Variable Index Dynamic Average System

Variable Index Dynamic Average System indicator script based on the original version by Tushar Chande.
I have try to make a "system" with it, just for fun but it can be usefull on alt coins for example.
The indicator is compose of 3 VIDYA 14 peridod, 14*2 and 14*4. and 2 gray line (it's the difference between the fist VIDYA and the higher VIDYA.
With this you can see if we are in a trend, in range, defind level of entry, TP... just be sure feed correctly the indicator with the good TF.
Thanks to everget for his orginal code that you can find here :
Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)

Informacje o Wersji
correct error on color change
Moving Averages

Skrypt open-source

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