Auto Risk Calculator

This script takes the lowest of the last 3 bars on your current time frame and sets that as your stop loss. Then it will takes 2 inputs. Trade Amount, which is how much you're willing to spend on the trade. And Risk Amount, which is the max you're willing to lose one the trade. Then it will calculate how many shares you should buy based the stop loss previously calculated, trade amount, and risk amount.
Informacje o Wersji
Fixed a bug that would cause labels to continuously print
Informacje o Wersji
Added the functionality to change the time frame the stop is drawn from. Default is 10m.


Skrypt chroniony

Ten skrypt został opublikowany z zamkniętym kodem źródłowym i możesz z niego dowolnie korzystać. Możesz go dodać do ulubionych, żeby używać go na wykresie. Nie możesz przeglądać ani modyfikować jego kodu źródłowego.

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