Let's do a meditation together. A meditation to attract, receive and accept money.
Start by taking a timeout, that being by yourself or with your preferred company.
Make sure you are comfortable and relaxed.
This meditation can be done in any sitting position or any pose.
It is a visualization meditation.
Receiving money is a moment in time.
Attracting, accepting and receiving money is a simple experience.
In order to attract, accept and receive money now, we need to open ourselves to a new experience, to new experiences.
Sometimes we have mental blocks in the form of hidden fears and unprocessed emotions. These blocks can get in the way of our next experience and this next experience can be exactly what we want, what we have been working for. This can be the experience of money.
Say you have the fear of getting into an argument with someone and you avoid this fear at all cost. You remain physically and mentally locked and never experience this moment. This energy, this vision, this situation, this karma, becomes blocked.
By taking a timeout, by yourself or with your preferred company, you can process this experience in this moment now, without having to leave your comfortable personal space.
Take a time to sit back and relax, breathe... Breathe deeply and count to ten.
When you start counting with the intention of releasing your mind, you will easily notice what starts to take place.
As soon as you sit back and relax, breathing deeply, counting backwards from one to ten... Notice how certain imagines, certain thoughts, certain mental impressions start to show up.
That's ok, that's perfect. That's what we want.
The fear that might be hidden in your subconscious mind; the emotions that are trying to achieve expression but are being suppressed, can move forward to the surface... That's perfect. Just give it some time, any amount of time. Just doing nothing, sitting relaxed and let the images come to the front.
Let the image, the vision, the karma fully unravel, without getting involved. Don't try to judge it, don't try to negate it, just let it go... It can last 1 minute just as it can last 10... Just let it go.
You will notice that as soon as one vision is over, a new one starts. This is the money meditation underway.
In order for us to have new experiences, to break a repeating pattern, to allow for abundance, wealth and success; we have to let go of the old, these hidden fears and emotions, remove the mental blocks.
As soon as this blocked mental energy is removed, we are left with new and fresh empty space. This space will attract all the positive experiences we are working so hard to attain.
Sitting back, relaxed...
If you repeat this exercise five times, each and every time you will get different images, different feelings, different visions and that's how we mentally grow.
If you get stuck at any time, do just one stretching position, can be anything and go back to the money meditation, see how new feelings and images immediately start to flow.
It is like Spiritual Enlightenment, this process of growing through meditation.
At first, you start to meditate and the first thing you see is what was happening earlier on this very same day.
As you go deeper, going for longer, you become witness of the events of the past few days. Deeper, you see your week and then your month.
As you continue with your meditation, you get to process/review your entire year. From years you get to see an entire lifetime. Once you are done reviewing your entire life, you get to go beyond and experience pasts lives... And your spirit grows.
Once you go through your past lives you get to the life of the cosmos, and you get to experience what it feels like to be one and all, you get to understand that we are all one and it is all the same.
When you are done experiencing the life of the cosmos, you go deeper and deeper until you reach what we call God.
When you reach God you've seen the light and nothing can take this away.
You become calm and collected, nothing can disturb you, nothing can scare you because you've seen the light and you realize that the light that seemed to be so far away; the light that is so big, so awesome, so beautiful so great, it is the same light that moves your body, it is the same light that you call you and that this light is here to stay.
By facing our fears and accepting all of our emotions, easy money we can make.
There is nothing to do, just the fact that you are living this moment now, opens the doors for the next moment and the next moment is whatever you wish and desire as you live day by day.
That's meditation.
Just sit back and relax... Let the visions flow!
The more visions you process, the closer you get to your goals.