#AXSUSDT (Watchlist) 10-2023

Od HamadaMark
AXSUSDT is a cryptocurrency that represents ownership of the AXS token, which is the native token of the Axie Infinity ecosystem. Axie Infinity is a play-to-earn game that allows players to collect, breed, and battle digital creatures called Axies.

Key features:
Play-to-earn: Axie Infinity players can earn AXS tokens by playing the game.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs): Axies are NFTs, which means that they are unique and cannot be replaced.
Decentralized finance (DeFi): AXS tokens can be used to participate in DeFi applications on the Axie Infinity network.
Market cap: $672,357,101 USD (as of October 26, 2023)

Coin rank: #59 on CoinMarketCap

Coin supply: 141,312,223 AXS

Max supply: 270,000,000 AXS

Recent News:
Axie Infinity integrated with Cartesi to bring smart contracts to decentralized storage.
Axie Infinity announced a $100 million grant program to support decentralized storage development.
Axie Infinity integrated with The Graph to make data more accessible.

Add AXS to your watchlist
When we suggest adding a coin to your watchlist, it means it's forming a pattern or approaching a historical bottom, near or above a good support level, displaying increased trading volume, showing a reversal candle, in an accumulation stage, etc. However, we haven't seen any bullish reaction yet, so we recommend adding it to your watchlist until the right time for entry.

This isn't financial advice, but an analysis of coin movement (not a buy or sell signal). Before following any ideas, do your own research and practice good risk management.
Remember, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and involves both gains and losses. Understand the risks before investing.
Good luck to everyone, and we hope that Allah reconciles and repays us all. 🙏
#AXSUSDT +35% ready for second wave panic key 5.20
Good luck to everyone, and we hope that Allah reconciles and repays us all. 🙏
Trend Analysis
👋 Be a trader, not a gambler, by following risk/capital management!!

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We ask Allah reconcile and repay ❤️🙏

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