Structured zigzag support&resistance [LM]

Od lmatl
Hello Traders,

I would like to introduce you Structured zigzag support&resistance. It is based on the ZigZag semafor script made by DevLucem so shout out to him

The indicator is used to spot future multi-level Supports and Resistance zones. It is also useful to spot HL or LL or HH or LH zones

I's the same zigzag indicator as my other zigzag indicator with highlight on diagonal lines(highs and lows are automatically classified and also new types of diagonal lines that connects low or highs and extends to right are drawn )

It has two settings:
Fist is to control horizontal lines and zigzag setting
Second is to control diagonal lines

I hope you will enjoy it as I enjoyed to write it.

Informacje o Wersji
code clean up
Informacje o Wersji
Added feature for displaying boxes instead of lines

Informacje o Wersji
Updating some indicator properties and also changed boxes to highlight candle wicks:

Informacje o Wersji
adding restrictions for max boxes, lines, labels
support_and_resistanceSupport and ResistancesupportandresistancezonesZigzagZig Zag Indicator

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