Volatility Percentage Monitor

Od Fab_Coin_
Volatility Percentage Monitor (VPM)

What it’s meant for:
- VPM quickly shows asset volatility trend in percentage making easy to recognise how on-going price move compare to average. This is particularly useful in day-trading analysis too understand when the move possibly reaches it’s top.
- By default VPM shows a 1 period trend and Bollinger Bands on 20 periods.

How it works:
- VPM use a Simple Moving Average to reflect the exact percentage value in both daily and optional trend average measures. There’s also a switch in ‘Setting Menu’ to change the average method (Eg. You can choose RMA with a 14 period average and see a standard ATR graph on chart)

- Additional averages can show short, mid and longterm volatility trends and can be adjusted from Setting Menu.
- An additional graph can be shown to display Standard Deviation from longterm period data: (Note: this is used to understand how reliable average data is on the given asset)
- Bollinger Bands can be turned on/off by the Setting Menu and adjusted in period and standard deviation (Suggestion: you can check standard deviation with longterm period average parameter and display trend)
- Average Method switch allow to change the calculation method for all averages with the most common methods
- The indicator is designed to be used with daily, weekly or monthly timeframe, but will work on any timeframe anyway.
- Works on any asset

- Preconfigured alerts can be activated to be notify on mid and top volatility daily reach


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