Total Turnover Moving Average (TTMA)

This is a special type of moving average that incorporates financial information into technical indicators.

Number of shares outstanding (NOSH) reflects the floating tickets available for trading in the market. This indicator aims to look at what price has the market transacted on average, given all the NOSH has been turned over.

In order to do this, the number of periods required for trading volume to add up to NOSH is determined. Then, a simple moving average of closing price is calculated based on the number of periods.

Put simply, TTMA is a variable MA indicator, which the parameter depends on trading volume and NOSH. Since every counter has varying NOSH, it also translates volume into liquidity. Given two counters of the same volume , the one with lower NOSH has higher liquidity.

Bullish: when prices are above TTMA
Bearish: when prices are below TTMA

Generally works well for mid-cap to large-cap stocks, but not volatile penny counters (just like how you will not use 2-day moving average!). Good as reference and should NOT be used standalone.
Moving Averages

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