William's ProGo indicator

ProGo, created by Larry William, (earlier than 2002), is a 2 line graph using daily data.

1. Professional Line (color orange) is a professional Accumulation/Distribution line is constructed by using the change from today's open to today's close.
2. The Public Line (color blue) is done by creating a public accumulation/distribution line that shows the change from yesterdays close to today's open.

The graph is an index of the previous close to open +/- values (public) and then taking a 14 day average which is plotted against a 14 day average of the +/- values of the open to close(pro).

Background color:
Green colored area is where "pro" line crossover "amatuers" line, and the "pro" line is also positive.

Created this for literature review.
Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

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