Fibonacci Bands

Od DarkSideTrader
Fibonacci Bands are derived from Fibonacci ratios expansion from a fixed moving average.
These bands help traders find key areas of support and resistance . "Fibonacci bands" are
computed by adding a Fibonacci ratio distance (Up and Down) from a "key moving" average
(21, 34, 89 periods). An 8 period average of "True range" is computed. The multiples of
Fibonacci ratios of this range are added to the fixed moving average to compute Fibonacci
One of the best ways to find trend reversals is to watch the price action near the extreme bands
(both lower and higher). Markets tend to reverse when prices trade outside of the band for a
few bars and again trade inside the bands. After reversals, markets also tend to trade from one
extreme band to the other end (opposite) of the extreme bands.
ATRbandsExponential Moving Average (EMA)resistencesupportSupport and Resistance
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