This was reasonably easy to put together and I can't find one that does this in the Library and I've been wanting one. Of course, the drawing tool is just fantastic, but sometimes it can be forgotten as new pivots emerge.
What you'll find elsewhere in the Library is a nice variety of fancier methods for determining an anchor point with labels, lines, timestamps and standard deviations.
This is just a simple script to pull the Anchored VWAP off of the most recent pivot and update that as new pivots become defined.
I wanted it to be really portable so it could easily work into other things you're working on while also keeping the chart reasonably clean.
The way this functions is as follows: A new pivot is found and VWAP is calculated from it. At that point the prior aVWAP is no longer tracked and it picks up from the new pivot .
Of course this means that the plot doesn't generate until the pivot is actually confirmed, which in turn means that the plot doesn't reach back to the pivot , it begins based on whatever "right bars" period you end up choosing.
I kind of like it that way, because you have your eyes on the one that matters until the new one matters.
The downside is that it doesn't track old pivots . The old aVWAP might still be in play. But if you track all of the old one's you'll have a 100 lines on your chart and no one wants that.
I recommend when you look back and think the old one is still in play, use the drawing tool to keep it on the chart.
Otherwise, let the script do the work for you.
Hope its helpful. Let me know what you think should be done to make it better.