b, rate)
`Unclamped` linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (float) : `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .lerp_unclamped(.from(1), .from(2), 1.2)
lerp(a, b, rate)
Linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (float) : `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = lerp(.one(), .from(2), 0.2)
herp(start, start_tangent, end, end_tangent, rate)
Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors.
start (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Start vector.
start_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Start vector tangent.
end (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` End vector.
end_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` End vector tangent.
rate (int) : `float` Rate of the movement from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
s = .new(0, 0, 0) , st = .new(0, 1, 1)
e = .new(1, 2, 2) , et = .new(-1, -1, 3)
h = .herp(s, st, e, et, 0.3)
herp_2(a, b, rate)
Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Rate of the movement per component from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
h = .herp_2(.one(), .new(0.1, 3, 2), 0.6)
3D Noise based on Morgan McGuire @morgan3d
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = noise(.one())
rotate(a, axis, angle)
Rotate a vector around a axis.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
axis (string) : `string` The plane to rotate around, `option="x", "y", "z"`.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate(.from(3), 'y', math.toradians(45.0))
rotate_x(a, angle)
Rotate a vector on a fixed `x`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_x(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0))
rotate_y(a, angle)
Rotate a vector on a fixed `y`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_y(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0))
rotate_yaw_pitch(a, yaw, pitch)
Rotate a vector by yaw and pitch values.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
yaw (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
pitch (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_yaw_pitch(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0), math.toradians(45.0))
project(a, normal, eps)
Project a vector off a plane defined by a normal.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .project(.one(), .down())
project_on_plane(a, normal, eps)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .project_on_plane(.one(), .left())
project_to_2d(a, camera_position, camera_target)
Project a vector onto a two dimensions plane.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
camera_position (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Camera position.
camera_target (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Camera target plane position.
Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector.
a = .project_to_2d(.one(), .new(2, 2, 3), .zero())
reflect(a, normal)
Reflects a vector off a plane defined by a normal.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .reflect(.one(), .right())
angle(a, b, eps)
Angle in degrees between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=1.0e-15).
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle(.one(), .up())
angle_signed(a, b, axis)
Signed angle in degrees between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
axis (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Axis vector.
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle_signed(.one(), .left(), .down())
- The smaller of the two possible angles between the two vectors is returned, therefore the result will never
be greater than 180 degrees or smaller than -180 degrees.
- If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point,
then the /axis/ vector would point up out of the paper.
- The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an
anti-clockwise direction.
angle2d(a, b)
2D angle between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle2d(.one(), .left())
transform_Matrix(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (matrix) : `matrix` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
mat =, 0)
mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
b = .transform_Matrix(.one(), mat)
transform_M44(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0))
- Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_normal_Matrix(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (matrix) : `matrix` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
mat =, 0)
mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
b = .transform_normal_Matrix(.one(), mat)
transform_normal_M44(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_normal_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0))
- Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_Array(a, rotation)
Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated.
rotation (float ) : `array` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_Array(.one(), array.from(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
transform_Quaternion(a, rotation)
Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated.
rotation (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `array` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_Quaternion(.one(),, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
- Type `Quaternion` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
Mad_StandardpartsLibrary "Mad_Standardparts"
This are my Standardparts used in upcoming scipts
roundTo(_value, _decimals)
Round a floating point value to a specified number of decimal places.
@description This function takes a floating point value and rounds it to a specified number of decimal places.
_value (float) : The floating point value to be rounded.
_decimals (int) : The number of decimal places to round to. Must be a non-negative integer.
Returns: The rounded value, as a floating point number.
Delete all drawings on the chart.
@description This function deletes all drawings on the chart, including lines, boxes, and labels.
Returns: None.
Create a string of spaces to shift text over by a specified amount.
@description This function takes an integer value and returns a string consisting of that many spaces, which can be used to shift text over in a PineScript chart.
_value (int) : The number of spaces to create in the output string.
Returns: A string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
Convert a linear value to a logarithmic value.
@description This function takes a linear value and converts it to a logarithmic value, using the formula specified in the code.
_value (float)
Returns: The corresponding logarithmic value, as a floating point number.
Convert a logarithmic value to a linear value.
@description This function takes a logarithmic value and converts it to a linear value, using the formula specified in the code.
_value (float)
Returns: The corresponding linear value, as a floating point number.
Calculate the time per bar on the chart.
@description This function calculates the time per bar on the chart based on the first 100 bars.
Returns: The time per bar, as an integer value.
Spider charts, also known as radar charts or web charts, are a powerful data visualization tool that can display multiple variables in a circular format. They are particularly useful when you want to compare different data sets or evaluate the performance of a single data set across multiple dimensions. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of spider charts, explore their benefits, and demonstrate how you can create your own spider chart using the Spider_Plot library.
Why Spider Charts are Cool:
Spider charts have a unique visual appeal that sets them apart from other chart types. They allow you to display complex data in a compact, easy-to-understand format, making them perfect for situations where you need to convey a lot of information in a limited space. Some of the key benefits of spider charts include:
Multi-dimensional analysis: Spider charts can display multiple variables at once, making them ideal for analyzing relationships between different data sets or examining a single data set across multiple dimensions.
Easy comparison: By displaying data in a circular format, spider charts make it simple to compare different data points, identify trends, and spot potential issues.
Versatility: Spider charts can be used for a wide range of applications, from business and finance to sports and health. They are particularly useful for situations where you need to analyze performance or make comparisons between different entities.
Creating Your Own Spider Chart with the Spider_Plot Library:
The Spider_Plot library is a user-friendly, easy-to-use tool that allows you to create stunning spider charts with minimal effort. To get started, you'll need to import the Spider_Plot library:
import peacefulLizard50262/Spider_Plot/1
With the library imported, you can now create your own spider chart. The first step is to normalize your data. Normalizing ensures that all data points fall within the 0 to 1 range, which is important for creating a visually balanced spider chart.
The Spider_Plot library provides the data_normalize function to help you normalize your data. This function accepts several parameters, including the normalization style ("All Time", "Range", or "Custom"), length of the range, outlier level, lookback period for standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values for the "Custom" normalization style.
Once you have normalized your data, you can create an array of your data points using the array.from function. This array will be used as input for the draw_spider_plot function, which is responsible for drawing the spider plot on your chart.
The draw_spider_plot function accepts an array of float values (the normalized data points), an array of background colors for each sector, a color for the axes, and a scaling factor.
Example Usage:
Here's an example script that demonstrates how to create a spider chart using the Spider_Plot library:
oc = data_normalize(ta.ema(math.abs(open - close), 20), "Range", 20)
// Create an array of your data points
data = array.from(tr, rsi, stoch, dev, tr, oc, tr)
// Define colors for each sector
colors = array.from(, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90),, 90))
// Draw the spider plot on your chart
draw_spider_plot(data, colors, color.gray, 100)
In this example, we have first normalized six different data points (rsi, source, stoch, dev, tr, and oc) using the data_normalize function. Next, we create an array of these normalized data points and define an array of colors for each sector of the spider chart. Finally, we call the draw_spider_plot function to draw the spider chart on our chart.
Spider charts are a versatile and visually appealing tool for analyzing and comparing multi-dimensional data. With the Spider_Plot library, you can easily create your own spider charts and unlock valuable insights from your data. Just remember to normalize your data and create an array of data points before calling the draw_spider_plot function. Happy charting!
Library "Spider_Plot"
data_normalize(data, style, length, outlier_level, dev_lookback, min, max)
data_normalize(data, string style, int length, float outlier_level, simple int dev_lookback, float min, float max)
data (float) : float , A float value to normalize.
style (string) : string , The normalization style: "All Time", "Range", or "Custom".
length (int) : int , The length of the range for "Range" normalization style.
outlier_level (float) : float , The outlier level to exclude from calculations.
dev_lookback (simple int) : int , The lookback period for calculating the standard deviation.
min (float) : float , The minimum value for the "Custom" normalization style.
max (float) : float , The maximum value for the "Custom" normalization style.
Returns: array , The normalized float value.
draw_spider_plot(values, bg_colors, axes_color, scale)
draw_spider_plot(array values, array bg_colors, color axes_color, float scale)
values (float ) : array , An array of float values to plot in the spider plot.
bg_colors (color ) : array , An array of background colors for each sector in the spider plot.
axes_color (color) : color , The color of the axes in the spider plot. Default: color.gray
scale (float) : float , A scaling factor for the spider plot. Default: 10
Returns: void , Draws the spider plot on the chart.
ReversalChartPatternLibraryLibrary "ReversalChartPatternLibrary"
User Defined Types and Methods for reversal chart patterns - Double Top, Double Bottom, Triple Top, Triple Bottom, Cup and Handle, Inverted Cup and Handle, Head and Shoulders, Inverse Head and Shoulders
method delete(this)
Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPatternDrawing
this (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Returns: current ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
method delete(this)
Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPattern object. In turn calls the delete of ReversalChartPatternDrawing
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method lpush(this, obj, limit, deleteOld)
Array push with limited number of items in the array. Old items are deleted when new one comes and exceeds the limit
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern ) : array object
obj (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object which need to be pushed to the array
limit (int) : max items on the array. Default is 10
deleteOld (bool) : If set to true, also deletes the drawing objects. If not, the drawing objects are kept but the pattern object is removed from array. Default is false.
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method draw(this)
Draws the components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing
Namespace types: ReversalChartPatternDrawing
this (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Returns: current ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
method draw(this)
Draws the components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing within the ReversalChartPattern object.
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method scan(zigzag, patterns, errorPercent, shoulderStart, shoulderEnd)
Scans zigzag for ReversalChartPattern occurences
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
zigzag (Zigzag type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object having array of zigzag pivots and other information on each pivots
patterns (ReversalChartPattern ) : Existing patterns array. Used for validating duplicates
errorPercent (float) : Error threshold for considering ratios. Default is 13
shoulderStart (float) : Starting range of shoulder ratio. Used for identifying shoulders, handles and necklines
shoulderEnd (float) : Ending range of shoulder ratio. Used for identifying shoulders, handles and necklines
Returns: int pattern type
method createPattern(zigzag, patternType, patternColor, riskAdjustment)
Create Pattern from ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
zigzag (Zigzag type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object having array of zigzag pivots and other information on each pivots
patternType (int) : Type of pattern being created. 1 - Double Tap, 2 - Triple Tap, 3 - Cup and Handle, 4 - Head and Shoulders
patternColor (color) : Color in which the patterns are drawn
riskAdjustment (float) : Used for calculating stops
Returns: ReversalChartPattern object created
method getName(this)
get pattern name of ReversalChartPattern object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: string name of the pattern
method getDescription(this)
get consolidated description of ReversalChartPattern object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: string consolidated description
method init(this)
initializes the ReversalChartPattern object and creates sub object types
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: ReversalChartPattern current object
Type which holds the drawing objects for Reversal Chart Pattern Types
patternLines (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : array of Line objects representing pattern
entry (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : Entry price Line
target (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : Target price Line
patternLabel (Label type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1)
Reversal Chart Pattern master type which holds the pattern components, drawings and trade details
pivots (Pivot type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : Array of Zigzag Pivots forming the pattern
patternType (series int) : Defines the main type of pattern 1 - Double Tap, 1 - Triple Tap, 3 - Cup and Handle, 4 - Head and Shoulders
patternColor (series color) : Color in which the pattern will be drawn on chart
riskAdjustment (series float) : Percentage adjustment of risk. Used for setting stops
drawing (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object which holds the drawing components
trade (Trade type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/TradeTracker/1) : TradeTracker.Trade object holding trade components
ObjectHelpersLibrary "ObjectHelpers"
Line | Box | Label | Linefill -- Maker, Setter, Getter Library
TODO: add table functionality
set all params for `line`, `box`, `label`, `linefill` objects with 1 function
## Overloaded
method set(line Line, int x1=na, float y1=na, int x2=na, float y2=na,string xloc=na,string extend=na,color color=na,string style=na,int width=na,bool update=na) => line
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
- **x1** `int` - value to set x1
- **y1** `float` - value to set y1
- **x2** `int` - value to set x2
- **y2** `float` - value to set y2
- **xloc** `int` - value to set xloc
- **yloc** `int` - value to set yloc
- **extend** `string` - value to set extend
- **color** `color` - value to set color
- **style** `string` - value to set style
- **width** `int` - value to set width
- **update** `bool` - value to set update
method set(box Box,int left=na,float top=na,int right=na, float bottom=na,color bgcolor=na,color border_color=na,string border_style=na,int border_width=na,string extend=na,string txt=na,color text_color=na,string text_font_family=na,string text_halign=na,string text_valign=na,string text_wrap=na,bool update=false) => box
### Params
- **Box** `box` - box object
- **left** `int` - value to set left
- **top** `float` - value to set top
- **right** `int` - value to set right
- **bottom** `float` - value to set bottom
- **bgcolor** `color` - value to set bgcolor
- **border_color** `color` - value to set border_color
- **border_style** `string` - value to set border_style
- **border_width** `int` - value to set border_width
- **extend** `string` - value to set extend
- **txt** `string` - value to set _text
- **text_color** `color` - value to set text_color
- **text_font_family** `string` - value to set text_font_family
- **text_halign** `string` - value to set text_halign
- **text_valign** `string` - value to set text_valign
- **text_wrap** `string` - value to set text_wrap
- **update** `bool` - value to set update
method set(label Label,int x=na,float y=na, string txt=na,string xloc=na,color color=na,color textcolor=na,string size=na,string style=na,string textalign=na,string tooltip=na,string text_font_family=na,bool update=false) => label
### Paramas
- **Label** `label` - label object
- **x** `int` - value to set x
- **y** `float` - value to set y
- **txt** `string` - value to set text add`"+++"` to the _text striing to have the current label text concatenated to the location of the "+++")
- **textcolor** `color` - value to set textcolor
- **size** `string` - value to set size
- **style** `string` - value to set style (use "flip" ,as the style to have label flip to top or bottom of bar depending on if open > close and vice versa)
- **text_font_family** `string` - value to set text_font_family
- **textalign** `string` - value to set textalign
- **tooltip** `string` - value to set tooltip
- **update** `bool` - update label to next bar
method set(linefill Linefill=na,line line1=na,line line2=na,color color=na) => linefill
### Params
- **linefill** `linefill` - linefill object
- **line1** `line` - line object
- **line2** `line` - line object
- **color** `color` - color
object (obj)
Returns: `line`, `box`, `label`, `linefill`
method set(Line, x1, y1, x2, y2, xloc, extend, color, style, width, update)
set the location params of a line with 1 function auto detects time or bar_index for xloc param
Namespace types: series line
Line (line) : `line` - line object | `required`
x1 (int) : `int` - value to set x1
y1 (float) : `float` - value to set y1
x2 (int) : `int` - value to set x2
y2 (float) : `float` - value to set y2
xloc (string) : `int` - value to set xloc
extend (string) : `string` - value to set extend
color (color) : `color` - value to set color
style (string) : `string` - value to set style
width (int) : `int` - value to set width
update (bool) : `bool` - value to set update
Returns: `line`
method set(Box, left, top, right, bottom, bgcolor, border_color, border_style, border_width, extend, txt, text_color, text_font_family, text_halign, text_valign, text_wrap, update)
set the location params of a box with 1 function
Namespace types: series box
Box (box) : `box` - box object | `required`
left (int) : `int` - value to set left
top (float) : `float` - value to set top
right (int) : `int` - value to set right
bottom (float) : `float` - value to set bottom
bgcolor (color) : `color` - value to set bgcolor
border_color (color) : `color` - value to set border_color
border_style (string) : `string` - value to set border_style
border_width (int) : `int` - value to set border_width
extend (string) : `string` - value to set extend
txt (string) : `string` - value to set _text
text_color (color) : `color` - value to set text_color
text_font_family (string) : `string` - value to set text_font_family
text_halign (string) : `string` - value to set text_halign
text_valign (string) : `string` - value to set text_valign
text_wrap (string) : `string` - value to set text_wrap
update (bool) : `bool` - value to set update
Returns: `box`
method set(Label, x, y, txt, xloc, color, textcolor, size, style, textalign, tooltip, text_font_family, update)
set the location params of a label with 1 function auto detects time or bar_index for xloc param
Namespace types: series label
Label (label) : `label` | `required`
x (int) : `int` - value to set x
y (float) : `float` - value to set y
txt (string) : `string` - value to set text add`"+++"` to the _text striing to have the current label text concatenated to the location of the "+++")
xloc (string)
color (color)
textcolor (color) : `color` - value to set textcolor
size (string) : `string` - value to set size
style (string) : `string` - value to set style (use "flip" ,as the style to have label flip to top or bottom of bar depending on if open > close and vice versa)
textalign (string) : `string` - value to set textalign
tooltip (string) : `string` - value to set tooltip
text_font_family (string) : `string` - value to set text_font_family
update (bool) : `bool` - update label to next bar
Returns: `label`
method set(Linefill, line1, line2, color)
change the 1 or 2 of the lines in a linefill object
Namespace types: series linefill
Linefill (linefill)
line1 (line) : `line` - line object
line2 (line) : `line` - line object
color (color) : `color` - color
Returns: `linefill`
get all of the location variables for `line`, `box`, `label` objects or the line objects from a `linefill`
## Overloaded
method get(line Line) =>
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
method get(box Box) =>
### Params
- **Box** `box` - box object | `required`
method get(label Label) =>
### Paramas
- **Label** `label` - label object | `required`
method get(linefill Linefill) =>
### Params
- **Linefill** `linefill` - linefill object | `required`
object (obj)
Returns: ` `
method get(Line)
Gets the location paramaters of a Line
Namespace types: series line
Line (line) : `line` - line object
method get(Box)
Gets the location paramaters of a Box
Namespace types: series box
Box (box) : `box` - box object
method get(Label)
Gets the `x`, `y`, `text` of a Label
Namespace types: series label
Label (label) : `label` - label object
method get(Linefill)
Gets `line 1`, `line 2` from a Linefill
Namespace types: series linefill
Linefill (linefill) : `linefill` - linefill object
method set_x(Line, x1, x2)
set the `x1`, `x2` of a line
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
- **x1** `int` - value to set x1 | `required`
- **x2** `int` - value to set x2 | `required`
Namespace types: series line
Line (line) : `line` - line object
x1 (int) : `int` - value to set x1
x2 (int) : `int` - value to set x2
Returns: `line`
method set_y(Line, y1, y2)
set `y1`, `y2` of a line
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
- **y1** `float` - value to set y1 | `required`
- **y2** `float` - value to set y2 | `required`
Namespace types: series line
Line (line) : `line` - line object
y1 (float) : `float` - value to set y1
y2 (float) : `float` - value to set y2
Returns: `line`
method Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend, color, style, width)
Similar to `` but can detect time or bar_index for xloc param and has defaults for all params but `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`
### Params
- **x1** `int` - value to set
- **y1** `float` - value to set
- **x2** `int` - value to set
- **y2** `float` - value to set
- **extend** `string` - extend value to set line
- **color** `color` - color to set line
- **style** `string` - style to set line
- **width** `int` - width to set line
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
x1 (int) : `int` - value to set
y1 (float) : `float` - value to set
x2 (int) : `int` - value to set
y2 (float) : `float` - value to set
extend (string) : `string` - extend value to set line
color (color) : `color` - color to set line
style (string) : `string` - style to set line
width (int) : `int` - width to set line
Returns: `line`
method Box(left, top, right, bottom, extend, border_color, bgcolor, text_color, border_width, border_style, txt, text_halign, text_valign, text_size, text_wrap)
similar to with the but can detect xloc param and has defaults for everything but location params
### Params
- **left** `int` - value to set
- **top** `float` - value to set
- **right** `int` - value to set
- **bottom** `float` - value to set
- **extend** `string` - extend value to set box
- **border_color** `color` - color to set border
- **bgcolor** `color` - color to set background
- **text_color** `color` - color to set text
- **border_width** `int` - width to set border
- **border_style** `string` - style to set border
- **txt** `string` - text to set
- **text_halign** `string` - horizontal alignment to set text
- **text_valign** `string` - vertical alignment to set text
- **text_size** `string` - size to set text
- **text_wrap** `string` - wrap to set text
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
left (int) : `int` - value to set
top (float) : `float` - value to set
right (int) : `int` - value to set
bottom (float) : `float` - value to set
extend (string) : `string` - extend value to set box
border_color (color) : `color` - color to set border
bgcolor (color) : `color` - color to set background
text_color (color) : `color` - color to set text
border_width (int) : `int` - width to set border
border_style (string) : `string` - style to set border
txt (string) : `string` - text to set
text_halign (string) : `string` - horizontal alignment to set text
text_valign (string) : `string` - vertical alignment to set text
text_size (string) : `string` - size to set text
text_wrap (string) : `string` - wrap to set text
Returns: `box`
method Label(txt, x, y, yloc, color, textcolor, style, size, textalign, text_font_family, tooltip)
Similar to but can detect time or bar_index for xloc param and has defaults for all params but x, y, txt, tooltip
### Params
- **txt** `string` - string to set
- **x** `int` - value to set
- **y** `float` - value to set
- **yloc** `string` - y location to set
- **color** `color` - label color to set
- **textcolor** `color` - text color to set
- **style** `string` - style to set
- **size** `string` - size to set
- **textalign** `string` - text alignment to set
- **text_font_family** `string` - font family to set
- **tooltip** `string` - tooltip to set
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
txt (string) : `string` - string to set
x (int) : `int` - value to set
y (float) : `float` - value to set
yloc (string) : `string` - y location to set
color (color) : `color` - label color to set
textcolor (color) : `color` - text color to set
style (string) : `string` - style to set
size (string) : `string` - size to set
textalign (string) : `string` - text alignment to set
text_font_family (string) : `string` - font family to set
tooltip (string) : `string` - tooltip to set
Returns: `label`
obj (series__string)
HarmonicPatternTrackingLibrary "HarmonicPatternTracking"
Library contains few data structures and methods for tracking harmonic pattern trades via pinescript.
method draw(this)
Creates and draws HarmonicDrawing object for given HarmonicPattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: current HarmonicPattern object
method addTrade(this)
calculates HarmonicTrade and sets trade object for HarmonicPattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: bool true if pattern trades are valid, false otherwise
method delete(this)
Deletes drawing objects of HarmonicDrawing
Namespace types: HarmonicDrawing
this (HarmonicDrawing) : HarmonicDrawing object
Returns: current HarmonicDrawing object
method delete(this)
Deletes drawings of harmonic pattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: current HarmonicPattern object
Drawing objects of Harmonic Pattern
xa (series line) : xa line
ab (series line) : ab line
bc (series line) : bc line
cd (series line) : cd line
xb (series line) : xb line
bd (series line) : bd line
ac (series line) : ac line
xd (series line) : xd line
x (series label) : label for pivot x
a (series label) : label for pivot a
b (series label) : label for pivot b
c (series label) : label for pivot c
d (series label) : label for pivot d
xabRatio (series label) : label for XAB Ratio
abcRatio (series label) : label for ABC Ratio
bcdRatio (series label) : label for BCD Ratio
xadRatio (series label) : label for XAD Ratio
Trade tracking parameters of Harmonic Patterns
initialEntry (series float) : initial entry when pattern first formed.
entry (series float) : trailed entry price.
initialStop (series float) : initial stop when trade first entered.
stop (series float) : current stop updated as per trailing rules.
target1 (series float) : First target value
target2 (series float) : Second target value
target3 (series float) : Third target value
target4 (series float) : Fourth target value
status (series int) : Trade status referenced as integer
retouch (series bool) : Flag to show if the price retouched after entry
Display and trade calculation properties for Harmonic Patterns
fillMajorTriangles (series bool) : Display property used for using linefill for harmonic major triangles
fillMinorTriangles (series bool) : Display property used for using linefill for harmonic minor triangles
majorFillTransparency (series int) : transparency setting for major triangles
minorFillTransparency (series int) : transparency setting for minor triangles
showXABCD (series bool) : Display XABCD pivot labels
lblSizePivots (series string) : Pivot label size
showRatios (series bool) : Display Ratio labels
useLogScaleForScan (series bool) : Use log scale to determine fib ratios for pattern scanning
useLogScaleForTargets (series bool) : Use log scale to determine fib ratios for target calculation
base (series string) : base on which calculation of stop/targets are made.
entryRatio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate entry
stopRatio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate initial stop
target1Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate first target
target2Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate second target
target3Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate third target
target4Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate fourth target
Harmonic pattern object to track entire pattern trade life cycle
id (series int) : Pattern Id
dir (series int) : pattern direction
x (series float) : X Pivot
a (series float) : A Pivot
b (series float) : B Pivot
c (series float) : C Pivot
d (series float) : D Pivot
xBar (series int) : Bar index of X Pivot
aBar (series int) : Bar index of A Pivot
bBar (series int) : Bar index of B Pivot
cBar (series int) : Bar index of C Pivot
dBar (series int) : Bar index of D Pivot
przStart (series float) : Start of PRZ range
przEnd (series float) : End of PRZ range
patterns (bool ) : array representing the patterns
patternLabel (series string) : string representation of list of patterns
patternColor (series color) : color assigned to pattern
properties (HarmonicProperties) : HarmonicProperties object containing display and calculation properties
trade (HarmonicTrade) : HarmonicTrade object to track trades
drawing (HarmonicDrawing) : HarmonicDrawing object to manage drawings
Parallel Projections [theEccentricTrader]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator automatically projects parallel trendlines or channels, from a single point of origin. In the example above I have applied the indicator twice to the 1D SPXUSD. The five upper lines (green) are projected at an angle of -5 from the 1-month swing high anchor point with a projection ratio of -72. And the seven lower lines (blue) are projected at an angle of 10 with a projection ratio of 36 from the 1-week swing low anchor point.
Green and Red Candles
• A green candle is one that closes with a high price equal to or above the price it opened.
• A red candle is one that closes with a low price that is lower than the price it opened.
Swing Highs and Swing Lows
• A swing high is a green candle or series of consecutive green candles followed by a single red candle to complete the swing and form the peak.
• A swing low is a red candle or series of consecutive red candles followed by a single green candle to complete the swing and form the trough.
Peak and Trough Prices (Basic)
• The peak price of a complete swing high is the high price of either the red candle that completes the swing high or the high price of the preceding green candle, depending on which is higher.
• The trough price of a complete swing low is the low price of either the green candle that completes the swing low or the low price of the preceding red candle, depending on which is lower.
Historic Peaks and Troughs
The current, or most recent, peak and trough occurrences are referred to as occurrence zero. Previous peak and trough occurrences are referred to as historic and ordered numerically from right to left, with the most recent historic peak and trough occurrences being occurrence one.
Support and Resistance
• Support refers to a price level where the demand for an asset is strong enough to prevent the price from falling further.
• Resistance refers to a price level where the supply of an asset is strong enough to prevent the price from rising further.
Support and resistance levels are important because they can help traders identify where the price of an asset might pause or reverse its direction, offering potential entry and exit points. For example, a trader might look to buy an asset when it approaches a support level , with the expectation that the price will bounce back up. Alternatively, a trader might look to sell an asset when it approaches a resistance level , with the expectation that the price will drop back down.
It's important to note that support and resistance levels are not always relevant, and the price of an asset can also break through these levels and continue moving in the same direction.
Trendlines are straight lines that are drawn between two or more points on a price chart. These lines are used as dynamic support and resistance levels for making strategic decisions and predictions about future price movements. For example traders will look for price movements along, and reactions to, trendlines in the form of rejections or breakouts/downs.
• Anchor Point Type
• Swing High/Low Occurrence
• HTF Resolution
• Highest High/Lowest Low Lookback
• Angle Degree
• Projection Ratio
• Number Lines
• Line Color
Anchor Point Types
• Swing High
• Swing Low
• Swing High (HTF)
• Swing Low (HTF)
• Highest High
• Lowest Low
• Intraday Highest High (intraday charts only)
• Intraday Lowest Low (intraday charts only)
Swing High/Swing Low Occurrence
This input is used to determine which historic peak or trough to reference for swing high or swing low anchor point types.
HTF Resolution
This input is used to determine which higher timeframe to reference for swing high (HTF) or swing low (HTF) anchor point types.
Highest High/Lowest Low Lookback
This input is used to determine the lookback length for highest high or lowest low anchor point types.
Intraday Highest High/Lowest Low Lookback
When using intraday highest high or lowest low anchor point types, the lookback length is calculated automatically based on number of bars since the daily candle opened.
Angle Degree
This input is used to determine the angle of the trendlines. The output is expressed in terms of point or pips, depending on the symbol type, which is then passed through the built in math.todegrees() function. Positive numbers will project the lines upwards while negative numbers will project the lines downwards. Depending on the market and timeframe, the impact input values will have on the visible gaps between the lines will vary greatly. For example, an input of 10 will have a far greater impact on the gaps between the lines when viewed from the 1-minute timeframe than it would on the 1-day timeframe. The input is a float and as such the value passed through can go into as many decimal places as the user requires.
It is also worth mentioning that as more lines are added the gaps between the lines, that are closest to the anchor point, will get tighter as they make their way up the y-axis. Although the gaps between the lines will stay constant at the x2 plot, i.e. a distance of 10 points between them, they will gradually get tighter and tighter at the point of origin as the slope of the lines get steeper.
Projection Ratio
This input is used to determine the distance between the parallels, expressed in terms of point or pips. Positive numbers will project the lines upwards while negative numbers will project the lines downwards. Depending on the market and timeframe, the impact input values will have on the visible gaps between the lines will vary greatly. For example, an input of 10 will have a far greater impact on the gaps between the lines when viewed from the 1-minute timeframe than it would on the 1-day timeframe. The input is a float and as such the value passed through can go into as many decimal places as the user requires.
Number Lines
This input is used to determine the number of lines to be drawn on the chart, maximum is 500.
All green and red candle calculations are based on differences between open and close prices, as such I have made no attempt to account for green candles that gap lower and close below the close price of the preceding candle, or red candles that gap higher and close above the close price of the preceding candle. This may cause some unexpected behaviour on some markets and timeframes. I can only recommend using 24-hour markets, if and where possible, as there are far fewer gaps and, generally, more data to work with.
If the lines do not draw or you see a study error saying that the script references too many candles in history, this is most likely because the higher timeframe anchor point is not present on the current timeframe. This problem usually occurs when referencing a higher timeframe, such as the 1-month, from a much lower timeframe, such as the 1-minute. How far you can lookback for higher timeframe anchor points on the current timeframe will also be limited by your Trading View subscription plan. Premium users get 20,000 candles worth of data, pro+ and pro users get 10,000, and basic users get 5,000.
It is my current thesis that the indicator will work best when used in conjunction with my Wavemeter indicator, which can be used to set the angle and projection ratio. For example, the average wave height or amplitude could be used as the value for the angle and projection ratio inputs. Or some factor or multiple of such an average. I think this makes sense as it allows for objectivity when applying the indicator across different markets and timeframes with different energies and vibrations.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
Fan Projections [theEccentricTrader]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator automatically projects trendlines in the shape of a fan, from a single point of origin. In the example above I have applied the indicator twice to the 1D SPXUSD. The seven upper lines (green) are projected at an angle of -5 from the 1-month swing high anchor point. And the five lower lines (blue) are projected at an angle of 10 from the 1-week swing low anchor point.
Green and Red Candles
• A green candle is one that closes with a high price equal to or above the price it opened.
• A red candle is one that closes with a low price that is lower than the price it opened.
Swing Highs and Swing Lows
• A swing high is a green candle or series of consecutive green candles followed by a single red candle to complete the swing and form the peak.
• A swing low is a red candle or series of consecutive red candles followed by a single green candle to complete the swing and form the trough.
Peak and Trough Prices (Basic)
• The peak price of a complete swing high is the high price of either the red candle that completes the swing high or the high price of the preceding green candle, depending on which is higher.
• The trough price of a complete swing low is the low price of either the green candle that completes the swing low or the low price of the preceding red candle, depending on which is lower.
Historic Peaks and Troughs
The current, or most recent, peak and trough occurrences are referred to as occurrence zero. Previous peak and trough occurrences are referred to as historic and ordered numerically from right to left, with the most recent historic peak and trough occurrences being occurrence one.
Support and Resistance
• Support refers to a price level where the demand for an asset is strong enough to prevent the price from falling further.
• Resistance refers to a price level where the supply of an asset is strong enough to prevent the price from rising further.
Support and resistance levels are important because they can help traders identify where the price of an asset might pause or reverse its direction, offering potential entry and exit points. For example, a trader might look to buy an asset when it approaches a support level , with the expectation that the price will bounce back up. Alternatively, a trader might look to sell an asset when it approaches a resistance level , with the expectation that the price will drop back down.
It's important to note that support and resistance levels are not always relevant, and the price of an asset can also break through these levels and continue moving in the same direction.
Trendlines are straight lines that are drawn between two or more points on a price chart. These lines are used as dynamic support and resistance levels for making strategic decisions and predictions about future price movements. For example traders will look for price movements along, and reactions to, trendlines in the form of rejections or breakouts/downs.
• Anchor Point Type
• Swing High/Low Occurrence
• HTF Resolution
• Highest High/Lowest Low Lookback
• Angle Degree
• Number Lines
• Line Color
Anchor Point Types
• Swing High
• Swing Low
• Swing High (HTF)
• Swing Low (HTF)
• Highest High
• Lowest Low
• Intraday Highest High (intraday charts only)
• Intraday Lowest Low (intraday charts only)
Swing High/Swing Low Occurrence
This input is used to determine which historic peak or trough to reference for swing high or swing low anchor point types.
HTF Resolution
This input is used to determine which higher timeframe to reference for swing high (HTF) or swing low (HTF) anchor point types.
Highest High/Lowest Low Lookback
This input is used to determine the lookback length for highest high or lowest low anchor point types.
Intraday Highest High/Lowest Low Lookback
When using intraday highest high or lowest low anchor point types, the lookback length is calculated automatically based on number of bars since the daily candle opened.
Angle Degree
This input is used to determine the angle of the trendlines. The output is expressed in terms of point or pips, depending on the symbol type, which is then passed through the built in math.todegrees() function. Positive numbers will project the lines upwards while negative numbers will project the lines downwards. Depending on the market and timeframe, the impact input values will have on the visible gaps between the lines will vary greatly. For example, an input of 10 will have a far greater impact on the gaps between the lines when viewed from the 1-minute timeframe than it would on the 1-day timeframe. The input is a float and as such the value passed through can go into as many decimal places as the user requires.
It is also worth mentioning that as more lines are added the gaps between the lines, that are closest to the anchor point, will get tighter as they make their way up the y-axis. Although the gaps between the lines will stay constant at the x2 plot, i.e. a distance of 10 points between them, they will gradually get tighter and tighter at the point of origin as the slope of the lines get steeper.
Number Lines
This input is used to determine the number of lines to be drawn on the chart, maximum is 500.
All green and red candle calculations are based on differences between open and close prices, as such I have made no attempt to account for green candles that gap lower and close below the close price of the preceding candle, or red candles that gap higher and close above the close price of the preceding candle. This may cause some unexpected behaviour on some markets and timeframes. I can only recommend using 24-hour markets, if and where possible, as there are far fewer gaps and, generally, more data to work with.
If the lines do not draw or you see a study error saying that the script references too many candles in history, this is most likely because the higher timeframe anchor point is not present on the current timeframe. This problem usually occurs when referencing a higher timeframe, such as the 1-month, from a much lower timeframe, such as the 1-minute. How far you can lookback for higher timeframe anchor points on the current timeframe will also be limited by your Trading View subscription plan. Premium users get 20,000 candles worth of data, pro+ and pro users get 10,000, and basic users get 5,000.
It is my current thesis that the indicator will work best when used in conjunction with my Wavemeter indicator, which can be used to set the angle. For example, the average wave height or amplitude could be used as the value for the angle input. Or some factor or multiple of such an average. I think this makes sense as it allows for objectivity when applying the indicator across different markets and timeframes with different energies and vibrations.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
LineWrapperLibrary "LineWrapper"
Wrapper Type for Line. Useful when you want to store the line details without drawing them. Can also be used in scnearios where you collect lines to be drawn and draw together towards the end.
draws line as per the wrapper object contents
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
draws lines as per the wrapper object array
this : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
updates or redraws line as per the wrapper object contents
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
updates or redraws lines as per the wrapper object array
this : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
get_price(this, bar)
get line price based on bar
this : (series Line) Line object.
bar : (series/int) bar at which line price need to be calculated
Returns: line price at given bar.
Returns UNIX time or bar index (depending on the last xloc value set) of the first point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) or bar index.
Returns UNIX time or bar index (depending on the last xloc value set) of the second point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) or bar index.
Returns price of the first point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Price value.
Returns price of the second point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Price value.
set_x1(this, x, draw, update)
Sets bar index or bar time (depending on the xloc) of the first point.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_x2(this, x, draw, update)
Sets bar index or bar time (depending on the xloc) of the second point.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_y1(this, y, draw, update)
Sets price of the first point
this : (series Line) Line object.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_y2(this, y, draw, update)
Sets price of the second point
this : (series Line) Line object.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_color(this, color, draw, update)
Sets the line color
this : (series Line) Line object.
color : (series color) New line color
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_extend(this, extend, draw, update)
Sets extending type of this line object. If extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points.
this : (series Line) Line object.
extend : (series string) New extending type.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_style(this, style, draw, update)
Sets the line style
this : (series Line) Line object.
style : (series string) New line style.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_width(this, width, draw, update)
Sets the line width.
this : (series Line) Line object.
width : (series int) New line width in pixels.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_xloc(this, x1, x2, xloc, draw, update)
Sets x-location and new bar index/time values.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x1 : (series int) Bar index or bar time of the first point.
x2 : (series int) Bar index or bar time of the second point.
xloc : (series string) New x-location value.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_xy1(this, x, y, draw, update)
Sets bar index/time and price of the first point.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_xy2(this, x, y, draw, update)
Sets bar index/time and price of the second point
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
Deletes the underlying line drawing object
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Current Line object
Line Wrapper object
x1 : (series int) Bar index (if xloc = xloc.bar_index) or bar UNIX time (if xloc = xloc.bar_time) of the first point of the line. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y1 : (series int/float) Price of the first point of the line.
x2 : (series int) Bar index (if xloc = xloc.bar_index) or bar UNIX time (if xloc = xloc.bar_time) of the second point of the line. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y2 : (series int/float) Price of the second point of the line.
xloc : (series string) See description of x1 argument. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
extend : (series string) If extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
color : (series color) Line color.
style : (series string) Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width : (series int) Line width in pixels.
obj : line object
Vector2FunctionClipLibrary "Vector2FunctionClip"
Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm.
clip(source, reference)
Perform Clip operation on a vector with another.
source : array . Source polygon to be clipped.
reference : array . Reference polygon to clip source.
Returns: array.
Segment2Library "Segment2"
Structure representation of a directed straight line in two dimensions from origin to target vectors.
new(origin, target)
Generate a new segment.
origin : Vector2 . Origin of the segment.
target : Vector2 . Target of the segment.
Returns: Segment2.
new(origin_x, origin_y, target_x, target_y)
Generate a new segment.
origin_x : float . Origin of the segment x coordinate.
origin_y : float . Origin of the segment y coordinate.
target_x : float . Target of the segment x coordinate.
target_y : float . Target of the segment y coordinate.
Returns: Segment2.
Copy a segment.
this : Vector2 . Segment to copy.
Returns: Segment2.
Squared length of the normalized segment vector. For comparing vectors this is computationaly lighter.
this : Segment2 . Sorce segment.
Returns: float.
Length of the normalized segment vector.
this : Segment2 . Sorce segment.
Returns: float.
Reverse the direction of the segment.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
Returns: Segment2.
Segment is degenerate when origin and target are equal.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
Returns: bool.
Segment is horizontal?.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
Returns: bool.
is_horizontal(this, precision)
Segment is horizontal?.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
precision : float . Limit of precision.
Returns: bool.
Segment is vertical?.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
Returns: bool.
is_vertical(this, precision)
Segment is vertical?.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
precision : float . Limit of precision.
Returns: bool.
equals(this, other)
Tests two segments for equality (share same origin and target).
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
other : Segment2 . Target segment.
Returns: bool.
nearest_to_point(this, point)
Find the nearest point in a segment to another point.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
point : Vector2 . Point to aproximate.
Returns: Vector2.
intersection(this, other)
Find the intersection vector of 2 lines.
this : Segment2 . Segment A.
other : Segment2 . Segment B.
Returns: Vector2.Vector2 Object.
extend(this, at_origin, at_target)
Extend a segment by the percent ratio provided.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
at_origin : float . Percent ratio to extend at origin vector.
at_target : float . Percent ratio to extend at target vector.
Returns: Segment2.
Translate segment to string format `( (x,y), (x,y) )`.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
Returns: string.
to_string(this, format)
Translate segment to string format `((x,y), (x,y))`.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
format : string . Format string to apply.
Returns: string.
Translate segment to array format.
this : Segment2 . Source segment.
Returns: array.
Vector2DrawQuadLibrary "Vector2DrawQuad"
functions to handle vector2 Quad drawing operations.
new(a, b, c, d, xloc, bg_color, line_color, line_style, line_width)
Draws a quadrilateral with background fill.
a : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
b : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
c : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
d : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
xloc : string . Type of axis unit, bar_index or time.
bg_color : color . Color of the background.
line_color : color . Color of the line.
line_style : string . Style of the line.
line_width : int . Width of the line.
Returns: Quad object.
Copy a existing quad object.
this : Quad . Source quad.
Returns: Quad.
set_position_a(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `a` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_a(this, position)
Set the position of corner `a` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_b(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `b` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_b(this, position)
Set the position of corner `b` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_c(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `c` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_c(this, position)
Set the position of corner `c` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_d(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `d` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_position_d(this, position)
Set the position of corner `d` (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_style(this, bg_color, line_color, line_style, line_width)
Update quad style options (modifies Source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
bg_color : color . Color of the background.
line_color : color . Color of the line.
line_style : string . Style of the line.
line_width : int . Width of the line.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_bg_color(this, bg_color)
Update quad style options (modifies Source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
bg_color : color . Color of the background.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_line_color(this, line_color)
Update quad style options (modifies Source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
line_color : color . Color of the line.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_line_style(this, line_style)
Update quad style options (modifies Source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
line_style : string . Style of the line.
Returns: Source Quad.
set_line_width(this, line_width)
Update quad style options (modifies Source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
line_width : int . Width of the line.
Returns: Source Quad.
move(this, x, y)
Move quad by provided amount (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
x : float . Amount to move the vertices of the quad in the x axis.
y : float . Amount to move the vertices of the quad in the y axis.
Returns: Source Quad.
move(this, amount)
Move quad by provided amount (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
amount : Vector2 . Amount to move the vertices of the quad in the x and y axis.
Returns: Source Quad.
rotate_around(this, center, angle)
Rotate source quad around a center (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
center : Vector2 . Center coordinates of the rotation.
angle : float . Value of angle in degrees.
Returns: Source Quad.
rotate_around(this, center_x, center_y, angle)
Rotate source quad around a center (modifies source quad).
this : Quad . Source quad.
center_x : int . Center coordinates of the rotation.
center_y : float . Center coordinates of the rotation.
angle : float . Value of angle in degrees.
Returns: Source Quad.
Vector2DrawTriangleLibrary "Vector2DrawTriangle"
Functions to draw a triangle and manipulate its properties.
new(a, b, c, xloc, bg_color, line_color, line_style, line_width)
Draws a triangle with background fill using line prototype.
a : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
b : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
c : v2 . Vector2 object, in the form `(x, y)`.
xloc : string . Type of axis unit, bar_index or time.
bg_color : color . Color of the background.
line_color : color . Color of the line.
line_style : string . Style of the line.
line_width : int . Width of the line.
Returns: Triangle object.
Copy a existing triangle object.
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
Returns: Triangle.
set_position_a(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `a` (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_position_a(this, position)
Set the position of corner `a` (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_position_b(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `b` (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_position_b(this, position)
Set the position of corner `b` (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_position_c(this, x, y)
Set the position of corner `c` (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
x : int . Value at the x axis.
y : float . Value at the y axis.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_position_c(this, position)
Set the position of corner `c` (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
position : Vector2 . New position.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_style(this, bg_color, line_color, line_style, line_width)
Update triangle style options (modifies Source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
bg_color : color . Color of the background.
line_color : color . Color of the line.
line_style : string . Style of the line.
line_width : int . Width of the line.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_bg_color(this, bg_color)
Update triangle style options (modifies Source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
bg_color : color . Color of the background.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_line_color(this, line_color)
Update triangle style options (modifies Source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
line_color : color . Color of the line.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_line_style(this, line_style)
Update triangle style options (modifies Source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
line_style : string . Style of the line.
Returns: Source Triangle.
set_line_width(this, line_width)
Update triangle style options (modifies Source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
line_width : int . Width of the line.
Returns: Source Triangle.
move(this, x, y)
Move triangle by provided amount (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
x : float . Amount to move the vertices of the triangle in the x axis.
y : float . Amount to move the vertices of the triangle in the y axis.
Returns: Source Triangle.
move(this, amount)
Move triangle by provided amount (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
amount : Vector2 . Amount to move the vertices of the triangle in the x and y axis.
Returns: Source Triangle.
rotate_around(this, center, angle)
Rotate source triangle around a center (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
center : Vector2 . Center coordinates of the rotation.
angle : float . Value of angle in degrees.
Returns: Source Triangle.
rotate_around(this, center_x, center_y, angle)
Rotate source triangle around a center (modifies source triangle).
this : Triangle . Source triangle.
center_x : int . Center coordinates of the rotation.
center_y : float . Center coordinates of the rotation.
angle : float . Value of angle in degrees.
Returns: Source Triangle.
CommonTypesDrawingLibrary "CommonTypesDrawing"
Provides a common library source for common types of used graphical drawing structures.
Includes: `Triangle, Quad, Polygon`
Representation of a triangle using lines and linefill.
ab : Edge of point a to b.
bc : Edge of point b to c.
ca : Edge of point c to a.
fill : Fill of the object.
solid : Check if polygon should have a fill.
Representation of a quadrilateral using lines and linefill.
ab : Edge of point a to b.
bc : Edge of point b to c.
cd : Edge of point c to d.
da : Edge of point d to a.
fill : Fill of the object.
solid : Check if polygon should have a fill.
Representation of a polygon using lines and linefill.
edges : List of edges in the polygon.
fills : Fills of the object.
closed : Check if polygon line should connect last vertice to first.
solid : Check if polygon should have a fill.
Vector2DrawLineLibrary "Vector2DrawLine"
Extends line type with methods for Vector2 and Segment2.
new(origin, target, xloc, extend, color, style, width)
Draws a line using Segment type to hold its coordinate properties..
origin : Vector2 . Origin vector of the line.
target : Vector2 . Target vector of the line.
xloc : string
extend : string
color : color
style : string
width : int
Returns: line object
new(segment, xloc, extend, color, style, width)
Draws a line using Segment type to hold its coordinate properties..
segment : Segment2 . Segment with positional coordinates.
xloc : string
extend : string
color : color
style : string
width : int
Returns: line object
rotate_around(this, center, angle)
Instance method to rotate line around center vector (modifies input line).
this : line . Line object.
center : Vector2 . Center of rotation.
angle : float . Rotation angle in degrees.
Returns: line. Rotated line object.
PitchforkMethodsLibrary "PitchforkMethods"
Methods associated with Pitchfork and Pitchfork Drawing. Depends on the library PitchforkTypes for Pitchfork/PitchforkDrawing objects which in turn use DrawingTypes for basic objects Point/Line/LineProperties. Also depends on DrawingMethods for related methods
Converts PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork
Converts Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork array
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing array from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork array of objects
this : array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
draws from PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object drawn
deletes PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
deletes underlying drawing of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
deletes underlying drawing in array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects and clears the array
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: void
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects and clears the array
this : Array of Pitchfork/Pitchfork object
Returns: void
PitchforkTypesLibrary "PitchforkTypes"
User Defined Types to be used for Pitchfork and Drawing elements of Pitchfork. Depends on DrawingTypes for Point, Line, and LineProperties objects
Pitchfork Drawing Properties object
extend : If set to true, forks are extended towards right. Default is true
fill : Fill forklines with transparent color. Default is true
fillTransparency : Transparency at which fills are made. Only considered when fill is set. Default is 80
forceCommonColor : Force use of common color for forks and fills. Default is false
commonColor : common fill color. Used only if ratio specific fill colors are not available or if forceCommonColor is set to true.
Pitchfork drawing components
medianLine : Median line of the pitchfork
baseLine : Base line of the pitchfork
forkLines : fork lines of the pitchfork
linefills : Linefills between forks
Fork object property
ratio : Fork ratio
forkColor : color of fork. Default is blue
include : flag to include the fork in drawing. Default is true
Pitchfork Properties
forks : Array of Fork objects
type : Pitchfork type. Supported values are "regular", "schiff", "mschiff", Default is regular
inside : Flag to identify if to draw inside fork. If set to true, inside fork will be drawn
Pitchfork object
a : Pivot Point A of pitchfork
b : Pivot Point B of pitchfork
c : Pivot Point C of pitchfork
properties : PitchforkProperties object which determines type and composition of pitchfork
dProperties : Drawing properties for pitchfork
lProperties : Common line properties for Pitchfork lines
drawing : PitchforkDrawing object