
Distribution days is a term related to distribution stock in the sense that heavy institutional selling of shares is taking place. A distribution day, technically speaking, occurs when major market indexes fall 0.2% or more on volume that is higher than the previous trading day.

A follow-through day occurs during a market correction when a major index closes 1% or higher than the previous day, and in greater volume.

Churning day occurs when there is little price progress despite strong volume. It indicates a stock under stress.

You can use the script below in TradingView to plot these on the chart

RED CROSS on top of the bar - High volume Red (Distribution)
Black CROSS on bottom of bar - High Volume Green day (Accumulation/ Follow through)
Blue Bar with Black Cross. - High Volume green day but closed 55% below the day days range. (Churning action)
Blue Bar - Stock had a green day but closed in lower bounds(55% below the day days range) i.e under stress
Trend AnalysisVolume

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