Stacked Bullish vs Bearish VolumeThis indicator visually represents buying (bullish) and selling (bearish) pressure within each candle by stacking both portions inside a single volume bar. Unlike traditional volume indicators that use only one color per bar, this script splits each volume bar into two segments:
Green portion (Bullish Volume) → Represents the buying pressure when the price moves up.
Red portion (Bearish Volume) → Represents the selling pressure when the price moves down.
By stacking buy and sell volume inside the same column, traders can easily assess the balance of buying vs selling activity within each trading session.
Stacking the Bars:
The bullish portion (green) is plotted first.
The bearish portion (red) is plotted slightly offset to create a stacked effect.
Tosch Stacked EMAs (Fibonacci)Library "Tosch_Stacked_EMAs (Fibonacci)"
Returns true if all EMAs are stacked, either way.
Returns true if the EMAs are stacked bullish, false otherwise
Returns the EMA values for lengths 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Stacked EMAsStacked Daily & Weekly EMAs + Labels
Pretty much self-explanatory indicator that shows the current momentum based on the key exponential moving averages.
Three stages of the EMAs:
1. Stacked Positively (Bullish) - EMAs are stacked on top of each other which represents a healthy bullish uptrend (green Label).
2. Stacked Negatively (Bearish) - EMAs are stacked below each other meaning the trend is bearish (red label).
3. Stacked Neutral (Neutral) - EMAs are crossing each other without any clear direction = chop (yellow label).
Hope it helps.
Stacked Moving AveragesThe Stacked Moving Averages indicator lets you see if a ticker is in an uptrend, downtrend, or no trend based on the condition of the moving averages. If the moving averages are stacked such that MA1>MA2>MA3>MA4>MA5, then that is described as an uptrend. If the moving averages are stacked such that MA5>MA4>MA3>MA2>MA1, then that is defined as a downtrend.
The moving averages can be SMA, EMA, or DEMA, and it’s possible to view all the moving average series in the chart or hide all series and only see if there is an uptrend or downtrend according to the condition.
Note: If length 4 OR length 5 is zero the MA4 OR MA5 will be ignored.