So metals are the only thing going down recently despite the fact that they have the best fundamentals. I mean they want you to believe that despite the biggest increase ever in M2 money supply which is inflation, Silver is down 60% from the highs. Biden and socialist congress have countless inflationary programs coming. How can the best inflation hedges (historically Gold/Silver) be going down with the most inflation in the US since the Civil War? I mean the supply demand fundamentals are phenomenal there is plenty buyers for physical metal especially on dips. At the US mint the cheapest 1 oz Silver coin is selling for $67 but it’s sold out. How can there be so much demand that it’s sold out meanwhile the price is going down, it defies simple supply and demand economics. JPMorgan and others get caught repeatedly rigging this and all they get is just some peanut fine. The real price of Silver should already be over $100 an oz and Gold over $5,000.