Rs Gpet Mama for you

study(title="Moving Average Shaded Fill Area Crossover EMA", shorttitle="EMA Fill", overlay=true)

// === INPUTS ===
src = input(close)

ema1 = input(5,title='EMA-1')
ema2 = input(13,title='EMA-2')
ema3 = input(21,title='EMA-3')

pema1 = ema(src, ema1)
pema2 = ema(src, ema2)
pema3 = ema(src, ema3)


ema1plot = plot(pema1, color=#2ecc71, style=line, linewidth=2, title='EMA-1')
ema2plot = plot(pema2, color=#f00b0b, style=line, linewidth=2, title='EMA 2')
ema3plot = plot(pema3, color=#2196f3, style=line, linewidth=2, title='EMA 3')

fill(ema1plot, ema2plot, color=pema1>pema2? green:blue, transp=70, editable=true)
fill(ema2plot, ema3plot, color=pema2>pema3? red:red, transp=70, editable=true)

//if you edit please drop a line :)
//study(title="EMA Candles", shorttitle="DepthHouse EMA Candles", overlay=true)

fast=input(5) //Fast EMA Band
slow=input(55) //Slow EMA Band


g = #8cffe5
r = #ff848a
gg = #adff75
rr = #FF00FF
w = #000000


//study("Fractal Support Resistance", shorttitle="FSR", overlay=true)
tf = input(title="Resolution", type=resolution, defval = "current")
vamp = input(title="VolumeMA", type=integer, defval=6)
vam = sma(volume, vamp)

up = high[3]>high[4] and high[4]>high[5] and high[2]<high[3] and high[1]<high[2] and volume[3]>vam[3]
down = low[3]<low[4] and low[4]<low[5] and low[2]>low[3] and low[1]>low[2] and volume[3]>vam[3]
fractalup = up ? high[3] : fractalup[1]
fractaldown = down ? low[3] : fractaldown[1]

fuptf = security(tickerid,tf == "current" ? period : tf, fractalup)
fdowntf = security(tickerid,tf == "current" ? period : tf, fractaldown)

plot(fuptf, "FractalUp", color=red, linewidth=1, style=cross, transp=20, offset =-3, join=false)
plot(fdowntf, "FractalDown", color=blue, linewidth=1, style=cross, transp=20, offset=-3, join=false)


//study(title="Puntos Pivotes + 6 EMAS", shorttitle="Pivotes", overlay = true)
sd = input(true, title="Mostrar Pivotes Diarios")
sw = input(false, title="Mostrar Pivotes Semanales")
xHigh = security(tickerid,"D", high[1])
xLow = security(tickerid,"D", low[1])
xClose = security(tickerid,"D", close[1])
dPP = (xHigh+xLow+xClose) / 3
dR1 = dPP+(dPP-xLow)
dS1 = dPP-(xHigh - dPP)
dR2 = dPP + (xHigh - xLow)
dS2 = dPP - (xHigh - xLow)
dR3 = xHigh + 2 * (dPP - xLow)
dS3 = xLow - 2 * (xHigh - dPP)
plot(sd and dPP ? dPP : na, color=#FF00FF, title="PP Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sd and dS1 ? dS1 : na, color=#ff0000, title="S1 Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sd and dS2 ? dS2 : na, color=#ff002a, title="S2 Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sd and dS3 ? dS3 : na, color=#ff014a, title="S3 Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sd and dR1 ? dR1 : na, color=#009600, title="R1 Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sd and dR2 ? dR2 : na, color=#006F00, title="R2 Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sd and dR3 ? dR3 : na, color=#004900, title="R3 Diario", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)

yHigh = security(tickerid,"W", high[1])
yLow = security(tickerid,"W", low[1])
yClose = security(tickerid,"W", close[1])
wPP = (yHigh+yLow+yClose) / 3
wR1 = wPP+(wPP-yLow)
wS1 = wPP-(yHigh - wPP)
wR2 = wPP + (yHigh - yLow)
wS2 = wPP - (yHigh - yLow)
wR3 = yHigh + 2 * (wPP - yLow)
wS3 = yLow - 2 * (yHigh - wPP)
plot(sw and wPP ? wPP : na, color=#FF00FF, title="PP Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sw and wS1 ? wS1 : na, color=#ff0000, title="S1 Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sw and wS2 ? wS2 : na, color=#ff002a, title="S2 Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sw and wS3 ? wS3 : na, color=#ff014a, title="S3 Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sw and wR1 ? wR1 : na, color=#009600, title="R1 Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sw and wR2 ? wR2 : na, color=#006F00, title="R2 Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
plot(sw and wR3 ? wR3 : na, color=#004900, title="R3 Semanal", style = circles, linewidth = 2, transp=0)
Moving Averages

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