Civil war will be lit. This is the end.

Where did the critics go?
Perma bear on everything! Idiot! Delusional! Fear mongerer! Racist! The critics are silent now ;)
Only a few months ago I was cringing how stupid the war against CO2 was, and that we wanted more of it not less, and that we had way bigger issues to worry about.
When I said that any event could end the paradigm and we aren't "more civilised so nothing bad can happen" than the past I was called an idiot.
Man what a surprise this virus has spread. I clearly explained that with full open borders and millions of daily international travelers, as well as the vulture population being decimated, we better get used to having global diseases all the time. I also said in my own words that we were 3 meals away from a revolution. "Ridiculous".

In Italy people are already going to malls in armed mobs and stealing what they need.

"You are so lucky to live in the highest standard of living of all time"
Income inequality is at all time high, people can't even afford a roof over their head they need debt to pay rent.
People used to be able to hunt, or go to a river pick a juicy salmon, now that salmon costs 2 weeks salary and is farmed, gross, full of chemicals and sometimes even metals.
Nice standard of living. Highest when income inequality is highest? Ye right dum dum. Tech has advanced, doesn't mean people are better off.
Rich people that get diseases have a better chance of surviving, that's literally the only difference.

People sleep less, are more stressed all the time, get bad news all the time because that's what gets ratings up, live check to check.
Nice standard of living. Suicides all time high because people just can't be content with their awesome lives.

It would be ridiculous, bu the FED could print money forever, literally going full zimbabwe. Would it be that surprising? Not even.

If I short this ponzi and I probably will, I would much rather short it against real money, not against a currency they totally control.

I know some people are interested in Bitcoin, but right now I do not think is the time to place that bet:

You do not need special brokers to do this, you just have to understand basic maths and division simplification to place a bet such as "short the snp or dji against bitcoin", not going to explain how it works, google is your friend (personally I'm not sure trading is for you if you don't know something this basic).

The big revolution does not have to happen immediatly and as a direct consequence of this worldwide lockdown, but if it does not happen very soon it will happen soon enough. It's not 50 years away, impossible.

A nation cannot tax itself into prosperity, and a nation cannot print its own magical imaginary money into prosperity either...
Central clown world bankers and politicians are using the term helicopter money now... you know it was invented as a joke to show people what NOT to do?

What will happen when landlords cannot pay the bank (real estate is similar to day trading in that people are overleveraged and do not own even 10% of what they buy), because the people they rent too have gotten allowed not to pay rent. Then the bank, overleveraged too (they only hold like 3% of their client money, I learned this at school I think it was 5% in europe but I remember it changing well I'm not sure but it is very low).

SO, to make this very clear:
- 2008 was really bad because of banks leveraged in derivatives that failed
- 2000 was bad because of day traders & just dumb gamblers, leveraged
- 1929 same story, contained to stocks

- In 2020 EVERY ONE IS TURBO LEVERAGED IN EVERYTHING. IN EVERY AREA INDIVIDUALLY IT IS WORSE (except some rules were placed so banks don't leverage too much in derivatives HAHAHAHA). AND IT IS ALSO AFFECTING EVERY AREA! It would be as bad as 2008 if it was banks in bonds & real estate flipping only.
Now it is: Real estate flipping + real estate renting + banks that lend money for housing + every singly industry + workers + the government too lol. Literally every one!


Even the basic average macdonalds worker is leveraged to pay random stuff! "Consume consume buy buy buy it is good for the economy"!
"Np foreign countries will bail us out" Yes, I am sure russia, china, swiss, and so on, investors are going to love bailing you all out.
Russia & China have been accumulating enormous amounts of gold at cheap prices (thank to the physical market being much smaller to the derivative one) so they can bail out the US when the time comes :) They're such altruists.

If you think, or know someone that thinks, every thing will be all right, go see a doctor and demand the right to special needs because they are absolutely retarded.

Lmao I'm pissing myself at people scared of the coronavirus. BOÏÏÏ if you think covid19 is the worse to come do I have news for you.

Remember, sars was 10 times more deadly and also more contagious btw but international travel was rare back then, also countries were not even bothering checking people that come in, people from outside were just wlaking in with 0 check etc, italians were even kissing foreigners too, to prove they were not racist (that aged well). They were the ignorant heroes that were terrified of a benign common cold, and the governments that took no protection in an open world (too dumb to predict the virus would not stop at the border like previous ones did WHEN THERE WAS A BORDER).

Oh sure, now in hindsight every one is worried. Nothing has changed. A cold spread as was obvious it would. So what? I have been warning against open borders for 5 years and gotten called a racist. NOW they are closing borders. NOW they worry. Well South Africans and neighbourg countries don't, there has been a lockdown where people in poor areas were so packed up they were literally touching each other. India is impossible to lockdown they have 20 person per square meter also, it's warmer there thought so might not be as bad, or might start WW3 who knows.

The world is infected with brainlets. Had to be 75% of the population easy. Advanced algebra in particular group theory (evarist galois) shows us that everything just works the same way set + binary operation (then there are algebraic structures with more sets and more operations) and everything that you thought was different is not it works the same way with the same rules.
So, here, we have seen the structure (virus spread, human mind, .) with currently this chart:


And looking at the structure (economy, human mind, .) with currently this chart:


Do you see the pattern here? Same story over and over and over.
This is why I can say I may be speculating for only 3 years but actually I have been learning & speculating with no money for 30 years!
I have 30 years experience watching people make no sense, laugh at me, then getting angry at me, and then ME always being right!

Leaving all borders open with no control whatsoever, telling people to go out to theaters, kissing asians to prove they aren't racist. Nothing to worry about, no precautions are necessary, life continues as usual.
Making a bill to "save lives", printing infinite money with no limit whatsoever (fed removed any cap a few days ago if you didn't know), reassurring everyone that everything will be allright and every one will be bailed out NO SACRIFICE NEEDS TO BE MADE THIS WILL JUST BE A SHORT TERM BLIP LIFE CONTINUES AS USUAL.

See a pattern?

The pattern of idiocy I call it. It was painfully obvious that viruses travel when you let them.
And it is painfully obvious that you cannot print infinite magical money to solve everything.

Step 1: 0 precaution & 0 care
Step 2: Full blown panic
Step 3: Always overreact so "this never happens again" (never happens in the future in the past)

Just wait till the world realise many of the things I have been saying and no one cares about.
Lmao same as my 30 years on this planet. People will get worried and shocked, and will call me a weirdo for not being worried and shocked, worried and shocked about something I saw coming years ahead HAHAHA! I should pretend to be stupid to be a good normie that people like.

In 2000 step 3 was enforcing a "pattern day trading" hindsight restriction once "it was obvious tech companies with no product no earning nothing were overvalued".

I wonder what step 3 will be for 2020 once this collapse will be "obvious and we all knew it would happen because ...".

It's over. Be prepared for the worse.
People with special needs that prove you can get rich without a brain are posting videos of their luxurious life in huge mansions & yachts while many are locked up in tiny flats and have no idea how they will survive the next month.

When Marie Antoinette told a journal she was bothered by their questions about the population hunger (didn't care), the french started the biggest revolution the country has ever seen and shook the foundation of europe and even the whole world.

Now the rich are filming this and throwing it in every one's face in dire times.

This will end well.



I hope you didn't get too used to the way the world was.
It will never be the same again.
You can already start calling it the "ancient time" or "the old days".

For a virual, look at images of the arab spring of the 2010s.
Multiply it by 10.

The revolution is iminent, and the world will never look the same.

"We have all kinds of measures to make sure a depression never happens again"
Read: "We are clueless complete idiots and push a problem in time but make it worse"

This is going to be the biggest crisis the world has ever seen and my bunker isn't ready yet :(

Witness the mighest rule of the universe into effect "This time it's (NOT) different"

Yellow vests was just the mild start. History repeating itself.

Can't fix it, can't prevent it anymore now. We will come out of this lockdown changed and will witness a changed world.

In Italy the lockdown has barely started and they are already rioting, literal assassins are selling their gun, people are going to stores in groups to steal food.

Alea iacta est. The world is going to burn in flames.
Rape and Pillage is going to make a brutal comeback I hope every one is ready!
My last update about the pandemic was pretty crude so it was removed.
So imma just link an article about Michael Burry (main char in the movie the big short) opinion on the matter.

IF you are very sensitive on the subject and don't want to hear it how about not clicking the link? Rather than rage then send death threats to the guy and in 10 years he'll be proven right as usual. Same goes with me, and here I am just the messenger.
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