
IOTA's ABC Correction Almost Done

As I posted my first idea almost month and a half ago when IOTA was above 1$ that we will see another leg down as C structure in ABC correction is still on going and as a result we just hit my target box on the dot, we can clearly count 3 sub waves in a C structure almost done and a bounce from here would take up to mid 0.8$ where ENDING 5TH WAVE DIAGONAL resistance line is. Once we hit this resistance line, dont get surprised to see another leg down as a last 5th sub wave in a C wave. I will not state my targets for this last wave down because nobody can but will reassess the situation once we are in the last 5th wave down.
I am going long on IOTA and will shred some of my position with scaled sell orders once we hit 0.75-0.87$ to bring my base price way lower for the last 5th wave down.
It seems we hit the bottom of 3rd wave in C structure. Expect a bounce to 0.6-0.8.
I am watching for bitcoin short squeeze as btcshorts/bitfinex are almost at the ATH and climbing nonstop. A break above 6640$ in BTC will force those shorts to cover and a sudden violent rise will have on all fronts including IOTA.
Remember we are still in a bear market and I will be targeting a dead cat bounce 0.6-0.8 then wait for a healthy retracement for a possible re-entry.
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