Definite proof that Bitcoin is extremely bullish long term.

In this idea I will show you the major reasons why Bitcoin is still extremely bullish long term.

Here is the complete chart of Bitcoin, as you can see price has always remained above the previous high:

We also have remained above Bitcoin trendline as you can see here (people stopped showing that line, I do not know why):

I noticed during the first half of 2018 several people like to use the RSI as proof that Bitcoin is still bullish (they stopped doing that, I do not know why), RSI is remaining above that perfectly straight line:

Some people liked to use a pitchfork to show Bitcoin bullishness (they stopped, I do not know why):

We will definitely remain above these monthly moving averages:

We have remained far above the previous bull market high:

Bitcoin is also in a very bullish totally legit falling wedge:

In 2015 Bitcoin was not saved by new ASIC miners. And if it was it will happen again because it happened last time, duh! History just repeat itself, duh!
Bitcoin is 100% definitely not collapsing entirely.
Bitcoin hashrate is 100% definitely not collapsing for the first time in history.
Bitcoin difficulty is 100% not dropping for the first time in history either.
Early adopters, developpers, miners are definitely not abandonning ship.
All the companies that said they were interested in Bitcoin and had blockchain projects were 100% not bluffing and are silent because they are so busy with hard work.
Mining companies are not going bankrupt, a 51% attack is impossible and billionaires in dollars are not waging war against Bitcoin.
Millions of Bitcoins are 100% definitely not going to get dumped in the biggest selloff mankind has ever seen.
Difficulty will reajust and everything will be fine, this is the magic of Bitcoin. It is mathematically impossible for it to go to zero.
Bitcoin is definitely 100% not on the verge of collapsing entirely.

Big money just keeps buying cheap coins while weak hands sell.
How are there still brainlets telling us how wrong we are and we are angry and jokes? xd
A friend of mine told me maybe they were too stupid to understand they lost :/

What I posted was very clear... read it again if you don't get it...

Here is a market cycle chart. It might look like this. All I know for sure is we are at the denial stage. Pretty clear. Until now you can see the market cycle drawing is followed perfectly we even have picture perfect waves for each phase. Pretty crazy imo. Bitcoin is now my reference chart. Not the wall street cheat sheet, the Bitcoin chart is even better...

BTW, up 200% on my BSV ;) :kiss:

Rubbing hands
Ok a correction: Bitcoin hashrate has gone down before. In 2011. During two months.

No one, no bull that tells me how wrong I am and I "should do my research", poited that out.

Very interesting...

I think I will keep doing that in the future. Leave fundamental errors in on purpose, see if the "true believers" aka bagHODLers find out these errors, or jsut care about the price going up, and their only arguments against me are emotional.

If bulls only arguments are trollish dumb ones.... All in short?
Vitalik wallet had a withdrawal of 10.000 (Out of 370.000)
This brainlet "genius" autist basement dweller had -on paper - half a billion, but he was too much of a cuck to cash out. He would never had half a bil, but he could have gotten 100 to 200 million.

Now is when he starts selling :)

I wonder when Satoshi sells? Oh wait did he start selling already? There is no Satoshi watchlist site like there is for mt gox.
The list is too long we need a site to quickly check any move.
Does not look good.


I don't think I will short an inside bar bear break, because I really want to fully focus on 1 single very specific strategy, but I think BTC will go 1600-1700$ this week.
Awesome! With the gigantic crash lately, BTC is featured on @bagholderquotes.
Most of the time it's stocks. I am a little sad he does not link to the people, but they end up deleting their messages and blocking him/them so they can't get more of the gold.

I, for my part am making giant pictures full of bagH0DLer messages, only /biz for now but I have to add twitter and reddit. I do not know where I will post it, maybe on medium, I will make an announcement when I do.

Here is the gold:
“The 4 minute chart is all different than the others. Same with the 2 minute.”
“The more it drops the more I buy up. I know who will have a smile on my face this time next year.”
“NEVER FORGET AMZN FELL 95% < and every single person well except the rich now , WERE SAYING EVERYTHING BEARS HERE ARE SAYING.”
“Don’t worry Bulls. If it drops just hold and weather the storm. There is normally a rainbow after one. There will be here too.”
“Just being manipulated back and forth for now.”
“Here comes the squeeze. Shorts trying to cover. Rocket launch to the moon traveling faster than the speed of fuck is imminent.”
“Next bull run will be insane with this many seasoned HODLers. Friends and family of these HODLers will be scrambling to buy over 20k.”
“I’ve been trading for more than just a few years. I know a reversal when I see it.”
“This is the kind of moment someone gets up the front of the line and gives a war cry speech. Hodl or die.”
“Big Ol' Cup and Handle!”
Clear proofe that Bitcon is boolish longe term.


As you can see on the daily chart below the long term investors are showing strong support for this.


Aha! As you can see last time we bounced 150$ only. But this time? 500-600$! BOOM!

The investors are much much more interested now as shown by their veri veri boolish support.

Seriously thought, what the hell? Ok we lost daily, we lost weekly, no big deal, but monthly? After monthly all there is is yearly hehehe.


I had a troll idea a while ago with elliot waves...
It looked something like this:

Let's see how troll this is in a few years...

Oh here it is
Bitcoin. Ponzi's over. Trust me. RIP Hodlers.

And this one too
Daily crypto hate: Cyclical market cycles. A bull within a bear?
I have just gotten traumatized.

IOTUSD Can't go beyond the 0

You know what? I am not even going to comment.
It is self explanotary.

This is beyond...
^ Anyone that agrees with the idea mentionned above is too stupid to trade or invest.
If you know someone like this, do them a favor and talk them out of this.
More proof of Bitocin bullishness in theregister article of today.

"Blockchain study finds 0.00% success rate and vendors don't call back when asked for evidence
Where is your distributed ledger technology now?"

Haha what an awesome article, had to post it here.

I have a new rule now:
Never make fun of Bitcoin bagholders after a short-term price drop.
Because what always happens in these situations, is the price keeps plunging, ripping their faces off, while you’ve already used your best jokes and can’t really rise to the occasion anymore.

1 of 2 things will happen:
Denial happens now at 3000-5000 $, we stay in this range for a couple of weeks.
Denial happens when Bitcoin drops below $2000 and bounces.

I prefer number 2, that would mean panic is when Bitcoin goes below $1000, it would make alot more sense, and then the whole anger depression happens at 3 digits.
That would be awesome, I would be able to make so much fun of bagH0DLers.
"I have received three messages in the last 24 hours from crypto hedge fund managers that are shutting their funds down.

Let the great bear market purge begin."

- Anthony Pompliano

I heard Wu was getting nervous too :)

Note to self: remember to post about funds and miners shutting down in my capitulation idea.

<Picture of satisfied bear surrounded with red candles>

< $2000 next week. EOY at most.
3 digits Q1 2019.

Aaaah I cannot wait ^-^
I just can't wait rofl.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCUSDcryptoOscillatorsSupport and ResistanceTrend Lines

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