Renko Ichimoku CloudThis script utilizes its source from a non-repainting renko closing price. Renko charts focus solely on price movement and minimize the impacts of time and the extra noise time creates. Employing the renko close helps smooth out the Ichimoku Cloud. Insignificant price movements will not cause a change in the plotted lines of the indicator unless a new threshold is breached or a "brick" is created.
This Ichmoku Cloud includes all standard lines with standard lengths. These include:
Tenken Sen
Kiju Sen
Senkou A/B
Chikou Span
We have also included plotted marks for when there is a Tenken Sen/ Kiju Sen cross and for the Kumo cloud twist.
There are two methods for selecting the box size. Box size is critical for the overall function and efficacy of the plots you will visually see with this indicator. Box size is set automatically using the Average True Range "ATR" or manually using the "Traditional" setting. The simplest way to determine a manual box six is to take the ATR of the given instrument and round it to the nearest decimal place. As an example, if the ATR for the asset is 0.017, you would round that number to 0.02 and utilize this as your traditional box size.
Nadaraya-Watson: Rational Quadratic Kernel (Non-Repainting)What is Nadaraya–Watson Regression?
Nadaraya–Watson Regression is a type of Kernel Regression, which is a non-parametric method for estimating the curve of best fit for a dataset. Unlike Linear Regression or Polynomial Regression, Kernel Regression does not assume any underlying distribution of the data. For estimation, it uses a kernel function, which is a weighting function that assigns a weight to each data point based on how close it is to the current point. The computed weights are then used to calculate the weighted average of the data points.
How is this different from using a Moving Average?
A Simple Moving Average is actually a special type of Kernel Regression that uses a Uniform (Retangular) Kernel function. This means that all data points in the specified lookback window are weighted equally. In contrast, the Rational Quadratic Kernel function used in this indicator assigns a higher weight to data points that are closer to the current point. This means that the indicator will react more quickly to changes in the data.
Why use the Rational Quadratic Kernel over the Gaussian Kernel?
The Gaussian Kernel is one of the most commonly used Kernel functions and is used extensively in many Machine Learning algorithms due to its general applicability across a wide variety of datasets. The Rational Quadratic Kernel can be thought of as a Gaussian Kernel on steroids; it is equivalent to adding together many Gaussian Kernels of differing length scales. This allows the user even more freedom to tune the indicator to their specific needs.
The formula for the Rational Quadratic function is:
K(x, x') = (1 + ||x - x'||^2 / (2 * alpha * h^2))^(-alpha)
where x and x' data are points, alpha is a hyperparameter that controls the smoothness (i.e. overall "wiggle") of the curve, and h is the band length of the kernel.
Does this Indicator Repaint?
No, this indicator has been intentionally designed to NOT repaint. This means that once a bar has closed, the indicator will never change the values in its plot. This is useful for backtesting and for trading strategies that require a non-repainting indicator.
Bandwidth. This is the number of bars that the indicator will use as a lookback window.
Relative Weighting Parameter. The alpha parameter for the Rational Quadratic Kernel function. This is a hyperparameter that controls the smoothness of the curve. A lower value of alpha will result in a smoother, more stretched-out curve, while a lower value will result in a more wiggly curve with a tighter fit to the data. As this parameter approaches 0, the longer time frames will exert more influence on the estimation, and as it approaches infinity, the curve will become identical to the one produced by the Gaussian Kernel.
Color Smoothing. Toggles the mechanism for coloring the estimation plot between rate of change and cross over modes.
Aarika RSIHello traders, purpose of creating this indicator is simply trying to analyse the trend of any symbol.
This indicator can be used on any script like Indices, Stocks, Future, Currency & Crypto.
This RSI version is much simpler to identify the trend of the script than that of traditional RSI trendline. Rather than showing a line, this RSI indicates bars for better and clear visibility of RSI levels.
This is a modified version of © ParkF. I have modified it to simplest possible manner.
How to trade:
RSI level 80, I consider this as extreme-bought which means high chance if bear market from this point on any given timeframe. Whereas 20 is considered as extreme-sold and have a chance to go higher from the current level.
I recommend you to study this RSI before putting it into practice.
Always start with small target and then go for big one by trailing your profit. This is not a Holy Grail indicator which always gives profit but if you practice this indicator with consistency, your portfolio may give good returns.
Use proper money management for any trade. Go for paper trade and observe how this indicator behaves and once satisfied then only take real trade.
Disclaimer: Please make sure you study this indicator on different timeframes because inserted set of data may act differently on different scripts and may vary from timeframe to timeframe.
We advice you to use this indicator for trend-analysis and study purpose only. Author/publisher of this indicator is not responsible for your profit or loss if you use this indicator for trading purpose one way or another.
N.B.: We do not recommend using HeikinAshi charting for this particular indicator as the data inputs may behave differently than expected. If you have any query, you may comment below.
Average Daily Range Lines + VWAP by TenozenOANDA:EURUSD
Hello! I created an indicator called ADRL (Average Daily Range Lines). This is my first original work, and I hope it's helpful to you guys.
1. Let me explain a bit of how it works...
So first of I need the ADR value, as by default length I use 19 for it. I want this indicator to calculate every start of the new day and break if another new day starts, so if the target level isn't reached, then the value would start to go back to 0 and get the new target level of the day. The target level is based on the first ADR multiplied by how much "percent" we want for the target level to hit, based on the first ADR value of the day. When the new day starts, the algo would start to add up the ADR value. If the added ADR hits the target level, it starts to plot a line by the candlestick by its high, low, and mid-level; it would create a new line if there is a new target being hit. So that's it.
About the VWAP, I took Tradingview's VWAP. I added the anchored part so I can plot a line if there is a new target level being hit. I hope that's okay.
2. How to use it...
- Using this indicator is pretty easy. When a new box is being plotted, that means that's the time when you should trade, as the box is still fresh. The VWAP helps if the market is trending or not.
- You can treat this indicator just like an S&R, as the price tends to respect the box. So best to use it as a pullback trade.
- We can assume if the price above the box, is a buy; vice versa.
3. Best Market to use...
- I suggest a trade in a nonvolatile market. The more volatile the market is, the harder the box is to be respected by the price. But if you really want to trade in that market, I suggest adjusting the inputs by how the box is being respected.
4. Suggestions...
- Use this indicator in 5 minutes chart if you day trade.
- Try using 30 minutes and setting the percent input from 100 to 80 and changing the ADR length from 19 to 14, this is much more suitable if you tend to hold trades.
cATRpillar Strategy**This is my first strategy on the Pine editor, any tips or tricks from the community would be awesome!
This strategy was developed from my indicator "cATRpillar". it uses the ATR range values to determine entry, and uses EMA values to determine an exit if the market goes against it.