Cumulative Strategy

The Cumulative Strategy for TradingView is a Consistently Profitable Strategy across multiple assets and timeframes and it was designed to seamlessly work both for Manual Trading and Automated Trading.

The strategy is the combination of the best aspects of our popular indicators like the Bottoms Tops Signal, the Advanced Signal Bars and the Breakout Pivotal Bars.
Add to their proved reliability over the years several new top features and you get a very solid strategy which is able to achieve consistent results across multiple assets and timeframes.

It has several customisable attributes like Frequency, Sensitivity and even the option to invert the Logic of the algorithm. This allows to fine tune the strategy depending on the desired timeframe and the symbol in order to always obtain the best performance out of every asset.

The Cumulative Strategy is available via subscription and you can enjoy a free trial. To know more about the strategy and start the trial simply visit the link below.

Try the Cumulative Strategy
Informacje o Wersji
Algorithm optimisation
Informacje o Wersji
Optimisations for crypto
Informacje o Wersji
Support for new crypto pairs
Informacje o Wersji
Support for new pairs
Informacje o Wersji
Support for new pairs
advancedsignalbarsbottomstopssignalbreakoutpivotalbarscumulativestrategyTrend Analysis

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