CLNE -ENBL -ET -OCGN -XPOA -ARVL - URA All clearing the cloud

Od iCantw84it
These all look the same on the chart. Alll clearing the cloud and closing Green for the day. I drew the Key algo to get an idea of what should happen. In this example you can see the previous cloud where support failed and it decided to repeat the dip to find support. This is something you would need to look for in all of these. However, the difference in this move versus the last one was the fact that it never cleared the cloud. Clearing the cloud and closing Green is a strong signal that this move is different and standsa much greater chance of moving higher from where it is currently. These are all the stocks under $30 on my list that are looking like they could have a positive move to the upside. naturally if you get into position on any of these and it drops below the cloud you should close your position and wait for it to close again above the cloud. I am not a financial advisor do not blindly follow my trades.

by iCantw84it
So Far Half are in the positive and half are negative. However the deepest negative is one stock ARVL -.79 there is one other at -.22 and -.02 nothing crazy and could just be a dip to cover the last green candle before heading back up. So i wouldn't count them out. Nothing moves straight up. I would say your stop loss should be below the cloud or at a smooth 1.00 loss that would be enough for me not to want to stay in something.

Now on to the positives. URA after being stagnet for months. is up 1.32 there are a few other stocks in the green I believe CLNE is up .32 Et and Enble might also be in the green a few cents or just under a penny or two.

its hard to bounce back and forth while writing this. I still stand solid that if these stocks stay above the cloud they will be making moves to continue up.

I also noticed this. On every stock that was above the cloud already for the most part lets say 80-90% if the price action is sitting on a green cloud or above it or facing it and the cloud is moving up in front of as if there was a wall. The price action tends to climb to meet the green cloud to try and clear the top.

So alot of the stocks that didnt make this list were already above the cloud with green walls moving up. And Price on most if not all of these stocks moved up to try and clear the green cloud. Generally speaking about the stocks taht were already on / above or crossing over where a red and green cloud end. with an upward movement from the green cloud that price would either run into if it didnt move up or down. In most cases it looks like they move up in this scenario.
i call this cloud skipping when price makes moves to reach the top of a cloud and bounces off of it.
For an visual representation of this look at TSLA aug 17th where it clears the red cloud (use the same settings i have on this chart ) after it clears the red cloud a green cloud starts and moves up wards and the price action follows
So far everything ended the day positive except ARVL at -.68 Everything else ended even or positive: XPOA was 0 Enbl .07 et .06 CLNE .17 AXTA .25 URA 1.84
Alot of these int he positive todayif you trade crypto based stocks i have another post like this covering 5 of them one of them is Mara up 4.20 today!
ARVLBeyond Technical AnalysisCandlestick AnalysisCLNEENBLETicantw84itkeyalgothecurveTrend AnalysisURAXPOA

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