This script shows the angle of 6 EMAs to perform trade analysis. The EMA angle is also known as its Rate Of Change ( ROC ). The 6 EMAs (I, II, III , IV, V and VI ) default lengthes come from one of the Fibonacci Phi^3 and Phi^3/2 sub series (17, 34, 72, 144, 305 and 610), but can be changed to any values, particularly to the traditionally used 20, 40, 50, 100, 200 and 300. Up to my knowledge, Fibonacci Phi^3 and Phi^3/2 sub series lengthes were first proposed by Bo Williams.
Angle calculation is performed by calculating the tangent over a delta interval. Normalization is required to make the angle independent of the price range.
This script is meant to be used together with the corresponding EMAs on the candle pane. Non normalized view shows a more realistic angle condition but, if intended to be used with the CEMAS indicator, normalized view should be used.