Man I fking hate this...
I was hyped because I conquered Oil...But I conquered Oil AFTER starting this trade... And once again it's all because I have a day job.
They won't fire me they feel too much pity...
This is the ambient sickening mentality... losers have to be helped, it is compassion.
I could just do what it takes to GET fired, but anyway I think I am good now.
Wish they fired me a couple months ago thought.
I was feeling sorry as I was going to the restaurant this midday, for people that just wake up early their WHOLE life to go slave.
While I got some tricks to just do nothing and let money flow into my pockets.
But right now it is frustrating so I'll always be able to say I had to "work hard" my first year...
How to keep slaves in check: make every thing possible to prevent them from making money, so they HAVE to keep slaving for you to get just enough to survive.