Bollinger Bands %B + ATR

This indicator is best suitable for the 30-minutes interval OIL charts, due to ATR accuracy.

BB%B is great for showing oversold/overbought market conditions and offers excellent entry/exit opportunities for Day Trading (30 minutes chart), as well as reliable convergence/divergence patterns. ATR is conveniently combined and shows potential market volatility levels for the day when used in 30-minutes charts, thus demarcating your day trade exit point.

To use the ATR on this indicator: Just read the ATR value of the lowest (for a new bull trend) or the highest (for a new bear trend) candlestick of the newly formed trend leg. Let's suppose the ATR reads 0.2891, then you project a move of 2.891 points towards the given trend direction using the ruler tool (30-minutes charts). That's all, and there you have your take profit target!

Good Luck!!!

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