On Chart Reverse MACD Cross

Od lynchs
The On Chart Reverse MACD Cross is a visual representation of the Reverse MACD Cross calculation which can be used to assist the end-user in their decision making for entry, exit and risk management, as well as freeing up space for the chart.

The On Chart Reverse MACD Cross, which very basically is a smoothed reverse engineered calculation of the MACD Signal Line gives the user a visual representation of the relationship between the current price and the MACD Signal Line instead of having to reference the MACD itself. At a glance this can then can be used to visually see on the chart the closing price level needed in order to cross the MACD either up or down.


Optional settings include:
1.) Show/Hide the Reverse MACD Cross label
2.) Change the Reverse MACD Cross label text size
3.) Change the Reverse MACD Cross label left margin
4.) Show/hide the Reverse MACD Cross label currency
5.) Change the Reverse MACD Cross label decimal value

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Informacje o Wersji
Under the hood tweaks for better performance
Informacje o Wersji
Added the ability to change the MACD Cross Value Text Color in the settings to suit your chart style preferences.
Informacje o Wersji
More under the hood tweaks for better performance
Informacje o Wersji
Code tidy up, and performance tweaks
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Code tidy up
Informacje o Wersji
Under the hood performance enhancements, as well as the addition of the on chart histogram, and histogram divergence

Please Note: When using the new "Show Histogram As Columns" feature the "Scale Price Chart Only" option of your chart must be selected in order to display this feature properly.
Informacje o Wersji
You asked, we listened!
New settings to display either raw or smoothed on chart MACD cross data, as well as a number of visual and performance improvements.
Informacje o Wersji
Code Tidy up
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Under the hood tweaks to the divergence algorithm to improve performance
Informacje o Wersji
Under the hood performance enhancements
chartMoving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)reverse

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