Eventhough ETP is possibly a valueless piece of junk (not saying it is), when people short it it will be some forced buying afterwards as a direct consequence of the shorts (read about it if you don't know that fact). So.... Eventhough we had a coin called poopcoin. If at a time someone would value poop to for example $149,274,887 (just happens to be the current value of ETP), that would mean at this specific time the value of that entity is this particular number. There is actually an INERTIA in the value of an entity, and I would say that this is directly proportional to the likelihood of people trading on margin in relation to the people that just hold or sell the entity. With inertia I mean there is a sluggishness in changing the valuation of the entity. So... Therefore I'm not afraid to buy this. Because even if it would come some news saying that everything is a scam, there would still be forced buying coming after the dip.