EMA55 Rule - Divine

It's base on EMA and RSI.

Default Settings :

EMA (H): 55
EMA (L): 55

RIS (50)
OverBought: 52
OverSold: 48

Rule For Buy :
Ready for BUY when it's cross above 55 EMA (Source is "High", Offset is "0").
RSI Must be amove 52 when the price is amove 55 EMA(H).
Buy it. with stoploss. (Stoploss Must be previous cable's low or base on your risk capacity.)

Rule For Buy :
Ready for BUY when it's cross below 55 EMA (Source is "Low", Offset is "0").
RSI Must be below 48 when the price is below 55 EMA(L).
SELL it. with stoploss. (Stoploss Must be previous cable's High or base on your risk capacity.)

Happy Trading :)

If any other modification you need, you can comment below.

Rakesh Patel (WhatsApp No : +91-09137021887)
Moving AveragesOscillators

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