Trader Set - Modified RSI MTF

Od CAB_Member
This is a modified version of RSI MTF, a similar indicator can be found in public library if anyone is interested, mine, is fabricated to work with my methology with all the addition i will add to this (just like others when i added the ability to change the moving types in critical places of formula) so that students can experiment with them (it will come in next version). also, I normalize both sections for better visualization.

Please don't ask me for getting access. "CM Modified RSI MFI" search it for the base and almost similar indicator without my additions. This script will be available only for my students at the time being. like other scripts, if the learning material will be ready i will be announce in comment section, and like others, again, if i decide to sell this separated from courses i will announce in the comment section too.
Centered OscillatorscyclemtfRelative Strength Index (RSI)renkorenkobarsrenkochartTrend Analysis

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