Screener: Alpha & BetaThis is a Live Screener for my previous Alpha & Beta indicator, which filters stocks lively based on the given values.
Use 5min timeframe for Live Intraday.
The default stocks in the screener is selected based on high beta value from F&O listed stocks. It may include other stocks also.
User can input stocks of your choice either through the menu or through the Pine editor.
The maximum number of stocks inputs is only 40. The indicator includes only 20 stocks by default.
More number of stocks can be added but it makes the screener slower to load.
Open the indicator in a sperate tab or window to avoided the loading lag.
It is recommended to choose only 10 to 20 stocks based on the weightage from each sectors.
Beta values are dynamic. It changes from day to day based on the trend and sector.
Update the sock list weekly or twice a week or monthly.
Use screener(preferably) or TradingView screener for shortlisting beta stocks.
Remember that majority of indicators fails in a sideways market, also every indicator is not 100% accurate.
Ultimate Screener TemplateHello Traders
With the Ultimate Strategy Template , I shared a template to connect any indicator to this template and get backtesting results in less than a few minutes
Now sharing another template ... many traders ask me to develop for them a screener/scanner based on a custom indicator on TradingView.
The current TradingView screeners are great but don't allow for much customization; as we can only select pre-defined filters
I don't know when we'll be able to natively screen among hundreds of assets with a custom indicator... then.... I created this template for the time being.... which should
A whole new world
The Ultimate Screener Template screens over 38 securities.
What's very cool is that you'll only need to create 1 alert to scan over 38 securities: Explanation with this image here
I totally understand that not all TradingView accounts have a lot of alarms; with this template, you can multiply the number of custom alerts you're initially allowed to.
What if I need to set alerts on more than 38 securities?
Pretty straightforward... you can create alerts only if the indicator is added to your chart first.
So if you need let's say 100 securities, add this indicator 3 times on your chart (38*3 > 100) and then... edit the securities for your 3 indicators
How to update your Screener settings
Alert mode
As per Pinescript reference , this template allows setting the alert frequency
Possible values are:
- alert.freq_all (all function calls trigger the alert)
- alert.freq_once_per_bar (the first function call during the bar triggers the alert)
- alert.freq_once_per_bar_close (the function call triggers the alert only when it occurs during the last script iteration of the real-time bar when it closes).
All-time-high and All-time-low
This template shows how to capture ATH and ATL alerts across many securities
I used the functions from Quantnomad:
Whenever a new ATH or ATL is made, the screener will send a personalized alarm with a personalized text based on the security triggering this alarm
The code is pretty straightforward and shows you the part you'll need to update to transform your favorite custom indicator into a powerful screener.
If anything is unclear in the code, please leave a comment and I'll respond as soon as possible
All the best
Custom GAP UP scanner for NIFTY StocksThe security function can be called 40 times in a codescript. We can therefore scan about 40 stocks out of NIFTY 50 stocks with a single script.
This code can be modified to search for other scripts by changing the condition function
condition() => open > (close * 1.0025)
Only stocks which have gap up of 0.25% or more will be reported.
Hull MA Scanner / Screener LabelThis screens for Hull MA trend reversal's in 10 different securities. If the label color is not visible due to the text in it being white colored, then choose a different color from settings. Also added a simple HullMA to it. If want can increase it upto 40 securities in the code which is upto user to decide.
This was requested by soderstromkenan in comments and looked like a nice idea so decided to make it.
The Hull MA logic is from "Hull50" by u/RafaelZioni with his permission. Screener logic from u/Quantnomad with his permission.
Supertrend Screener LABELThis screens for Supertrend reversal's in 10 different securities. The main logic for the screener is taken from "Simple Custom Screener in Pinescript" by QuantNomad with his permission. If the label color is not visible due to the text in it being white colored, then choose a different color from settings. Also added a simple supertrend to it.
Terminology explanation:
Confirmed Reversal: Supertrend reversal that happened in the last bar and cannot be repainted.
Potential Reversal: Supertrend reversal that might happen in the current bar but can also not happen depending upon the timeframe closing price.
Uptrend/Downtrend : Shows all the tickers that are either currently in uptrend or downtrend.
Bullish Piercing ScannerA piercing pattern is known in technical analysis to be a potential signal for a bullish reversal. The formation in its strictest form is rather rare, but tends to perform better the longer the downtrend in front of it. When technical studies such as RSI, Stochastic or MACD are showing a bullish divergence at the same time a piercing pattern appears, it strengthens the likelihood that this two-day pattern is meaningful.
This is a two-candle pattern. The previous candle must be bearish, the recent candle must open below the close of the previous candle, the recent candle must close above the middle of the previous candle. You can adjust the closing and opening gap between the two candles within this scanner's settings (price).
Kicker ScannerThe kicker pattern is deemed to be one of the most reliable reversal patterns and usually signifies a dramatic change in the fundamentals of the company in question.
It is a 2-candle pattern, whereby there is a significant gap between the body of the most recent candle and the previous candle.
A bullish kicker is one in which the most recent candle is bullish, and the previous candle is bearish.
A bearish kicker is one in which the most recent candle is bearish, and the previous candle is bullish.
I notice this works best for stocks, as there are many gaps in a stock chart. Currencies have few gaps, and thus few kickers.
From within the settings, you can set the minimum permitted gap between the two candles, specified in price, accurate to 6 decimal places; 0.000001.
Tweezer Scanner v1Some code for detecting tweezer candles, which are reversal patterns. You'll need to tweak the settings to be either less strict (more detections) or more strict (less detections). I found that if you follow the documentation for tweezers exactly, you will get very few detections. It is possible that this candlestick has become overused, so the original pattern itself has been lost to the noise of the market.
1. Tweezer Max Body Height (Pips) - How tall can the body of the tweezer be, in pips (increase this pips to increase detections)
2. Tweezer Body Similarity (>%) - How similar should the body heights be, higher percentage is more similar (reduce this % to increase detections)
3. Tweezer Tail Similarity (>%) - How similar should the tail heights be, higher percentage is more similar (reduce this % to increase detections)
4. Tweezer Tail Proportion (<%) - How short should the opposite tail heights be, lower percentage is shorter and more similar to the documentation (increase this % to increase detections)
Marubozu Scanner v1Some code for detecting the very rare occurrences of the Marubozu candle. This candle occurs when the High = Close, and Low = Open, or vice versa. They are continuation candles, so if you see a bullish Marubozu during an uptrend its possible that the uptrend will continue.
Doji Scanner v1A scanner for detecting Doji Candles.
Adjust the maximum allowable height of a Doji Candle's body, depending on the currency pair or asset.
Detect Sequential Trading - Bot DetectorDetect Sequential Trading - Bot Detector.
This tool requires access to volume data .
There are many trading bots out there, that trade 24/7 .
The detector can be used to understand how the bots are configured - to push the market up or down .
Alerts can be set to fire whenever a bot pattern is detected .
They must be configured to run Once per Bar .
It works well with range charts (1R) .
It would work best on 1 second charts or tick charts (currently, TradingView's alert system doesn't work with second charts).
The alternative would be 1 minute charts .
It can be used on higher timeframes but may be less effective.
TTM Squeeze Scanner This script scans for TTM Squeezes for the crypto symbols included in the body of the script. The timeframe for the squeeze scan is controlled within the input not the chart.
This script is a merge of @Nico.Muselle's TTM Squeeze script and @QuantNomad's custom screener script. Thanks to both of them!
CMC Top 5 RSI ScannerScan the RSI for the top 5 cryptos now!
No need to switch between charts anymore. You just need to activate this script and you will have a global view of the current RSI status for your favorite coins. Feel free to edit the source code yourself to add / remove more coins to the scan list.
The transparency will change if the RSI go over the overbuy / oversell zone (default 80/20)
Also, you should display the label names and values on the chart (click on the gear settings at the bottom of your chart > Select "Labels" > Select "Indicator Name label" & "Indicator Last Value Label")
Bollinger Band Open Gap Alert V1This is the bare bones of what I'm trying to achieve through pine script. The purpose of the script is to:
1. On a 15m chart, calculate and plot upper & lower Bollinger bands and simple moving average of 20 periods. (DONE)
2. On a new day, when the first 15m candle of a session forms, I want to check if a) the low of the new candle is outside the upper Bollinger band (also known as an open gap up) or b) if the high of the candle is the outside the lower Bollinger band (also known as open gap down). In other words, I want to know if the Bollinger Bands are not touching the new candle's wicks/shadows. (DONE)
3. Alert me if the above happens. (DONE)
4. Run the indicator through an entire watch list. I'm not sure if that's possible, yet. (HELP)
For the above job, this is what I could come up with. I need guidance for the last step . And any suggestions for corrections or improvements would be greatly appreciated!