Rising Wedge Death Penalty

Od The_ForexX_Mindset
Falling wedge zig zag agrees with rising wedge. Purple wave gives me in advance what will take place next. Bankers contraction line will be surpassed after rising wedge death penalty is fulfilled: My prices still stand. Nothings changed.
March 2024 or sooner to the moon.
So far BTC is and looks promised
My Two wave signals are meeting together on a one day chart, meaning market price volatility movement is signaling a big uptrend on its way. shows resistance at around 31k. Good luck
I would not be surprised once it blast, price will come falling. Many are expecting a fall first but just right when we think the fall is in process then comes the fake out as on uptrend by smart money.
Remember, BTC short trade!!!
Around 31k still stands
Always keep in mind RISING WEDGE down fall. Will be the death penalty for many for short trades.
The rise to around 31k then the fall to the death penalty then a huge spike, what I see is what I’ll say.
BTC is still beneath the falling wedge trend line.
Let’s assure by warning others about death-row to look out for the falling rising wedge (death penalty).
At the end of the day, Smart Money controls, I know I said there’s a spike before the rising wedge down fall but the money lovers are bluffing. They won’t let us know what game they have; just like POKER but I’m not folding. My signals still read above 30k. Also, as I view smart money sells and buys, the buying shows there’s like a pause, meaning there’s a wait, seems like they’re allowing the sells division to do their bluff dip before they blast their buying power for a spike.
The London session has ended, ITS AMERICAN MONEY TIME, NYSE.
Be ready, smart money did their work. Let’s move on to resistants at $31,874.
Pay attention to ADL and ADR. After a major decline next comes a bullish
Strong signals, BTC is expected a huge spike.
I’m sure most of you may know who use Coinbase. Coinbase trading activity has been invalid for weeks.
What I mean is trading activity remains idle, doesn’t move.
Also, once Coinbase allows trading activity to update, you’ll see the change.
If trading activity ever goes to zero m, that means it’s at 100%. Some coins say 100%. But the ones that say zero, it’s really at 100%. Not sure what are the true motives for coinbase to work this way.
As long as DXY keeps moving up, BTC will dip and can dip as well.
Many coins will go bullish due to ADL decline. If so, I’m warning, it doesn’t mean coins are going right back up and staying up especially if DXY is rocking high.
Rising wedge always take place, it’s horrible on a higher time frame.
Around 31k expected before but as I’ve observed this last few days, seems like it’s declined. Yes we will have highs and Lows but DO NOT expect the best of BTC.
We all know BTC will go way above 100k at some point. I hate it, when traders expect the more of BTC like it’s going to happen now.
For now we have to keep in mind the rising wedge death penalty for many. I say many because many will not take their short trade profits and will expect high hopes for BTC but remain calm and alive until the next big huge pump. I wouldn’t sell for NO losses if it was me.
Let’s hope smart money dips NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, WALL ST 30, etc, this way we may see soon a bearish fade fading away.
Keep in mind, smart money is a ruthless group of large institutions of businesses as well as individuals which are called whales. It’s a very super patient group, if your in consolidation, you may be in for it for a long time until volatility is ready to really burst.
Remember, volatility may be ready yet smart money will cause fake outs to make you think there’s no point of waiting and cause traders to sell for a loss. They can only make this happen a few times before BTC turns into HULK Mode because of how PIST it is.
I’m letting you know as I read, it can always change from time to time my volume signal executer reads $25,463. It’s pin pointing there. Meaning BTC has string potencial to fall.
It’s a time season of confusion, it’s hard to tell by traders where exactly the market is going due to smart money manipulation. So for now I’m sticking to what I read as of now for the moment. Am I going back on my charts; the answer is NO.

If you haven’t invested; I’d wait.
Still shows strong RSI REVERSAL.
BTC is still headed forwards 25k area so far. Small spike for a short trade. Possible 27.5k. I read an M chart pattern.
Please know, $27.5 is the M pattern which has every right to be rejected through smart money sells. Remember, the market has no direction.
There is 3 hours and 32 minutes of stabled power on a 4 hour time. I’m using smart money strategies.
DXY finally it’s down and NYSE is up. This helps crypto spike somewhat.
Remember the M pattern double top, $27.5 is the a little bit passed falling wedge which I perhaps know will down fall. Don’t know just yet if it will continue, will keep ya updated
1 hour time frame traders who sold was because of exhaustion. Smart money shows selling constantly.
Remember smart money can control the market.
Although RSI shows good potential on a 4 hour but can decline.
I’m using other RSI STRATEGIES by measurement.
25k shows still valid to down fall on a 1 day.
Candle measurement pin points at $26,866.
$26,604 1 hr gap meaning has to down fall to hit gap. All said agrees.
Has reached HH.
Remember $27.5, I would not make believe it’s going any higher even though it might. It’s better safe then greed.
Look out for the down fall for now.
BTC is in contraction mode. What this means it can most likely fall than rise. Also, all smart money has to do is dip it by selling huge amounts.
FOMO through those who bought above 27k, now the down trend. This is how smart money entices many in order to get them to sell for a loss. That’s if they sell for a loss. I would not sell
Many wonder why BTC moves up and down so quickly or can’t even remain stable? For now market has no direction as I’ve said before.
Let dumb money make their buys and sells for losses. It’s up to them. Theirs no way of explaining this to them. I was there once.

Let me give you a scenario; BTC happens to dip because smart money saw traders bought high and so smart money sells.
This causes dips besides explaining other methods. Those BTC traders, I have no doubt they sold for a loss, so BTC moves back up. It’s a cycle. Smart money has access to buys and sells. In the same way I have access to them. They are divided in my platform from regular buying traders vs smart money.
Feels like I’m at a circus.
The only way I’ll know market has a clear direction, one of them is; NYSE must have stability.
Soon will let you in on some tips on how smart money controls the market yet we all thought it was inflation or government issues.
There’s a retest for another spike due to a selling volume bar downtrend and now seems to be retesting.
I would not go above resistance from $27,441. It all depends once it reaches there.
Look out for a huge spike.
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