
This is a heat map to identify swing trades. This map forms the cornerstone of BKForex swing trades. When combined with fundamental drivers, it helps to identify the most attractive trading opportunities across the majors and crosses.
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Update to name
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Kathy Lien's Proprietary Zip Heat Map
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This is a new version that updates and highlights the Trigger Candle of the Heat Map by painting it white to make it easier for user to see. The new updates of the scrip also allows for ZipHeat alerts so you can set them directly from the chart
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This is a very small code update that updates for the new syntax in Pine script. All the trading logic of the indicators remains the same
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This particular version allows for pre-built buy and sell side alerts for teh indicator
bkforexForexforexsignalsforextradingTrend Analysis

Skrypt tylko na zaproszenie

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TradingView nie sugeruje płacenia za skrypt i korzystania z niego, jeśli nie ufasz w 100% jego autorowi i nie rozumiesz, jak działa skrypt. W wielu przypadkach możesz znaleźć dobrą alternatywę open-source za darmo w naszych Skryptach Społeczności.

Instrukcje autora

To access this script please email us at and we will tell you exactly how you could gain access to it.

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