Od The_Real_PHAS3
Introducing the VISION Indicator:

The VISION Indicator is an advanced tool that empowers users to analyze and predict market trends by utilizing three distinct boxes: Box A, Box B, and Box C. Each box represents a specific time range, allowing users to customize their analysis based on their preferred intervals.

Located at the top panel of the indicator, users can easily identify which boxes have a higher likelihood of representing the high or low points of the day. This information assists traders in focusing their attention on the specific boxes that are more likely to contain significant market turning points.

To provide additional insights, the indicator incorporates color-coded panels on the right side. These panels enhance the usability of the indicator by offering valuable information on accuracy and volume characteristics.

The red panel indicates the most accurate predictions for the low of the day. By examining this panel, traders can quickly determine which box historically demonstrates a higher probability of correctly predicting the market's lowest points.

Similarly, the green panel highlights the most accurate predictions for the high of the day. This panel provides traders with a visual representation of which box has historically shown a higher probability of correctly predicting the market's highest points.

Additionally, the blue panel showcases the box with the highest volume percentage. Traders can leverage this information to gauge the intensity of trading activity within different time intervals. By understanding volume patterns, traders can make informed decisions about optimal entry and exit points.

Overall, the VISION Indicator offers a comprehensive visual representation of different time intervals and their respective probabilities for market highs, lows, and trading volume. With this valuable tool, traders can gain insights into potential market trends and make informed trading decisions based on historical patterns and volume analysis.
Informacje o Wersji
Introducing the VISION Indicator:

The VISION Indicator is an advanced tool that empowers users to analyze and predict market trends by utilizing three distinct boxes: Box A, Box B, and Box C. Each box represents a specific time range, allowing users to customize their analysis based on their preferred intervals.

Located at the top panel of the indicator, users can easily identify which boxes have a higher likelihood of representing the high or low points of the day. This information assists traders in focusing their attention on the specific boxes that are more likely to contain significant market turning points.

To provide additional insights, the indicator incorporates color-coded panels on the right side. These panels enhance the usability of the indicator by offering valuable information on accuracy and volume characteristics.

The red panel indicates the most accurate predictions for the low of the day. By examining this panel, traders can quickly determine which box historically demonstrates a higher probability of correctly predicting the market's lowest points.

Similarly, the green panel highlights the most accurate predictions for the high of the day. This panel provides traders with a visual representation of which box has historically shown a higher probability of correctly predicting the market's highest points.

Additionally, the blue panel showcases the box with the highest volume percentage. Traders can leverage this information to gauge the intensity of trading activity within different time intervals. By understanding volume patterns, traders can make informed decisions about optimal entry and exit points.

Overall, the VISION Indicator offers a comprehensive visual representation of different time intervals and their respective probabilities for market highs, lows, and trading volume. With this valuable tool, traders can gain insights into potential market trends and make informed trading decisions based on historical patterns and volume analysis. Some minor bug fixes in updated script.

Skrypt tylko na zaproszenie

Dostęp do tego skryptu mają tylko użytkownicy upoważnieni przez autora i zazwyczaj wiąże się z opłatą. Możesz dodać go do ulubionych, ale będziesz mógł z niego korzystać dopiero po uzyskaniu zgody jego autora. Skontaktuj się z The_Real_PHAS3 po więcej informacji lub postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami autora poniżej.

Należy pamiętać, że jest to skrypt prywatny, dostępny tylko na zaproszenie, który nie był analizowany przez moderatorów skryptu. Jego zgodność z Regulaminem jest nieokreślona. TradingView nie sugeruje płacenia za skrypt i korzystania z niego, chyba że w 100% ufasz jego autorowi i rozumiesz, jak działa skrypt. W wielu przypadkach dobrą alternatywę typu open source można znaleźć bezpłatnie w naszych skryptach społeczności.

Instrukcje autora

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