BTC about to explode. Don't miss the train!

This chart shows the expected growth rate of BTC, following a logarithmic trend coming from its infancy. According to this chart, BTC is currently trading at a lower price than the minimum expected price it should be trading at this point in history. This only happened twice during the last 9 years. Both times, the wick below the expected price marked the bottom of the market and the beginning of a massive bull run. People saying crypto is in a bubble simply don't understand the way BTC's price has moved through the years and think the concepts they learned trading stocks can be used in crypto. Stock trading concepts are useless in crypto. In crypto, you really need to use logarithmic charts to account for the exponential growth rate these assets have enjoyed for over a decade. Meaning that 30k BTC in May 2022 is equivalent to 6k in March 2020. It's the MINIMUM amount BTC is expected to be valued at at this point in time. It's not a bubble. It's just the normal growth rate of BTC for the last decade, meaning this is the best buying opportunity for BTC since March 2020. I also don't think BTC will have any kind of double bottom at 25k or go as low as 20k. BTC is going for a V shaped recovery, just like it did in 2020. In 2020, it wicked below its expected minimum historical price because of COVID. In 2022, this wick below the lower growth line was caused by another black swan event: The collapse of Luna and its mass selling of BTC to try to save UST. Every time anyone bought BTC below its expected logarithmic growth line, said buyer would make life changing gains. Don't listen to the FUD. Just zoom out, like I did, and make sure you don't stay in denial until BTC goes over 50k soon again.
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