Library "Casa_Sessions"
Advanced trading session management library that enhances TradingView's default functionality:
Key Features:
- Accurate session detection for futures markets
- Custom session hour definitions
- Drop-in replacements for standard TradingView session functions
- Flexible session map customization
- Full control over trading windows and market hours
Perfect for traders who need precise session timing, especially when working
with futures markets or custom trading schedules.
SetSessionTimes(session_type_input, custom_session_times_input, syminfo_type, syminfo_root, syminfo_timezone)
session_type_input (simple string): Input string for session selection:
- 'Custom': User-defined session times
- 'FX-Tokyo': Tokyo forex session
- 'FX-London': London forex session
- 'FX-New York': NY forex session
- 'Overnight Session (ON)': After-hours trading
- 'Day Session (RTH)': Regular trading hours
custom_session_times_input (simple string): Session parameter for custom time windows
Only used when session_type_input is 'Custom'
syminfo_type (simple string)
syminfo_root (simple string)
syminfo_timezone (simple string)
Returns: [session_times, session_timezone]
session_times: Trading hours for selected session
session_timezone: Market timezone (relevant for forex)
Get futures trading session hours map
Keys are formatted as 'symbol:session', examples:
- 'ES:market' - Regular trading hours (RTH)
- 'ES:overnight' - Extended trading hours (ETH)
- 'NQ:market' - NASDAQ futures RTH
- 'CL:overnight' - Crude Oil futures ETH
Returns: Map<string, string>
Key: Symbol:session identifier
Value: Session hours in format "HH:MM-HH:MM"
getSessionString(session, symbol, sessionMap)
Returns a session string representing the session hours (and days) for the requested symbol (or the chart's symbol if the symbol value is not provided). If the session string is not found in the collection, it will return a blank string.
session (string): A string representing the session hour being requested. One of: market (regular trading hours), overnight (extended/electronic trading hours), postmarket (after-hours), premarket
symbol (string): The symbol to check. Optional. Defaults to chart symbol.
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
inSession(session, sessionMap, barsBack)
Returns true if the current symbol is currently in the session parameters defined by sessionString.
session (string): A string representing the session hour being requested. One of: market (regular trading hours), overnight (extended/electronic trading hours), postmarket (after-hours), premarket
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
barsBack (int): Private. Only used by futures to check islastbar. Optional. The default is 0.
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the regular trading hours (i.e. market hours), false otherwise. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is the first bar of the day's session, false otherwise. If extended session information is used, only returns true on the first bar of the pre-market bars. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is the last bar of the day's session, false otherwise. If extended session information is used, only returns true on the last bar of the post-market bars. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the post-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true on the first regular session bar of the day, false otherwise. The result is the same whether extended session information is used or not. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true on the last regular session bar of the day, false otherwise. The result is the same whether extended session information is used or not. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market or post-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false.
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
getSessionHighAndLow(session, sessionMap)
Returns a tuple containing the high and low print during the specified session.
session (string): The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: A tuple containing [high, low]
getSessionHigh(session, sessionMap)
Convenience function to return the session high. Necessary if you want to call this function from within a expression where you can't return a tuple.
session (string): The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: The high of the session
getSessionLow(session, sessionMap)
Convenience function to return the session low. Necessary if you want to call this function from within a expression where you can't return a tuple.
session (string): The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map<string, string>): The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: The low of the session