Aurora = $0.01

I remember at the very beginning of legalization after Trudeau got elected, I thought this company had potential. I examined them closely but decided to sell them at $0.42 because I did not like their management. Sure enough, shortly after the stock rose to 1.00 then 2.00 and so forth. I had already moved onto Canopy, Organigram, and Aphria. And I will say this, not a single day has gone by that I have ever felt the slightest amount of remorse for selling Aurora. Their management pump and dumped scheme inflated their stock on expansion plans that were way too big and unsustainable. The expansion came at extreme dilution to a company that had no proven record. The company should have gone bust as soon as they tried to do this but they opportunistically rode the hype wave of legalization, and worse yet, were able to reward themselves millions. As I realized years ago, their management was parasitic. If it was up to me, they should go to jail for profiteering, but anyone foolish enough to not practice due diligence also deserves to lose their money. I am sorry to say but this company will go bankrupt because it has no backbone. Their facilities will be bought by one of the few remaining players in the MJ space for pennies on the dollar, which brings me to the company's ultimate share price target - one cent. I am not trying to fear monger, I am not even shorting it, I am just cautioning NEW investors to stay away or else lose all your money.

You have been warned.
Reverse Stock split messed up my projection. But like I expected there has been a massive short squeeze. Now the stock descends into oblivion.
Trend Analysis

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