Swing-Trade-Stocks System

This is a simple swing trade system inspired by sources on the internet. The rules are as follows:

Buy when first green arrow appears after 10ma above 30ma
Set stop-loss below most recent support
Set take-profit below most recent swing point high or wait until price closes below 30ma (red)

Short when first purple arrow appears after 10ma below 30ma
Set stop-loss above most recent resistance
Set take-profit above most recent swing point low or wait until price closes above 30ma (red)

The background color changes based on the direction of SPY. If SPY is going down (10ma < 30ma) the
background will be red and only short indicators (purple arrows) will appear. If SPY is going up (10ma > 30ma),
the background will be green and only long indicators (green arrows) will appear.

Happy trading!
Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

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