Miyuki BTC Exchange Premium

This is a simple indicator to display the difference between different BTC exchanges on the chart. It works similarly to my BTC Spot Perp Delta indicator.

There are options to choose which spot and perp exchanges should be included in the mean calculations. It also includes the following options -

- COLOUR BY EXCHANGE: colour each exchange its own colour, or according to if its a spot or perp market
- PLOT EACH EXCHANGE: an option to plot every exchange
- PLOT MEANS: an option to plot the spot and perp means
- PLOT CME: an option to plot the CME price

I find its best used on the lowest timeframes. It can be a good way to visualise the spread between exchanges.

Skrypt open-source

W prawdziwym duchu TradingView autor tego skryptu opublikował go jako open source, aby inwestorzy mogli go zrozumieć i zweryfikować. Pozdrowienia dla autora! Możesz go używać bezpłatnie, ale ponowne użycie tego kodu w publikacji podlega Zasadom Regulaminu. Możesz go oznaczyć jako ulubione, aby użyć go na wykresie.

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