Trendmaster - Crypto On-Chain Metric Bundle

What it is:
The ‘Trendmaster Crypto On-Chain Metric Bundle’ is truly a one-of-a-kind bundle. It provides a complete insight into the on-chain dynamics of the entire Crypto asset class, with a multitude of different included indicators providing unique information and data points to give users an edge regardless of ticker, timeframe, or trading style.

What it Does:
Allows you to switch between several different metrics in one place and see specific combined metrics and look at the metrics to take contrarian positions

How to Use it:
Use these metrics to see the on-chain actions in cryptocurrency and play the contrarian. For example, when people are flooding into stablecoins as the price goes down you can see that as a potential buy indicator.
All metrics can be viewed with a Dashboard allowing the user to see all of the information in 1 place.

List of On-Chain Metrics:
To begin with, we have the ‘Trendmaster On-Chain Rating’ – which is our all-in-one, complete on-chain overview metric that can give you an instant insight into the fundamental and underlying strength of any given Crypto asset. It collates the key factors provided by all other indicators within the bundle, weighing in and condensing all of that information into a simple -5 to 5 scale; with a -5 indicating a completely bearish outlook on the asset, and a +5 representing truly great upcoming upside potential. As this indicator is taking into account large amounts of data and statistics to provide an on-chain overview, this value is best taken into consideration on higher timeframes such as the 4hour or daily to provide fundamentally strong buy or sell swing trade opportunities. Extreme rating signals on this indicator are rare but always worth taking into serious consideration.

Secondly, we have the ‘Collated Open Interest Oscillator’ – which gives us a peek into the current outlook of the derivatives market across a wide array of Crypto futures on a number of different exchanges. This indicator provides data on a 0-100 scale, with 100 indicating a substantial and sustained increase in open derivative positions in relation to the underlying market volume. A score of 100 can tell us that a huge amount of traders are trying to position themselves with high leverage in anticipation of a big move, and can often be compared to periods of extreme greed from market participants. On the contrary, a value of 0 shows us that the derivative market is decreasing in volume and therefore open interest is decreasing, which can be likened to periods of extreme fear. This data is only provided at daily intervals, but as incredibly high or low values on this indicator can have an almost instant impact, this indicator is best utilized for medium-term trading and investment decisions.

The ‘Social Sentiment Oscillator' analyses bullish and bearish narratives in relation to a number of large Cryptocurrencies and the market in general, across multiple social media platforms. Rather than a traditional 0-100 ‘Fear & Greed’ index that many may be familiar with, this indicator tracks the changing in sentiment across platforms on a -100 to 100 scale. A score of -100 may not necessarily indicate immediate extreme fear in the market, but instead a huge shift from an incredibly bullish narrative to an incredibly bearish one. Similar to a score of 100, this does not necessarily indicate that the current outlook on social media platforms is currently positive, but rather that a substantial amount of people are altering their views and have become more bullish on a short-term basis. This data is only provided at daily intervals, so make sure to keep an eye on price and sentiment divergences for the best swing trade opportunities to play contrarian to the majority.

Following this is the ‘Miner Confidence Metric’, which provides a long-term overview of the current Crypto miner's outlook. This simple -10 to 10 scale gives us an easy-to-follow bearish to the bullish sentiment of miners. This indicator takes into account the current hash rate, looking at both how it historically compares as well as its rate of decrease/increase; as well as on-chain miner movements to verify their stance on either holding onto their Crypto earnings or preferring to move their coins to exchanges to sell and cover their running costs. Generally speaking, miners can face difficulties operating during times of large market drawdowns, and may be forced into offloading and selling physical and virtual resources to remain afloat – this is indicated by a -10 value at the extreme end, and has historically provided outsized returns for long-term investors accumulating at their demise. Contrary to this, a score of 10 can indicate that miners are not only bullish on the future of crypto, but are likely also expanding operations in anticipation of higher prices in the future. This data is only provided at daily intervals, but on longer-term timeframes provide some of the best long-term accumulation opportunities available to market participants.

Next is the ‘Collated On-Chain Volume’ indicator, which simply monitors a variety of Cryptocurrencies and their underlying on-chain transactional usage. When collating these volumetric data it can provide invaluable insight into the current actions taken by market buyers and sellers and often larger players who can have a big influence on price. Typically when we see large spikes in on-chain usage it indicates substantial levels of accumulation or distribution, which can be made more obvious by observing where we currently are in a market cycle. Large spikes after large and extended periods of drawdown can represent coins transferring from retail to larger players who are often referred to as ‘smart money’; and with large on-chain volume following a substantial bull cycle, this may show us larger players distributing coins to retail. Data can only be fetched at daily intervals, but watch for big spikes to try and position yourself alongside the big players.

We also have the ‘Holder in Profit %’ which as it sounds, is just giving us a percentile value of Crypto traders, investors, and holders who are currently in profit on their positions. Historically speaking, when a majority are at a loss – and buying ‘when there is blood in the streets has been a profitable venture. Considering cutting some of your positions when market exuberance is in full effect and a vast majority of participants are reaping in easy profits. As data is only obtained at daily intervals, using this as a longer-term gauge for where we may be in a cycle is where it is most insightful.

The ‘Long/Short Ratio Crossover’ analyses the current disparity between traders who have positioned themselves in a long position on derivatives markets in comparison to those betting on prices going down. This indicator provides another impressive insight into the fallacy of the herd mentality, and how aiming to be on the opposite side of the masses can often be a profitable venture. A value of 100 can show us that an overwhelming majority of traders are predicting a price increase and are trying to position themselves accordingly, whereas a value of -100 indicates almost all derivative traders are trying to bet on a sizeable market downturn. This metric can be useful for both long-term positions and shorter-term scalping methods of trading and investing, updating on a per-candle basis.

Along with this, the ‘Retail Stablecoin Demand’ looks into the current demand for a number of Crypto stablecoins, aiming to mimic an underlying value close to that of traditional fiat currencies like the US Dollar. This is calculated by analyzing the short to mid-term rush to these ‘safer’ assets by retail traders. Traditionally people will exit their positions in favor of stable assets when they are either currently or are expecting to experience losses. Conversely, when users foresee upcoming profits they are likely to transition into a more ‘risk-on’ thesis and exit their stablecoins for more speculative assets. A value of 100 represents a huge demand for stablecoins, whereas a value of -100 shows that there is currently a lack of interest. Another indication providing a chance to profitably play the contrarian, with figures constantly updating to provide the functionality to all regardless of your trading methodology or investment philosophy.

Lastly the ‘Whale Bubbles’, display overlaying circles of varying size and opacity to represent on-chain activity by larger market players who are transferring a portion of their substantial holding, usually to exchanges to sell. These bubbles are placed over price action to clearly see the point at which the transaction occurred. We can also lower the minimum requirement of what is defined as a ‘whale movement’ by increasing the sensitivity within the indicator settings and subsequently increasing signal frequency. When whales begin to sell in numbers, it may be worth considering doing the same yourself!

We hope you can find utility in all of these indicators, and that in unison they can take your trading and investment to the next level. A majority of these indicators within the bundle can be tweaked and optimized within the bundle to further fine-tune and cater to your preferred trading and investing thesis. Check out our other resources and let us know what you’d like to see next!
Informacje o Wersji
- General accuracy update
- Volume specifically targeting BTC and ETH
- Full Daily Alerts -
- All alerts now have Daily Update outputs and timeframe updates
- Example: Set an alert on BTC Daily timeframe to get daily updates on information
- Lower timeframes will alert at significantly high and low values based on the set timeframe for each On-Chain Metric in the Bundle
Informacje o Wersji
-Inverting the Indicator is accurized
cryptoCryptocurrencycryptotradingonchainonchainanalysisOscillatorsTrend AnalysisVolume

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