🐣 New
⦿ 1-minute Liquidity (1mL): The closing price for a stock multiplied by its average volume on 1-minute timeframe gives us the 1-minute turnover or 1mL (1-minute liquidity). This is one of the most accurate estimators for judging the liquidity of the stock.
⦿ Projected Volume & Projected RVol: Project the final volume for the current day based on volume per second so far. Display the projected relative volume (Projected Volume / Average Volume) as a multiplier on the table.
⦿ Color customisation: Change the colors of HVE/HVY/HVQ volume bars. Change the colors of the power bars, & the IPO day bar.
🦅 Improved
⦿ Simple volume pine scanner improved. Now you can scan for liquid stocks & custom Rvol values via the Pine Screener.
⦿ Paint bar functionality improved. Now you can specifically choose which volume bars would you like to see painted on the price candles/bars. Option for preserving default up/down colors.
⦿ Highest volume labels improved. Both highest volume percentage & formatted volume can be turned on or off. If both are turned off, then the label will be, say, HVE. If both are turned on, the label will be, say, HVE 9.52M (1285%) if only highest volume percentage is turned on, the label will be, say, HVE 1285% If only formatted volume is turned on, the label will be, say, HVE 9.52M.
🐞 Fixed
⦿ IPO label. The first day volume is now labelled as IPO instead of the previous HVE.
⦿ Better handling of IPO stocks: Even IPO stocks will have the usual simple volume colors, & volume average values in status bar & price scale, & Rvol values in the table. If there aren’t enough bars (for example, 20 bars when lookback for calculating the volume moving average is 50), the volume moving average is calculated using the available bars. Similarly for Rvol.
⦿ Option to turn-off Bull Snorts: Earlier the toggle to turn off bull snorts was missing.